Active 13 hours, 47 minutes ago-
Soelberg Sweet posted an update 13 hours, 47 minutes ago
The overnight rostral fluid shift from the lower limbs is one of the causes of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Compression stockings (CS) prevent lower limb fluid retention and have been reported to decrease nighttime fluid shift. TL12-186 in vivo The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of CS on fluid shift and the severity of OSA.…[Read more]
Soelberg Sweet posted an update 1 day, 15 hours ago
Furthermore, mitochondria-generated ROS played a major role in regulating the treatment-induced cellular response in the algae. Observations of cellular superficial- and ultra-structures indicated that the binary mixtures provoked oxidative damage to the algal cells. RGO increased the cytotoxicity and the extent of cellular oxidative stress to a…[Read more]
Soelberg Sweet posted an update 2 days, 16 hours ago
Among the IDC patients, mumps, measles and rubella IgG serologies were performed in 7 (3%), 143 (61%) and 144 (61%), respectively. Among 44 patients seronegative for any of MMR, 24 (55%) were vaccinated. Ten (66%) of 15 varicella seronegative patients were vaccinated. Zostavax was not given to 18% of IDC patients. Zostavax and MMR were…[Read more]
Soelberg Sweet became a registered member 2 days, 17 hours ago