
  • Bachmann Sloth posted an update 1 week ago

    Background Appalachian rural pediatric trauma has its unique incidence, presentation, and distribution due to the mechanisms of injury, geographic location, access to care, and social issues. Purpose To review, analyze, and understand pediatric trauma in West Virginia during the period 2017-2019. Materials and methods After institutional review board approval, the statewide trauma database was queried and analyzed in a retrospective cohort study for all pediatric trauma ages zero to 18 from 2017-2019 in the Appalachian regions one through four in West Virginia. The following were analyzed gender, injury mechanism, Glasgow Coma Scale Score (GCS) at admission, injury severity score (ISS), toxicology screen results, hospital length of stay, duration of ventilatory support, number of procedures performed during admission, presence of non-accidental trauma, cardiac arrest, patient discharge disposition, and mortality. Results One-thousand eighty-two (1182) patients between the ages of zero to 18 were admitted to tre most vulnerable to poor outcomes and may need targeted preventative interventions. Toxicology screens may need to be more widely implemented in pediatric trauma in the Appalachian region. Rural trauma in Appalachia has endemic issues related to substance abuse, poverty, and a lower degree of social support as compared to urban areas. Although the distribution of injury may follow a national distribution, mechanism, management, and outcomes can vary.

    Overall, a handful of studies are available on the outcomes of acute-on-chronic pancreatitis (ACP). We aimed to provide a more complete and updated picture of ACP.

    We evaluated consecutive patients of acute exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis (CP) in a tertiary care center located in north India and studied their epidemiological profiles, etiological factors as well as outcomes.

    Forty-five patients of ACP with a mean age of 37±13 years were evaluated. The majority of the patients were male (75%) and alcohol was the most common detectable etiology while no etiology could be identified in 35% of patients after extensive laboratory investigations and imaging. read more Moderately severe pancreatitis was noted in 73% of patients and 49% of patients had necrotizing pancreatitis out of which the majority (33%) had both pancreatic as well as extra-pancreatic necrosis (EPN). Five patients (11%) were subjected to percutaneous catheter drainage. Persistent organ failure was noted in 9% of patients and two (4.5%) patients had died from organ failure.

    To conclude, this study has demonstrated that ACP has a milder disease course and low morbidity and mortality. Early elimination of the etiological factor is essential for optimal outcome.

    To conclude, this study has demonstrated that ACP has a milder disease course and low morbidity and mortality. Early elimination of the etiological factor is essential for optimal outcome.Interhemispheric subdural hematoma (ISDH) is a rare subtype of subdural hematoma. We report the case of an 81-year-old woman on hemodialysis with sudden nausea and vomiting. A computed tomography (CT) scan of the brain showed a bilaterally symmetrical increase in the thickness and density of the falx cerebri. At first, the findings were overlooked, but were later identified as an acute ISDH. The patient was treated conservatively and the symptoms completely resolved. The possibility of ISDH should be considered even if CT images of the brain are symmetrical.

    The increase in demand for Telemedicine globally has continued to rise in recent months, showing remarkable success in a variety of medical fields. As dermatology shows one of the most prolific rates of success, having a clear national picture of practitioner opinion on the subject is important. In this study we aimed to quantify the overall level of acceptance and satisfaction of Saudi dermatologists towards the practice of teledermatology.

    Data was collected by means of a survey which included demographic data and level of exposure and overall satisfaction towards Telemedicine in their field. Results A total of 102 questionnaires were returned of which 57.8% had engaged in at least one teleconsultation. Of these, 71.2% showed support for the technology, with negative responses being associated with poor infrastructure or implementation in the workplace.

    The acceptance of dermatologists to teledermatology consultations in Saudi Arabia shows a positive tendency, with the majority of those who engaged in the practice saying they would do so again and find it satisfactory. Creating more reliable and robust tools and greater training in their use would be beneficial for its further incorporation.

    The acceptance of dermatologists to teledermatology consultations in Saudi Arabia shows a positive tendency, with the majority of those who engaged in the practice saying they would do so again and find it satisfactory. Creating more reliable and robust tools and greater training in their use would be beneficial for its further incorporation.The artery of Percheron (AOP) is a rare anatomical variation emerging from the posterior circulation and supplies both thalami in the brain. As per the literature, the AOP infarction constitutes less than 2% of all stroke cases. AOP infarctions are usually caused by a combination of risk factors and a predisposing vascular territory. The areas most affected by AOP are the paramedian thalami with or without the involvement of the midbrain. AOP can be challenging as it is infrequent and mostly can be missed on the initial scans. We present a 58-year-old previously healthy male known to have hypertension with poor follow-up who presented with dysarthria and facial weakness, which he felt after waking up from sleep. After the initial physical examination and investigations, a preliminary diagnosis of stroke was made. As the patient was worked up for the stroke, his symptoms improved, and he was back to his baseline function within 48 hrs of presentation. What came to our surprise was that the stroke workup, including the initial CT scan with an angiogram, blood works (Hba1c and lipid panel), echocardiogram of the heart (ECHO), and Holter monitor was all unremarkable until an MRI head was done, which showed bilateral thalamic acute-sub acute infarct. This shows that AOP can be easily missed as it may not appear on the initial scans and workup and needs an adequate radiological study for diagnosis. Although some cases of AOP infarction are reported in the literature, the presentation with transient mild symptoms makes our case an interesting one.Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) is a rare but serious condition that requires immediate attention. It has a similar presentation to acute coronary syndrome in terms of chest pain, electrocardiogram changes, and an increase in troponins, and is considered to be a significant cause of myocardial infarction. Coronary angiography is needed to confirm the diagnosis, and subsequent repair should be pursued when needed. We describe a case of SCAD in a 72-year-old female treated using the cutting balloon angioplasty technique to create communication between the true and false lumens.Rasmussen’s encephalitis is a rare neurological disease first described in 1958 that is characterized by medico-refractory seizures, focal unilateral cerebral inflammation, and deficits such as hemiparesis. While we still do not have a full understanding of this disease, proposed theories behind its etiology include auto-immune manifestations, immune attack by T cells, and malfunctional alterations in genetic expression. It is classically considered a rare childhood malady with a median age of onset of six years, and cases in adolescents and adults are even rarer, representing up to 10% of all cases to date. In this report, we would like to share a rare case of Rasmussen’s encephalitis that occurred in an adolescent. Our 17-year-old male patient presented with signs and symptoms beginning at age 14 and was initially diagnosed with cerebral palsy only to later present with additional symptoms and characteristic EEG and MRI findings that ultimately led to a diagnosis of Rasmussen’s encephalitis. link2 Thus, with this case report, our intent is twofold to shed light on an atypical presentation of an already rare disease, even rarer in adolescents and adults, and to underscore the importance of keeping a broad differential when it comes to evaluating a patient with seizures.Purpura fulminans (PF) is a rare, potentially fatal complication of disseminated intravascular coagulation that is commonly associated with severe bacterial infections such as those caused by the bacterium Neisseria meningitidis. With the advent of vaccination, meningococcal disease has become infrequent, with a reported incidence of 1 case per 100,000 people per year. PF is an even rarer phenomenon that is only found in approximately 10 to 20% of patients with meningococcal septicemia. PF can cause irreversible tissue necrosis within 48 hours and, in severe cases, death. link3 Early recognition is crucial as PF has a mortality rate as high as 60% in patients with meningococcal disease. Prompt recognition, treatment of the underlying cause, vigorous skin care, and multispecialty collaboration are required for optimal management of PF, though morbidity and mortality remain high as there is no cure for adult PF. We present a case of acute PF in a patient who presented with septic shock secondary to Neisseria bacteremia.Pyogenic subdural spinal collections are rare but an important pathology to recognise and manage appropriately. We report the case of a 56-year-old female who developed a posterior subdural spinal collection associated with local discitis. There was no direct communication between the infected disc and subdural space, and the collection was located posteriorly within the subdural space which makes this case all the more unusual. We discuss the need for spinal subdural collections to be considered as a differential in patients with back pain and lower limb neurology (especially when there is a known spinal infective focus), the importance of careful interpretation of imaging, and the pathophysiological mechanisms and organisms known to cause spinal subdural collections.Clinicians must be mindful of angiographic appearances in patients with spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) in the setting of fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) for the timely management of these high-risk patients. The objective is to highlight the clinical diagnostic and treatment modalities in rare case presentations of patients presenting with concurrent SCAD and FMD presentation. A qualitative review of scholarly materials. Twenty-seven patients who presented with a combination of SCAD and FMD from January 1, 2009, to August 2019 were identified. Various demographics such as age, gender, FMD location, acute-phase treatment (i.e., percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) vs. coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) vs. conservative), treatment outcomes, and then grouped into two tables. The mean age >46 years and standard deviation (SD) were used to calculate the normal distribution and percentile used to calculate others for treatment. SCAD and FMD cases were collected from three search engines ranging between 2009 and 2019.