
  • Egelund Thrane posted an update 6 days, 21 hours ago

    For two molecules to react they first have to meet. Yet, reaction times are rarely on par with the first-passage times that govern such molecular encounters. A prime reason for this discrepancy is stochastic transitions between reactive and nonreactive molecular states, which results in effective gating of product formation and altered reaction kinetics. To better understand this phenomenon we develop a unifying approach to gated reactions on networks. We first show that the mean and distribution of the gated reaction time can always be expressed in terms of ungated first-passage and return times. This relation between gated and ungated kinetics is then explored to reveal universal features of gated reactions. The latter are exemplified using a diverse set of case studies which are also used to expose the exotic kinetics that arises due to molecular gating.We report generic and tunable crossed Andreev reflection (CAR) in a superconductor sandwiched between two antiferromagnetic layers. We consider recent examples of two-dimensional magnets with hexagonal lattices, where gate voltages control the carrier type and density, and predict a robust signature of perfect CAR in the nonlocal differential conductance with one electron-doped and one hole-doped antiferromagnetic lead. The magnetic field-free and spin-degenerate CAR signal is electrically controlled and visible over a large voltage range, showing promise for solid-state quantum entanglement applications.The combination of fast propagation speeds and highly localized nature has hindered the direct observation of the evolution of shock waves at the molecular scale. To address this limitation, an experimental system is designed by tuning a one-dimensional magnetic lattice to evolve benign waveforms into shock waves at observable spatial and temporal scales, thus serving as a “magnifying glass” to illuminate shock processes. An accompanying analysis confirms that the formation of strong shocks is fully captured. The exhibited lack of a steady state induced by indefinite expansion of a disordered transition zone points to the absence of local thermodynamic equilibrium and resurfaces lingering questions on the validity of continuum assumptions in the presence of strong shocks.Entanglement measures quantify nonclassical correlations present in a quantum system, but can be extremely difficult to calculate, even more so, when information on its state is limited. Here, we consider broad families of entanglement criteria that are based on variances of arbitrary operators and analytically derive the lower bounds these criteria provide for two relevant entanglement measures the best separable approximation and the generalized robustness. This yields a practical method for quantifying entanglement in realistic experimental situations, in particular, when only few measurements of simple observables are available. As a concrete application of this method, we quantify bipartite and multipartite entanglement in spin-squeezed Bose-Einstein condensates of ∼500  atoms, by lower bounding the best separable approximation and the generalized robustness only from measurements of first and second moments of the collective spin operator.Using x-ray tomography, we experimentally investigate granular packings subject to mechanical tapping for three types of beads with different friction coefficients. We validate the Edwards volume ensemble in these three-dimensional granular systems and establish a granular version of thermodynamic zeroth law. Within the Edwards framework, we also explicitly clarify how friction influences granular statistical mechanics by modifying the density of states, which allows us to determine the entropy as a function of packing fraction and friction. Additionally, we obtain a granular jamming phase diagram based on geometric coordination number and packing fraction.I present a new approach for designing quantum error-correcting codes guaranteeing a physically natural implementation of Clifford operations. Inspired by the scheme put forward by Gottesman, Kitaev, and Preskill for encoding a qubit in an oscillator in which Clifford operations may be performed via Gaussian unitaries, this approach yields new schemes for encoding a qubit in a large spin in which single-qubit Clifford operations may be performed via spatial rotations. I construct all possible examples of such codes, provide universal-gate-set implementations using quadratic angular-momentum Hamiltonians, and derive criteria for when these codes exactly correct physically relevant errors.We show that in order to guide waves, it is sufficient to periodically truncate their edges. The modes supported by this type of wave guide propagate freely between the slits, and the propagation pattern repeats itself. We experimentally demonstrate this general wave phenomenon for two types of waves (i) plasmonic waves propagating on a metal-air interface that are periodically blocked by nanometric metallic walls, and (ii) surface gravity water waves whose evolution is recorded, the packet is truncated, and generated again to show repeated patterns. This guiding concept is applicable for a wide variety of waves.We report on a numerical study of gravitational waves undergoing gravitational collapse due to their self-interaction. We consider several families of asymptotically flat initial data which, similar to the well-known Choptuik’s discovery, can be fine-tuned between dispersal into empty space and collapse into a black hole. We find that near-critical spacetimes exhibit behavior similar to scalar-field collapse For different families of initial data, we observe universal “echoes” in the form of irregularly repeating, approximate, scaled copies of the same piece of spacetime.A microscopic calculation of half-lives for both the α and 2α decays of ^212Po and ^224Ra is performed, using a self-consistent framework based on energy density functionals. A relativistic density functional and a separable pairing interaction of finite range are used to compute axially symmetric deformation energy surfaces as functions of quadrupole, octupole, and hexadecapole collective coordinates. Dynamical least-action paths are determined, that trace the α and 2α emission from the equilibrium deformation to the point of scission. The calculated half-lives for the α decay of ^212Po and ^224Ra are in good agreement with data. A new decay mode, the symmetric 2α emission, is predicted with half-lives of the order of those observed for cluster emission.We report a study of 2D colloidal crystals with anisotropic ellipsoid impurities using video microscopy. It is found that at low impurity densities, the impurity particles behave like floating disorder with which the quasi-long-range orientational order survives and the elasticity of the system is actually enhanced. There is a critical impurity density above which the 2D crystal loses the quasi-long-range orientational order. At high impurity densities, the 2D crystal breaks into polycrystalline domains separated by grain boundaries where the impurity particles aggregate. This transition is accompanied by a decrease in the elastic moduli, and it is associated with strong heterogeneous dynamics in the system. The correlation length vs impurity density in the disordered phase exhibits an essential singularity at the critical impurity density.In order to study the interactions and structure of various types of matter, one typically needs to carry out scattering experiments utilizing many different particles as projectiles. Whereas beams of e^±, μ^±, π^±, K^±, protons, antiprotons, and various heavy ions have been produced and have enabled many scientific breakthroughs, beams of antineutrons, hyperons (Λ, Σ, and Ξ) and their antiparticles are typically not easy to obtain. Here we point out and investigate a new high-quality source of these particles a super-J/ψ factory with the capability of accumulating trillions of J/ψ decays each year. In the relevant J/ψ decays, the desired particle is produced together with other final-state particles that can be tagged. This allows accurate determination of the flux and momentum of the projectile, enabling unprecedented precision in the study of the corresponding interactions with a broad range of targets. These novel high-statistics sources of baryons and antibaryons with precisely known kinematics open fresh opportunities for applications in particle and nuclear physics, including antinucleon-nucleon interaction, a nonvalence ss[over ¯] component of the nucleon, (anti)hyperon-nucleon interaction, OZI violation, (multistrange) hypernuclei, exotic light hadron spectroscopy, and many others, as well as calibration of Monte Carlo simulation for hadronic and medical physics.We present an analytic computation of the two-loop QCD corrections to ud[over ¯]→W^+bb[over ¯] for an on-shell W boson using the leading color and massless bottom quark approximations. We perform an integration-by-parts reduction of the unpolarized squared matrix element using finite field reconstruction techniques and identify an independent basis of special functions that allows an analytic subtraction of the infrared and ultraviolet poles. This basis is valid for all planar topologies for five-particle scattering with an off-shell leg.We report the experimental demonstration of efficient interaction of multi-kilo-electron-volt heralded x-ray photons with a beam splitter. The measured heralded photon rate at the outputs of the beam splitter is about 0.01  counts/s which is comparable to the rate in the absence of the beam splitter. We use this beam splitter together with photon number and photon energy resolving detectors to show directly that when a single x-ray photon interacts with a beam splitter it can only be detected at either of the ports of the beam splitter but not at both simultaneously, leading to a strong anticorrelation between the detection events at the two output ports. Our experiment demonstrates the major advantage of x rays for quantum optics-the possibility to observe experimental results with high fidelity and with negligible background.We propose a technique to control the macroscopic collective nuclear spin of a helium-3 gas in the quantum regime using light. The scheme relies on metastability exchange collisions to mediate interactions between optically accessible metastable states and the ground-state nuclear spin, giving rise to an effective nuclear spin-light quantum nondemolition interaction of the Faraday form. Our technique enables measurement-based quantum control of nuclear spins, such as the preparation of spin-squeezed states. This, combined with the day-long coherence time of nuclear spin states in helium-3, opens the possibility for a number of applications in quantum technology.We consider the problem of the formation of soliton states from a modulationally unstable initial condition in the framework of the Schrödinger-Poisson (or Newton-Schrödinger) equation accounting for gravitational interactions. We unveil a previously unrecognized regime By increasing the nonlinearity, the system self-organizes into an incoherent localized structure that contains “hidden” coherent soliton states. The solitons are hidden in the sense that they are fully immersed in random wave fluctuations The radius of the soliton is much larger than the correlation radius of the incoherent fluctuations, while its peak amplitude is of the same order of such fluctuations. Accordingly, the solitons can hardly be identified in the usual spatial or spectral domains, while their existence is clearly unveiled in the phase-space representation. GSK-4362676 Our multiscale theory based on coupled coherent-incoherent wave turbulence formalisms reveals that the hidden solitons are stabilized and trapped by the incoherent localized structure.