Harding Suhr posted an update 13 hours, 56 minutes ago
A conservative estimate showed that airborne Pb may contribute up to 10% of annual Pb mass flux to a lake 18 km away from the chat piles in Picher and probably a much higher contribution for soil and water located adjacent to Picher. Despite known limitations, our study represents the first attempt to evaluate the significance of Pb-laden airborne particulate matter from a large-scale abandoned mining area where the humans are particularly vulnerable to metal exposure.The recent emergence of a novel coronavirus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) has caused a pandemic, which is the most severe infectious disease outbreak in many decades. Other infective agents such as influenza as well as other neglected viruses such as Lassa virus, Nipah virus or poxviruses are also a cause for concern owing to their attack rate and potential for global spread. Drug-resistant bacteria, such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, are already a significant public health issue in many countries, and it is expected that they will be expanding in the near future. Finally, airborne bioterrorism agents have high morbidity and mortality rates and should be looked with concern in the current international unrest.Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacterium responsible for tuberculosis, is the global leading cause of mortality from an infectious agent. Part of this success relies on the unique cell wall, which consists of a thick waxy coat with tightly packed layers of complexed sugars, lipids and peptides. This coat provides a protective hydrophobic barrier to antibiotics and the host’s defences, while enabling the bacterium to spread efficiently through sputum to infect and survive within the macrophages of new hosts. However, part of this success comes at a cost, with many of the current first- and second-line drugs targeting the enzymes involved in cell wall biosynthesis. The flip side of this coin is that resistance to these drugs develops either in the target enzymes or the activation pathways of the drugs, paving the way for new resistant clinical strains. This review provides a synopsis of the structure and synthesis of the cell wall and the major current drugs and targets, along with any mechanisms of resistance.The emergence of the novel Coronavirus has forced most governments across the world to enact stringent public laws to curb its transmission among the populations. The requirement to wear a facemask whenever in public places is one of such laws. As such, the demand for such masks has escalated across the world and this predisposition has presented a manufacturing challenge to the developing countries, which have limited capacity to meet the demand for their large populations. In developing countries such as Kenya, the citizens are now required to wear facemasks when in public places such as markets, streets, shopping malls, etc. With limited supply of the proper facemasks in the developing countries, the public is left to improvise them from the available resources. Alternatively, they purchase substandard facemasks from uncertified suppliers and sellers. The purchased masks do not meet the required health standards in most cases. In Kenya, for example, the government has been discouraging citizens from using N95 respirators and instead preserve them for medical practitioners due to their rarity and incapacity to manufacture them. The government has certified several textile industries to produce facemasks for the public from non-woven fabric materials. The challenge with such a move is that there has been an influx of an assortment of facemasks in the Kenyan market and it is not possible for the citizens to identify the safe ones. click here In this short communication, a brief description of the challenges facing the citizens in terms of access to and quality of face masks in developing countries, with a case study of Kenya is provided. Furthermore, a proposed design solution and a proof of concept of a low-cost and reusable 3D printed facemask for developing economies is herein presented. The adoption of such a design by the governments and manufacturers would solve the challenges of access and quality of the respirators to lower the transmissions of the Coronavirus.This paper attempts to provide methods to estimate the real scenario of the novel coronavirus pandemic in Brazil, specifically in the states of Sao Paulo, Pernambuco, Espirito Santo, Amazonas and the Federal District. By the use of a SEIRD mathematical model with age division, we predict the infection and death curves, stating the peak date for Brazil and above states. We also carry out a prediction for the ICU demand in these states and for how severe possible collapse in the local health system would be. Finally, we establish some future scenarios including the relaxation on social isolation and the introduction of vaccines and other efficient therapeutic treatments against the virus.The novel of COVID-19 disease started in late 2019 making the worldwide governments came across a high number of critical and death cases, beyond constant fear of the collapse in their health systems. Since the beginning of the pandemic, researchers and authorities are mainly concerned with carrying out quantitative studies (modeling and predictions) overcoming the scarcity of tests that lead us to under-reporting cases. To address these issues, we introduce a Bayesian approach to the SIR model with correction for under-reporting in the analysis of COVID-19 cases in Brazil. The proposed model was enforced to obtain estimates of important quantities such as the reproductive rate and the average infection period, along with the more likely date when the pandemic peak may occur. Several under-reporting scenarios were considered in the simulation study, showing how impacting is the lack of information in the modeling.A PLGA/Ti3C2 hybrid coating was successfully deposited on the surface of magnesium-strontium (Mg-Sr) alloys. Compared with the corrosion current density (i corr ) of the Mg-Sr alloy (7.13 × 10-5 A/cm2), the modified samples (Mg/PLGA/Ti3C2) was lower by approximately four orders of magnitude (7.65 × 10-9 A/cm2). After near infrared 808 nm laser irradiation, the i corr of the modified samples increased to 3.48 × 10-7 A/cm2. The mechanism is that the local hyperthermia induced the free volume expansion of PLGA, and the increase in intermolecular gap enhanced the penetration of electrolytes. Meanwhile, the cytotoxicity study showed that the hybrid coating endowed the Mg-Sr alloy with enhanced biocompatibility.