
  • Henriksen Fenger posted an update 1 week, 1 day ago

    re compared to their younger counterparts. selleck chemicals However, a larger proportion of older adults that went to theatre had a skin graft (where skin is removed from an uninjured part of the body and placed over the injured part).This research provides important information about a unique and growing group of patients to the local burn care community. It also highlights potential avenues for injury prevention initiatives.

    Mass casualty incidents (MCI) such as train or bus crashes, explosions, collapses of buildings, or terrorist attacks result in rescue teams facing many victims and in huge challenges for hospitals. Simulations are performed to optimize preparedness for MCI. To maximize the benefits of MCI simulations, it is important to collect large amounts of information. However, a clear concept and standardization of a data-driven post-exercise evaluation and debriefing are currently lacking.

    GPS data loggers were used to track the trajectories of patients, medics, and paramedics in two simulated MCI scenarios using real human actors. The distribution of patients over the treatment area and their time of arrival at the hospital were estimated to provide information on the quality of triage and for debriefing purposes.

    The results show the order in which patients have been treated and the time for the individual arrivals as an indicator for the triage performance. The distribution of patients at the accident area suggested initial confusion and unclear orders for the placement of patients with different grades of injury that can be used for post-exercise debriefing. The dynamics of movement directions allowed to detect group behavior during different phases of the MCI.

    Results indicate that GPS data loggers can be used to collect precise information about the trajectories of patients and rescue teams at an MCI simulation without interfering with the realism of the simulation. The exact sequence of the deliverance of patients of different triage categories to their appropriate destinations can be used to evaluate team performance for post-exercise debriefing. Future MCI simulations are planned to validate the use of GPS loggers by providing “hot-debrief” immediately after the MCI simulation and to explore ways in which group detection can provide relevant information for post-exercise evaluations.

    Not applicable.

    Not applicable.This is a case of a middle-aged woman with underlying cardiac conduction system with episodes of AV Wenckebach, who subsequently developed significant AV conduction system abnormalities after receiving one standard dose of Rituximab infusion for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Rituximab, being a monoclonal antibody against CD-20 antigen, is effective in treatment of B-cell lymphoma but may also cause bradyarrythmias likely due to the calcium ion channel property of CD-20 antigen.Germline copy number variants (CNVs) and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) form the basis of inter-individual genetic variation. Although the phenotypic effects of SNPs have been extensively investigated, the effects of CNVs is relatively less understood. To better characterize mechanisms by which CNVs affect cellular phenotype, we tested their association with variable CpG methylation in a genome-wide manner. Using paired CNV and methylation data from the 1000 genomes and HapMap projects, we identified genome-wide associations by methylation quantitative trait locus (mQTL) analysis. We found individual CNVs being associated with methylation of multiple CpGs and vice versa. CNV-associated methylation changes were correlated with gene expression. CNV-mQTLs were enriched for regulatory regions, transcription factor-binding sites (TFBSs), and were involved in long-range physical interactions with associated CpGs. Some CNV-mQTLs were associated with methylation of imprinted genes. Several CNV-mQTLs and/or associated genes were among those previously reported by genome-wide association studies (GWASs). link2 We demonstrate that germline CNVs in the genome are associated with CpG methylation. Our findings suggest that structural variation together with methylation may affect cellular phenotype.

    To evaluate the prevalence of total hip arthroplasty (THA) and total knee arthroplasty (TKA) in a population of former National Football League (NFL) players.

    Participants were 3913 former NFL players (participation in years 1960-2019) who completed either an online or mailed survey that included self-reported TKA and THA, year(s) of surgery and date of birth. The prevalence of TKA and THA was reported by age category and compared to published cohorts of athlete populations and general population of non-athletes in the USA.

    12.3% and 8.1% of sample reported TKA and THA, respectively. The prevalence of both TKA and THA was higher in former NFL players compared to US non-athletes across all ages. Prevalence of TKA was not statistically higher than in other former athlete cohorts but performed at younger ages. The prevalence of TKA and THA was higher than in other cohorts of former NFL players.

    Former NFL players had higher prevalence of arthroplasty than the general population, suggesting prior participation in American-style football may contribute to elevated risk for arthroplasty at younger ages. Understanding risk factors in style of play, lifestyle and other contributors is important to improve joint health of this population.

    Former NFL players had higher prevalence of arthroplasty than the general population, suggesting prior participation in American-style football may contribute to elevated risk for arthroplasty at younger ages. Understanding risk factors in style of play, lifestyle and other contributors is important to improve joint health of this population.

    To explore football coaches’ beliefs and attitudes about injury prevention and the 11+ injury prevention programme, and to investigate factors that may influence adherence to the 11+ injury prevention programme.

    A total of 538 football coaches who had completed an injury prevention education workshop were invited to participate in a web-based nationwide survey. The survey questions explored beliefs and attitudes about injury prevention and the 11+ injury prevention programme, self-reported adherence to the 11+ programme, as well as perceived barriers and facilitators to the use of the 11+ programme.

    There were 158 respondents. The majority believe that injury prevention is part of their coaching role (94%) that a structured warm-up is an important part of their team’s preparation for training and games (96%), and that the 11+ is effective (92%). While most respondents (95%) use the 11+, modifications are common. Participants with greater coaching experience are more likely to use the programme. Time constraints are the main barriers to adherence, while knowing that the programme enhances performance is seen as a major facilitator.

    Coaches who attended an injury prevention workshop have positive attitudes towards injury prevention and the 11+ programme. However, coaches with less coaching experience may be less likely to use the 11+ and could therefore be the target population for future education workshops. Promoting the performance enhancing effects of the 11+ and encouraging modifications could improve acceptability and adherence.

    Coaches who attended an injury prevention workshop have positive attitudes towards injury prevention and the 11+ programme. However, coaches with less coaching experience may be less likely to use the 11+ and could therefore be the target population for future education workshops. Promoting the performance enhancing effects of the 11+ and encouraging modifications could improve acceptability and adherence.

    Physical inactivity (PIA) is a growing global health problem and evidence suggests that PIA is a key driver for cardiovascular and chronic diseases. Recent data from South Africa revealed that only about half of the children achieved recommended daily physical activity (PA) levels. Assessing the intensity of PA in children from low socioeconomic communities in low-income and middle-income countries is important to estimate the extent of cardiovascular risk and overall impact on health.

    We conducted a cross-sectional survey in eight quintile 3 primary schools in disadvantaged communities in the Port Elizabeth region, South Africa. Children aged 10-15years were subjected to PA, blood pressure, cholesterol, blood glucose and skinfold thickness assessments. Cardiovascular risk markers were converted into standardised z-scores and summed, to obtain a clustered cardiovascular risk score.

    Overall, 650 children had complete data records. 40.8% of the children did not meet recommended PA levels (ie, logged <60min of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) per day). If quartiles were developed based on children’s cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and MVPA levels, a significant difference was found in clustered cardiovascular risk among children in the highest versus lowest fitness (p<0.001) or MVPA (p<0.001) quartiles.

    CRF and objectively assessed PA are closely linked with children’s clustered cardiovascular risk. link3 Given that 4 out of 10 South African schoolchildren from marginalised communities do not meet international PA recommendations, efforts should be made to ensure that promoting a physically active lifestyle is recognised as an important educational goal in primary schools.

    ISRCTN68411960 and H14-HEA-HMS-002.

    ISRCTN68411960 and H14-HEA-HMS-002.

    To evaluate the immediate effects of pragmatic posterior capsular stretch (PPCS) on shoulder joint range of motion (ROM).

    A quasi-experimental design was used to recruit healthy subjects of age 21.43 (±1.960) years, height 165.8 (±2.1069) cm and weight 63.90 (±13.187) kg. Inclusion criteria were grade 1 and grade 2 of the shoulder mobility test of functional movement screening. Preintervention and postintervention measurement of flexion, abduction, internal rotation (IR), external rotation (ER), reaching up behind the back (RUBTB) and reaching down behind the neck (RDBTN) were compared. A therapist-administered PPCS was the only intervention applied.

    Paired t-test statistics showed improvement (mean°±SD) in shoulder flexion (13.5°±8.11), abduction (11°±8.35), IR (8.5°±10.27), ER (7.83°±7.15), RUBTB (17.34°±13.81) inches and RDBTN (2.93±1.52) inches. The changes in these ROM and functional movements were statistically significant (p<0.05).

    PPCS can effectively improve the functional movement of RUBTB and shoulder ROM in healthy subjects. It is recommended for the trials on prevention and rehabilitation of shoulder pathologies.



    To compare laboratory test results and lung function of adolescent organised sports participants (SP) with non-participants (NP).

    In this cross-sectional study, laboratory tests (haemoglobin, iron status), and flow-volume spirometry were performed on SP youths (199 boys, 203 girls) and their NP peers (62 boys, 114 girls) aged 14-17.

    Haemoglobin concentration <120/130g/L was found in 5.8% of SP and 5.1% NP (OR 1.20, 95% CI 0.54 to 2.68). Ferritin concentration below 15µg/L was found in 22.7% of both SP and NP girls. Among boys ferritin <30µg/L was found in 26.5% of SP and 30.2% of NP (OR 0.76, 95% CI 0.40 to 1.47). Among SP iron supplement use was reported by 3.5% of girls and 1.5% of boys. In flow-volume spirometry with bronchodilation test, 7.0% of SP and 6.4% of NP had asthma-like findings (OR 1.17, 95% CI 0.54 to 2.54); those using asthma medication, that is, 9.8% of SP and 5.2% of NP were excluded from the analysis.

    Screening for iron deficiency is recommended for symptomatic persons and persons engaging in sports.