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The aim Of this research is to evaluate laboratory changes in the liver blood tests, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in NAFLD patients with concomitant pre-diabetes, and to study the feasibility of their complex treatment with the inclusion of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and essential phospholipids.
Materials and methods We have examined 55 patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease on the background of pre-diabetes aged 40 to 75 years. Modification of lifestyle was recommended to all patients as a basic treatment. In addition, the patients were prescribed essential phospholipids in 2 capsules 3 times a day and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids 1000 mg per day for 28 patients (group 1) or rosuvastatin 10 mg per day for 27 persons (group 2). The effectiveness of the treatment was evaluated in 3 months, and the long-term outcomes were evaluated in 12 months.
Results Under the influence of the prescribed treatment, a hypolipidemic effect was observed in both groups, but a significant decline in the activity of alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase occurred only under the influence of a combination of essential phospholipids and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Conclusions Thus, the described results allow to recommend this combination of medicines to patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and concomitant pre-diabetes.
Conclusions Thus, the described results allow to recommend this combination of medicines to patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and concomitant pre-diabetes.
The aim Is to determine the peculiarities of changes in the gastric acid secretion against the background of diabetic autonomic neuropathy and autonomic dysfunction in patients with chronic pancreatitis (CP) and type 2 diabetes (T2DM).
Materials and methods We investigated 64 patients with CP and T2DM, who were included in the first group of the patients examined; Group II consisted of 40 patients with T2DM; and Group III of the patients examined consisted of 34 patients with CP.
Results Differences were found in assessing the degree of autonomic nervous system (ANS) dysfunction in the examined patients, namely – the most pronounced ANS dysfunction according to the Wayne questionnaire was diagnosed in patients Group I, while patients of Group III. Analysis of gastric acid secretion indicates that no patients of Group III had normal acidity. Normal acidity is more often found in the second group of subjects. Both in patients with CP and T2DM, and in isolation with CP, moderate hyperacidity was more often determined.
Conclusions The predominance of the parasympathetic division of the ANS, as well as manifestations of severe ANS dysfunction, are observed in patients with CP and T2DM. The prevalence of gastric hyperacidity on the background of DAN was established in patients with CP and T2DM. In this case, the absence of clinical symptoms or their minimal severity is determined, which indicates the lesion of the digestive tract in these patients.
Conclusions The predominance of the parasympathetic division of the ANS, as well as manifestations of severe ANS dysfunction, are observed in patients with CP and T2DM. The prevalence of gastric hyperacidity on the background of DAN was established in patients with CP and T2DM. In this case, the absence of clinical symptoms or their minimal severity is determined, which indicates the lesion of the digestive tract in these patients.
The aim Is to compare the effects of tofacitinib, adalimumab and budesonide clinical and laboratory signs of patients with moderate UC with concomitant articular syndrome.
Materials and methods 100 patients with moderately severe UC. Patients were divided into 2 groups. The I group consisted of patients with UC, which were treated with tofacitinib 10mg bid (TOF; n=28). PF-04965842 JAK inhibitor II group consisted of patients who were treated with adalimumab with a starting dose of 160 mg and 80 mg on the 2nd week of treatment, after which they received a subsequent dosage of 40 mg per week (ADA; n=32). Patients in the III group received budesonide 9mg qd (BUD; n=40).
Results As a result of treatment in the TOF research group, leukocyte and CRP levels decreased compared to readings before treatment (from 13.6±2.4*109/l and 1698 14.0±1.4mg/l to 10.6±1.2*109/l and 11.0±2.1 mg/l respectively, p<0.05). Hemoglobin levels in this group slightly increased (from 104.2±9.2 g/l to 126.1±10.2 g/l, p<0.05). Among ADA patients, there was also an improvement in laboratory signs leukocyte and CRP levels decreased (from 13.8±2.8*109/l and 16.0±1.2 mg/l to 6.0±2.2*109 /l and 11.8±1.2 mg/l respectively, r<0.05), hemoglobin increased (from 103.8±8.2 g/l to 118.6±8.6 g/l/l r<0.05).
Conclusions Tofacitinib and adalimumab in the treatment of patients with ulcerative colitis of moderate severity with concomitant joint damage showed a higher clinical and laboratory effectiveness compared to treatment with budesonide.
Conclusions Tofacitinib and adalimumab in the treatment of patients with ulcerative colitis of moderate severity with concomitant joint damage showed a higher clinical and laboratory effectiveness compared to treatment with budesonide.
The aim To study the effect of arterial hypertension on the course of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in patients with comorbid pathology.
Materials and methods The prospective study included 61 patients with COPD 32 stable male patients with COPD with comorbid arterial hypertension of stage II 1-3 degrees and 29 stable outpatients of men with COPD of clinical groups A-D with impaired respiratory function II-IV according to GOLD. All patients, in accordance with the goals and objectives of the study, were divided into 2 groups group I consisted of men with isolated COPD, middle age – 56.0 (8.5) years, average duration of the disease – 16.2 (1.3) years, Group II consisted of male patients with COPD and arterial hypertension (AH), middle age – 59.5 (7.5). The patients underwent a general clinical examination, which included an assessment of complaints, anamnestic data, and a physical examination. The severity of COPD was determined on the basis of the frequency of exacerbations during the year, assessment of dyspnea using the mMRS scale, spirographic data.