McLeod Lindgreen posted an update 1 week, 2 days ago
Controlling droplet deposition with a minute amount of polymer additives is of profound practical importance in a wild range of applications. Previous work ascribed the relevant mechanisms to extensional viscosity, normal stress, wetting properties, etc., but the mechanism remains controversial. In this paper, we employ molecular dynamics simulations systematically for the first time to investigate the origin of rebound suppression for dilute polymer solution droplets on a flat superhydrophobic substrate. The results demonstrate that polymer-substrate interactions and impact velocities dominate the antirebound phenomenon. For low impact velocities, the dynamic characteristics of droplets are insensitive to polymer additives. However, large impact velocities will enhance the stretch behavior of polymer chains and make the chains closer to the substrate, increasing the probability of polymer molecules contacting the bottom substrate. With the cooperation of strong polymer-substrate interactions, polymer molecules can be absorbed easily by the bottom substrate, resisting the retraction process and leading to the onset of the antirebound behavior.The primary event occurring during the E-to-Z photoisomerization reaction of retinal protonated Schiff base (rPSB) is single-to-double bond inversion. In this work we examine the nuclear dynamics that occurs when the initial excited state is a superposition of the S1 and S2 electronic excited states that might be created in a laser experiment. The nuclear dynamics is dominated by double bond inversion that is parallel to the derivative coupling vector of S1 and S2. Thus, the molecule behaves as if it were at a conical intersection even if the states are nondegenerate.The Navier slip condition describes the motion of a liquid relative to a neighboring solid surface, with its characteristic Navier slip length being a constitutive property of the solid-liquid interface. selleck products Measurement of this slip length is complicated by its small magnitude, expected to be in the nanometer range based on molecular simulations. Here, we report an experimental technique that interrogates the Navier slip length on individual nanoparticles immersed in liquid with subnanometer precision. Proof-of-principle experiments on individual, citrate-stabilized, gold nanoparticles in water give a constant slip length of 2.7 ± 0.6 nm (95% C.I.), independent of particle size. Achieving this feature of size independence is central to any measurement of this constitutive property, which is facilitated through the use of individual particles of varying radii. This demonstration motivates studies that can now validate the wealth of existing molecular simulation data on slip.Obtaining accurate and reproducible free energies from molecular simulations is somewhat tricky due to incomplete knowledge of crucial slow degrees of freedom leading to hidden barriers that can stymie sampling. Employing a sufficiently large number of collective variables (CV) and ensuring ergodic sampling in orthogonal CV space, perhaps via tempering methods, can reduce these issues to some extent. For complex systems with high-dimensional free energy landscapes, both these approaches become computationally expensive. For high-dimensional landscapes, efficient exploration can be enabled by using temperature-accelerated MD (TAMD) and identification and characterization of minimum free energy pathways connecting minima can be found by using the string method (SM). Both TAMD and SM use mean-force estimates from finite MD simulations and are thus susceptible to sampling restrictions from hidden variables. A recent development in parallel tempering methods, “generalized replica exchange solute tempering” (gREST), can enhance sampling at a reasonable computational cost with its flexibility to target very specific “solutes” which can include arbitrary independent variables. Considering the advantages of both methods, we implement gREST-enabled TAMD and SM. By considering two different collective variable representations of the pentapeptide neurotransmitter met-enkephalin, we show that both gREST-enabled TAMD and SM yield more accurate and reproducible free energy predictions than TAMD and SM alone. Given the moderate computational cost of gREST compared with other replica-exchange methods, gREST-enabled SM represents a more attractive method for characterizing free energy minima and pathways among them for a large variety of systems.The article describes the application of the alanine-scanning technique used in combination with Raman, surface-enhanced Raman, attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared, and surface-enhanced infrared absorption (SEIRA) spectroscopies, which allowed defining the role of individual amino acid residues in the C-terminal 6-14 fragment of the bombesin chain (BN6-14) on the path of its adsorption on the surface of Ag (AgNPs) and Au nanoparticles (AuNPs). A reliable analysis of the SEIRA spectra of these peptides was possible, thanks to a curve fitting of these spectra. By combining alanine-scanning with biological activity studies using cell lines overexpressing bombesin receptors and the intracellular inositol monophosphate assay, it was possible to determine which peptide side chains play a significant role in binding a peptide to membrane-bound G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Based on the analysis of spectral profiles and bioactivity results, conclusions for the specific peptide-metal and peptide-GPCR interactions were drawn and compared.The C-22,23-epoxy taccalonolides are microtubule stabilizers that bind covalently to β-tubulin with a high degree of specificity. We semisynthesized and performed biochemical and cellular evaluations on 20 taccalonolide analogues designed to improve target engagement. Most notably, modification of C-6 on the taccalonolide backbone with the C-13 N-acyl-β-phenylisoserine side chain of paclitaxel provided compounds with 10-fold improved potency for biochemical tubulin polymerization as compared to that of the unmodified epoxy taccalonolide AJ. Covalent docking demonstrated that the C-13 paclitaxel side chain occupied a binding pocket adjacent to the core taccalonolide pocket near the M-loop of β-tubulin. Although paclitaxel-taccalonolide hybrids demonstrated improved in vitro biochemical potency, they retained features of the taccalonolide chemotype, including a lag in tubulin polymerization and high degree of cellular persistence after drug washout associated with covalent binding. Together, these data demonstrate that C-6 modifications can improve the target engagement of this covalent class of microtubule drugs without substantively changing their mechanism of action.