
  • Keller Boje posted an update 2 days, 11 hours ago

    Across all versions, sexism was associated with increased responsibility given to the victim. In addition, stronger endorsement of both downplaying significance of rape and rape myth acceptance scales were associated with giving a milder sanction to the perpetrator and increased responsibility and guilt assigned to the victim. Just world beliefs and right-wing authoritarianism associations were inconsistent across the four versions, suggesting these beliefs were situation-specific. Preformed attitudes that are more directly related to the context of sexual assault influenced the designation of sanctions applied to perpetrators and perceptions of guilt and responsibility. Findings are discussed in terms of implications for research and prevention programming.Counterfactual thinking (CFT), or simulating alternative versions of occurred events, is a common psychological strategy people use to process events in their lives. However, CFT is also a core component of ruminative thinking that contributes to psychopathology. Though prior studies have tried to distinguish adaptive from maladaptive CFT, our study provides a novel demonstration that identifies phenomenological differences across CFT in participants with varying levels of trait anxiety. Participants (Nā€‰=ā€‰96) identified negative, regretful memories from the past 5 years and created a better counterfactual alternative (upward CFT), a worse counterfactual alternative (downward CFT), or simply recalled each memory. Participants with high levels of trait anxiety used more negative language when describing their mental simulations, reported lower ratings of composition during upward CFT, and reported more difficulty in imagining the emotion they would have felt had negative events turned out to be better. Additionally, participants with high anxiety thought that upward CFT was less likely to occur relative to individuals with low anxiety. These results help to clarify how mental simulations of aversive life events are altered in anxiety and serve as a stepping stone to future research uncovering the mechanisms of ruminative thought patterns.M207 is an investigational intracutaneous microneedle therapeutic system for nonoral zolmitriptan delivery. In a Phase I trial, M207 provided faster absorption with a higher 2 h exposure than oral zolmitriptan. In the pivotal trial evaluating efficacy, tolerability and safety in moderate-to-severe migraine attacks, M207 3.8 mg was superior to placebo in providing freedom from headache pain (42 vs 14%) and freedom from most bothersome symptom (68 vs 43%) 2 h post-dose. Treatment-emergent adverse events were mild and transient and most commonly concerned the application site. In post hoc analyses pain freedom was sustained in approximately 1/3 of patients; efficacy was observed in migraine headaches that are typically more difficult to treat.Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a highly prevalent psychiatric disorder, and recurrent depression is associated with severe and chronic impairment. Identifying markers of risk is imperative to improve our ability to predict which individuals are likely to experience a recurrence. According to cognitive theories, biases in attention for affectively-salient information may serve as one mechanism of risk. Existing research has combined participants with a single episode (sMDD) and those with recurrent MDD (rMDD); therefore, little is known about whether these biases track the severity of disease course. The current study examined attentional biases to facial displays of emotion among 115 women with a history of rMDD, sMDD, or no history of psychopathology using a passive viewing eye-tracking task. Women with rMDD exhibited significantly lower sustained attention to happy faces compared to both healthy controls and sMDD women. These results extend previous research on the presence of attentional avoidance of positive stimuli in individuals with a history of MDD and provide preliminary evidence that this bias is strongest among individuals with a history of rMDD.

    Advanced penile cancer is associated with a poor prognosis; therefore, providing patients with realistic expectations, addressing goals of care and offering palliative therapy when appropriate is critical. Our goal was to investigate the National Cancer Database (NCDB) and analyze the role and trends in use of palliative therapy in patients with advanced penile cancer.

    The NCDB 2004-2015 penile cancer data set was queried for patients with locally advanced, defined as cT4NanyM0 and cTanyN3M0, or metastatic disease regardless of tumor or nodal stage. Patients were categorized based on whether they did or did not receive palliative care. Palliative care was cataloged as pain management therapy, surgery, radiation or systemic treatment, any combination therapy or not otherwise specified (NOS). Our primary outcome was receiving palliative therapy. Secondary outcome was the temporal trends in palliative care. Logistic regression (LR) was performed.

    385 and 279 patients were identified with locally advanced ae likely to opt for palliative therapy. Receipt of palliative care did not affect mortality. No increase in frequency of palliative therapy was seen, suggesting much improvement needs to be done in adopting and implementing palliative care in this patient population.

    Locally advanced and metastatic penile cancer carry a high mortality rate yet only 11.4% of all patients studied received palliative care. Its use is more common in younger patients, those with co-morbidities and/or those of black race in the metastatic group. Locally advanced patients with low income or comorbidities were also more likely to opt for palliative therapy. Receipt of palliative care did not affect mortality. No increase in frequency of palliative therapy was seen, suggesting much improvement needs to be done in adopting and implementing palliative care in this patient population.The impact of emotional factors on subjective cognitive complaints and memory test performance has been a topic of extensive research, produced conflicting results. Investigators typically used self-report inventories that lack measures of response bias. Studies have also neglected to use performance validity tests (PVTs) to screen participants for incomplete effort. In the present study, 27% of the original sample of non-litigating outpatient referrals (N = 416) failed to meet self-report and performance validity criteria. PROTAC tubulin-Degrader-1 cell line Remaining participants (N = 226) were classified into high and low depression groups using their median score (66 T) on Scale D (Depression) of the MMPI-2. “High depression” subjects scored over 65 T on the D scale (MN = 77 T). “Low depression” subjects scored below 66 T (MN = 56 T). Test performances were compared across WAIS-IV Digit Span, Wechsler Memory Scale IV Logical Memory and Visual Reproduction subtests, and the Miami Selective Learning Test. High and low depressive groups exhibited no significant mean score differences on any memory measures.