
  • Lausen Lindgren posted an update 21 hours, 32 minutes ago

    Results Overall, caregivers perceived many of the intervention’s goals, procedures, and outcomes as socially valid and specified aspects of the intervention needing improvement. Caregivers and children showed modest but potentially clinically meaningful gains in their communication skills following the intervention despite wide individual variability. Conclusions Given some recommendations to further adapt the intervention, this CI-NCI appears to be feasible for supporting the communication development of children of Spanish-speaking Mexican immigrant descent. Thus, future research on the efficacy of the intervention is warranted. Supplemental Material https// Preschoolers’ phonological awareness (PA) and alphabet knowledge (AK) skills are two of the strongest predictors of future reading. Despite evidence that providing at-risk preschoolers with timely emergent literacy interventions can prevent academic difficulties, there is a scarcity of research focusing on Latinx preschoolers who are dual language learners. Despite evidence of benefits of providing Latinxs with Spanish emergent literacy instruction, few studies include preschoolers. This study examined the effects of a supplemental Spanish PA and AK intervention on the dual emergent literacy skills of at-risk Latinx preschoolers. Method A multiple probe design across four units of instruction evaluated the effects of a Spanish supplemental emergent literacy intervention that explicitly facilitated generalizations to English. Four Latinx preschoolers with limited emergent literacy skills in Spanish and English participated in this study. Bilingual researchers delivered scripted lessons targeting PA and AK skills in individual or small groups for 12-17 weeks. Results Children made large gains as each PA skill was introduced into intervention and generalized the PA skills they learned from Spanish to English. They also improved their English initial sound identification skills, a phonemic awareness task, when instruction was delivered in Spanish but with English words. Children made small to moderate gains in their Spanish letter naming and letter-sound correspondence skills and in generalizing this knowledge to English. find more Conclusion These findings provide preliminary evidence Latinx preschoolers who are dual language learners benefit from emergent literacy instruction that promotes their bilingual and biliterate development.

    In Italy vaccine hesitancy worsened after a failure to vaccinate episode that took place in Friuli Venezia-Giulia Region until early 2017 which undermined herd immunity by leaving unprotected more than 5,444 children.

    Between May and June 2017, 2,557 parents were surveyed at the local vaccination clinic where they were invited within the subsequent extraordinary vaccination campaign. The aim of the survey was to evaluate whether the multi-channel extraordinary vaccination campaign had reached the target population and to know parental beliefs and trusted sources of information after the failure to vaccinate event.

    While 279 parents were non-hesitant (10.9%) and 1,491 hesitant acceptors (58.3%), just 38 (1.5%) refused to have their children revaccinated. Overall, the most consulted sources of information were print media (18.8%), physicians (16.0%), relatives and friends (12.1%). The majority of parents considered vaccination as a fundamental practice (73.9%), but many were worried about potential side effects (38.8%) or doubtful about the effectiveness of some vaccines (11.0%). According to parents, 19.7% of them (57) changed their opinion about vaccines after the Codroipo case.

    After the Codroipo case, most parents chose to have their children re-vaccinated and just a little proportion refused the re-administration of vaccines. More studies are needed to confirm the importance of a coherent multi-channel communication strategy using both traditional and new media in order to counteract vaccine hesitancy.

    After the Codroipo case, most parents chose to have their children re-vaccinated and just a little proportion refused the re-administration of vaccines. More studies are needed to confirm the importance of a coherent multi-channel communication strategy using both traditional and new media in order to counteract vaccine hesitancy.SeVRSV is a replication-competent Sendai virus (SeV)-based vaccine carrying the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) fusion protein (F) gene. Unmanipulated, non-recombinant SeV is a murine parainfluenza virus type 1 (PIV-1) and serves as a Jennerian vaccine for human PIV-1 (hPIV-1). SeV protects African green monkeys (AGM) from infection after hPIV-1 challenge. The recombinant SeVRSV additionally targets RSV and protects AGM from lower respiratory infections after RSV challenge. The present study is the first to report on the safety, viral genome detection, and immunogenicity following SeVRSV vaccination of healthy adults. Seventeen and four healthy adults received intranasal SeVRSV and PBS, respectively, followed by six months of safety monitoring. Virus genome (in nasal wash) and vaccine-specific antibodies (in sera) were monitored for two and four weeks, respectively, post-vaccination. The vaccine was well-tolerated with only mild to moderate reactions that were also present in the placebo group. No severe reactions occurred. As expected, due to preexisting immunity toward hPIV-1 and RSV in adults, vaccine genome detection was transient. There were minimal antibody responses to SeV and negligible responses to RSV F. Results encourage further studies of SeVRSV with progression toward a clinical trial in seronegative children. Abbreviations AE-adverse event; SAE-serious adverse event; SeV-Sendai virus; RSV-respiratory syncytial virus; PIV-1-parainfluenza virus-type 1; hPIV-1-human parainfluenza virus-type 1; F-RSV fusion protein; SeVRSV-recombinant SeV carrying the RSV F gene; Ab-antibody; MSW-medically significant wheezing; NOCMC-new onset chronic medical condition, mITT-modified Intent to Treat; ALRI-acute lower respiratory tract infection.Dominance hierarchies confer benefits to group members by decreasing the incidences of physical conflict, but may result in certain lower ranked individuals consistently missing out on access to resources. Here, we report a linear dominance hierarchy remaining stable over time in a closed population of birds. We show that this stability can be disrupted, however, by the artificial mass loading of birds that typically comprise the bottom 50% of the hierarchy. Mass loading causes these low-ranked birds to immediately become more aggressive and rise-up the dominance hierarchy; however, this effect was only evident in males and was absent in females. Removal of the artificial mass causes the hierarchy to return to its previous structure. This interruption of a stable hierarchy implies a strong direct link between body mass and social behaviour and suggests that an individual’s personality can be altered by the artificial manipulation of body mass.