
  • Sanders Kornum posted an update 5 months ago

    LVH increased myocardial volume (3.49 ± 0.07 and 4.52 ± 0.26 ml at postoperative 2 and 4 weeks) while MI increased LV volume (from 2.75 ± 0.29 to 4.19 ± 0.27 ml). LVH and MI had different distributions of local myofiber stress.Auxetic behaviour, the unphysical transverse expansion during uniaxial tension, is a common and undesirable feature of classical anisotropic hyperelastic constitutive models for soft tissue. In this study we uncover the underlying mechanism of such behaviour; high levels of in-plane compaction occurs due to increasing tension in strain-stiffening fibres, leading to unphysical out-of-plane expansion. We demonstrate that auxetic behaviour is primarily influenced by the ratio of fibre to matrix stiffness, and is accentuated by strain-stiffening fibres in a constant stiffness matrix (e.g., the widely used neo-Hookean matrix with exponentially stiffening fibres). We propose a new bilinear strain stiffening fibre and matrix (BLFM) model which allows close control of the fibre-matrix stiffness ratio, thereby robustly eliminating auxetic behaviour. We demonstrate that our model provides accurate prediction of experimentally observed out-of-plane compaction, in addition to stress-stretch anisotropy, for arterial tissue subjected to uniaxial tension testing.The persistence of knee extensor moments deficits following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLr) may be attributed to difficulty quantifying inter- and intra-limb compensations clinically. Force plate derived center of pressure (CoPpos) and vertical force (vGRF) may provide valuable information regarding limb and joint loading impairments in this group. This study aimed to determine the 1) relationship between measures CoPpos and intra-limb extensor moment distribution during a squat, and 2) utility of using CoPpos and vGRF to estimate knee extensor moment deficits post-ACLr. Twenty-four individuals, 142 ± 22.5 days post-ACLr, performed bilateral squats. find more Ankle (aEXT), knee (kEXT) and hip (hEXT) extensor moments were calculated using three-dimensional kinematics and GRF. Moments, CoPpos and vGRF were identified at peak kEXT. Intra-limb moment distribution was characterized using hEXT/kEXT and aEXT/kEXT ratios. Linear regressions analyzed relationships between CoPpos and hEXT/kEXT and aEXT/kEXT. Stepwise regressions determined if between-limb CoPpos ratio predicted between-limb ratios of hEXT/kEXT and aEXT/kEXT. Stepwise regression determined if between-limb CoPpos and vGRF ratios predicted between-limb kEXT ratio. Results found that CoPpos predicts intra-limb moment distribution (hEXT/kEXT and aEXT/kEXT); more anterior CoPpos related to higher moments at the hip and ankle relative to the knee. In addition, between-limb CoPpos ratio predicts between-limb ratio of hEXT/kEXT and aEXT/kEXT ratios. Together between-limb CoPpos (52%) and vGRF (18%) ratios explained 70% of the variance in between-limb kEXT ratios (R2 = 0.70, p less then 0.001). These data suggest that force plate derived CoPpos and vGRF may be important for detection of knee extensor moment deficits in individuals post-ACLr.

    Considering that polymyxin is a drug of last resort in the treatment of humans infected by multidrug-resistant bacteria, the occurrence of plasmid-mediated colistin resistance mcr gene among Gram-negative bacteria in foods must be investigated. We present herein the draft genome sequence of a phenotypically colistin-resistant Escherichia coli carrying mcr-1 in chicken carcasses from a public market.

    Total genomic DNA from the strain was sequenced by means of the Illumina MiSeq. The assembled contigs were annotated and manually curated. In silico analyses were performed to detect significant epidemiologic (serotyping and MLST) and structural features related plasmids identification, virulence and resistome.

    The ST359 E. coli strain presented a conserved 747 bp mcr-1 gene within a 9431 kb contig compatible with the IncX4 plasmid, which has been identified as a key vector for the global dissemination of mcr determinants among Enterobacteriacea. Other genes encoding for multidrug resistance such as bla

    and bla

    , and the virulence factors astA, cma, gad, iroN, ipfA, mchF were also detected.

    We reported a draft genome of a colistin-resistant E. coli ST359 associated with an IncX4 plasmid containing the gene mcr-1. The genomic data can be useful in epidemiological and evolutionary investigations on the spread of colistin-resistance among Enterobacteriacea in the food chain.

    We reported a draft genome of a colistin-resistant E. coli ST359 associated with an IncX4 plasmid containing the gene mcr-1. The genomic data can be useful in epidemiological and evolutionary investigations on the spread of colistin-resistance among Enterobacteriacea in the food chain.Nephrotic syndrome is characterized by urinary excretion of plasma proteases or proteasuria. There is a lack of data on the quantity, activity status and identity of these aberrantly filtered proteases. We established a fluorescence-based substrate assay to quantify protease activity in urine samples from healthy and nephrotic humans and mice. Protease class activity was determined after addition of specific inhibitors. Individual proteases were identified by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). In spot urine samples from 10 patients with acute nephrotic syndrome of various etiology, urinary protease activity was significantly increased compared to that of healthy persons (753 ± 178 vs. 244 ± 65 relative units, p  less then  0.05). The corresponding proteases were highly sensitive to inhibition by the serine protease inhibitors AEBSF (reduction by 85 ± 6% and 72 ± 8%, respectively) and aprotinin (83 ± 9% vs. 25 ± 6%, p  less then  0.05). MS/MS of all urinary proteins or after AEBSF purification showed that most study the role of urinary proteases at both health and nephrotic syndrome to find diagnostic markers of renal disease as well as possible therapeutic targets.Alteration of immunoglobulin glycosylation correlates with inflammatory diseases and infectious diseases including parasitic infections. Immunoglobulin glycosylation patterns may be implicated in disease development and have also been proposed as diagnostic tools for several diseases. Previous studies have reported the immunoglobulin profiles in experimental animals and in patients infected with the carcinogenic human liver fluke, Opisthorchis viverrini. However, the N-glycosylation profiles of immunoglobulins and their subclass-specific glycoforms in opisthorchiasis patients have never been elucidated. Here, N-glycosylation patterns of immunoglobulins and their subclass-specific glycoforms in sera of O. viverrini-infected patients were investigated using triple quadrupole mass spectrometry coupled with multiple reaction monitoring. Peptide fragmentation was utilized to quantify the immunoglobulin glycoforms normalized to the unique peptide of each subclass. Overall, serum levels of IgG and IgA in O. viverrini patients were significantly increased compared to uninfected controls.