Thisted Rowland

  • less then  0.0001), but only in HP where it peaked at day 56. In contrast, no difference in BW gain (BWG) (P = 0.78) between HP and LP was observed. In conclusion, this study shows that behavioural measurements monitored with sensors were affected even at low infection levels not affecting BWG. These combined results demonstrate the poten…[Read more]

  • Our results highlight a pathway to valleytronics in strained graphene-based platforms.Viscosities η and diffusion coefficients D_s of linear and branched alkanes at pressure 0 less then P less then 0.7  GPa and temperature T=500-600  K are calculated from molecular dynamics simulations. Combining Stokes-Einstein, free volume, and random walk con…[Read more]

  • These results show that China and the Eurozone continue to be asymmetrically integrated, whereby Eurozone countries still invest more timidly in Chinese financial assets compared to the aggressive trade and infrastructure partnerships initiated by China. We discuss the implications for future financial and trade integration between the two…[Read more]

  • Thisted Rowland posted an update 3 days ago

    Dyad-to-pure transitions caused substantial resetting, but pure-to-dyad transitions sometimes elicited even greater segregation than for the corresponding interval in dyad-only sequences (overshoot). The results indicate that abrupt changes in timbre can strongly affect the likelihood of stream segregation without introducing significant…[Read more]

  • Thisted Rowland became a registered member 3 days ago