Thisted Rowland posted an update 1 day, 12 hours ago
Our results highlight a pathway to valleytronics in strained graphene-based platforms.Viscosities η and diffusion coefficients D_s of linear and branched alkanes at pressure 0 less then P less then 0.7 GPa and temperature T=500-600 K are calculated from molecular dynamics simulations. Combining Stokes-Einstein, free volume, and random walk concepts results in an accurate viscosity model for the considered P and T. All model parameters (hydrodynamic radius, random walk step size, and step frequency) are extracted from equilibrium molecular dynamics via microscopic ensemble averages rendering η(P,T) a parameter-free predictor for lubrication simulations.In the linear regime, thermoelectric effects between two conductors are possible only in the presence of an explicit breaking of the electron-hole symmetry. We consider a tunnel junction between two electrodes and show that this condition is no longer required outside the linear regime. In particular, we demonstrate that a thermally biased junction can display an absolute negative conductance, and hence thermoelectric power, at a small but finite voltage bias, provided that the density of states of one of the electrodes is gapped and the other is monotonically decreasing. We consider a prototype system that fulfills these requirements, namely, a tunnel junction between two different superconductors where the Josephson contribution is suppressed. We discuss this nonlinear thermoelectric effect based on the spontaneous breaking of electron-hole symmetry in the system, characterize its main figures of merit, and discuss some possible applications.Wakefield based accelerators capable of accelerating gradients 2 orders of magnitude higher than present accelerators offer a path to compact high energy physics instruments and light sources. However, for high gradient accelerators, beam instabilities driven by commensurately high transverse wakefields limit beam quality. Previously, it has been theoretically shown that transverse wakefields can be reduced by elliptically shaping the transverse sizes of beams in dielectric structures with planar symmetry. Here, we report experimental measurements that demonstrate reduced transverse wakefields for elliptical beams in planar symmetric structures which are consistent with theoretical models. These results may enable the design of gigavolt-per-meter gradient wakefield based accelerators that produce and stably accelerate high quality beams.Noise in gene expression is one of the hallmarks of life at the molecular scale. Here we derive analytical solutions to a set of models describing the molecular mechanisms underlying transcription of DNA into RNA. Our ansatz allows us to incorporate the effects of extrinsic noise-encompassing factors external to the transcription of the individual gene-and discuss the ramifications for heterogeneity in gene product abundance that has been widely observed in single cell data. Selleck Retatrutide Crucially, we are able to show that heavy-tailed distributions of RNA copy numbers cannot result from the intrinsic stochasticity in gene expression alone, but must instead reflect extrinsic sources of variability.We report the first experimental observation of a strong-coupling effect in a one-dimensional moiré superlattice. We study one-dimensional double-wall carbon nanotubes (DWCNTs) in which van der Waals-coupled two single nanotubes form a one-dimensional moiré superlattice. We experimentally combine Rayleigh scattering spectroscopy and electron beam diffraction on the same individual DWCNTs to probe the optical transitions of the structure-identified DWCNTs in the visible spectral range. Among more than 30 structure-identified DWCNTs examined, we experimentally observed and identified a drastic change of the optical transition spectrum in a DWCNT with chirality (12,11)@(17,16). The origin of the marked change is attributed to the strong intertube coupling effect in the moiré superlattice formed by two nearly armchair nanotubes. Our numerical simulation is consistent with the experimental findings.Moiré flatbands, occurring, e.g., in twisted bilayer graphene at magic angles, have attracted ample interest due to their high degree of experimental tunability and the intriguing possibility of generating novel strongly interacting phases. Here we consider the core problem of Coulomb interactions within fractionally filled spin and valley polarized Moiré flatbands and demonstrate that the dual description in terms of holes, which acquire a nontrivial hole dispersion, provides key physical intuition and enables the use of standard perturbative techniques for this strongly correlated problem. In experimentally relevant examples such as ABC stacked trilayer and twisted bilayer graphene aligned with boron nitride, it leads to emergent interaction-driven Fermi liquid states at electronic filling fractions down to around 1/3 and 2/3, respectively. At even lower filling fractions, the electron density still faithfully tracks the single-hole dispersion while exhibiting distinct non-Fermi liquid behavior. Most saliently, we provide microscopic evidence that high temperature fractional Chern insulators can form in twisted bilayer graphene aligned with hexagonal boron nitride.As circuitry approaches single nanometer length scales, it has become important to predict the stability of single nanometer-sized metals. The behavior of metals at larger scales can be predicted based on the behavior of dislocations, but it is unclear if dislocations can form and be sustained at single nanometer dimensions. Here, we report the formation of dislocations within individual 3.9 nm Au nanocrystals under nonhydrostatic pressure in a diamond anvil cell. We used a combination of x-ray diffraction, optical absorbance spectroscopy, and molecular dynamics simulation to characterize the defects that are formed, which were found to be surface-nucleated partial dislocations. These results indicate that dislocations are still active at single nanometer length scales and can lead to permanent plasticity.We report a detailed study of tunneling spectra measured on 2H-Ta_xNb_1-xSe_2 (x=0∼0.1) single crystals using a low-temperature scanning tunneling microscope. The prominent gaplike feature, which has not been understood for a long time, was found to be accompanied by some “in-gap” fine structures. By investigating the second-derivative spectra and their temperature and magnetic field dependencies, we were able to prove that inelastic electron tunneling is the origin of these features and obtain the Eliashberg function of 2H-Ta_xNb_1-xSe_2 at an atomic scale, providing a potential way to study the local Eliashberg function and the phonon spectra of the related transition-metal dichalcogenides.