Hansen Bekker posted an update 4 months ago
Patients diagnosed with disorders of consciousness show minimal or inconsistent behavioural evidence of conscious awareness. However, using functional neuroimaging, recent research in clinical neuroscience has identified a subpopulation of these patients who reliably produce neural markers indicative of awareness. HSP inhibitor In this study, we recorded electroencephalograms during a response-free movie task to assess narrative processing in patients with disorders of consciousness. Thirteen patients diagnosed with a disorder of consciousness and 28 healthy controls participated in this study. We designed a movie-watching/listening paradigm involving two suspenseful movie clips, one audiovisual and one audio-only, and used electroencephalography to extract patterns of brain activity that were maximally correlated between subjects. These activity patterns served as electrophysiological indices of narrative processing, which were compared to the neural responses of patients during the same movies. Our analysis revealed two patterns of neural activity, one for each movie condition, that were significantly and reliably correlated between healthy participants. Of the twelve patients who watched the audiovisual movie, 25% produced a pattern of activity that was significantly correlated with the healthy group, while of the ten who listened to the audio narrative, 30% produced electrophysiological patterns similar to controls (one patient responded appropriately to both). The method presented here allows for rapid bedside assessment of higher-order cognitive processing in patients with disorders of consciousness. By leveraging the common neural response to movie stimuli, we were able to identify comparable patterns of brain activity in individual, behaviourally non-responsive patients, reflecting a capacity for narrative processing.Parkinson’s dementia is a common and devastating part of Parkinson’s disease. Whilst timing and severity vary, dementia in Parkinson’s is often preceded by visual dysfunction. White matter changes, representing axonal loss, occur early in the disease process. Clarifying which white matter connections are affected in Parkinson’s with visual dysfunction and why specific connections are vulnerable will provide important mechanistic insights. Here, we use diffusion tractography in 100 Parkinson’s patients (33 low visual performers) and 34 controls to identify patterns of connectivity loss in Parkinson’s with visual dysfunction. We examine the relationship between regional transcription and connectivity loss, using the Allen Institute for Brain Science transcriptome atlas. We show that interhemispheric connections are preferentially affected in Parkinson’s low visual performers. Interhemispheric connection loss was associated with downweighted genes related to the smoothened signalling pathway (enriched in glutamatergic neurons) and upweighted metabolic genes. Risk genes for Parkinson’s but not Alzheimer’s or Dementia with Lewy bodies were over-represented in upweighted genes associated with interhemispheric connection loss. Our findings suggest selective vulnerability in Parkinson’s patients at highest risk of dementia (those with visual dysfunction), where differences in gene expression and metabolic dysfunction, affecting longer connections with higher metabolic burden, drive connectivity loss.
Disruption of central networks, particularly of those responsible for integrating multimodal afferents in a spatial reference frame, were proposed in the pathophysiology of lateral trunk flexion in Parkinson’s disease (PD). Knowledge about the underlying neuroanatomical structures is limited.
To investigate if decreased focal grey matter (GM) is associated with trunk flexion to the side and if the revealed GM clusters correlate with a disturbed perception of verticality in PD.
37 PD patients with and without lateral trunk flexion were recruited. Standardized photos were taken from each patient and trunk orientation was measured by a blinded rater. Voxel-based morphometry (VBM) was used to detect associated clusters of decreased GM. The subjective visual vertical (SVV) was assessed as a marker for perception of verticality and SVV estimates were correlated with GM clusters.
VBM revealed clusters of decreased GM in the right posterior parietal cortex and in the right thalamus were associated with lateral trunk flexion. The SVV correlated with the extent of trunk flexion, and the side of the SVV tilt correlated with the side of trunk flexion. GM values from the thalamus correlated with the SVV estimates.
We report an association between neurodegenerative changes within the posterior parietal cortex and the thalamus and lateral trunk flexion in PD. These brain structures are part of a network proposed to be engaged in postural control and spatial self-perception. Disturbed perception of verticality points to a shifted egocentric spatial reference as an important pathophysiological feature.
We report an association between neurodegenerative changes within the posterior parietal cortex and the thalamus and lateral trunk flexion in PD. These brain structures are part of a network proposed to be engaged in postural control and spatial self-perception. Disturbed perception of verticality points to a shifted egocentric spatial reference as an important pathophysiological feature.Epileptic networks, defined as brain regions involved in epileptic brain activity, have been mapped by functional connectivity in simultaneous electroencephalography and functional magnetic resonance imaging (EEG-fMRI) recordings. This technique allows to define brain hemodynamic changes, measured by the Blood Oxygen Level Dependent (BOLD) signal, associated to the interictal epileptic discharges (IED), which together with ictal events constitute a signature of epileptic disease. Given the highly time-varying nature of epileptic activity, a dynamic functional connectivity (dFC) analysis of EEG-fMRI data appears particularly suitable, having the potential to identify transitory features of specific connections in epileptic networks. In the present study, we propose a novel method, defined dFC-EEG, that integrates dFC assessed by fMRI with the information recorded by simultaneous scalp EEG, in order to identify the connections characterised by a dynamic profile correlated with the occurrence of IED, forming the dynamic epileptic subnetwork.