
  • Healy Fournier posted an update 22 hours, 38 minutes ago

    Nondigestible fermentable carbohydrates (NDFCs) can be fermented by microbiota, thereby yielding metabolites that have a beneficial role in the prevention and treatment of obesity and its complications. However, to our knowledge, no meta-analysis has been conducted to evaluate the effects of NDFCs on obesity.

    To conduct a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to summarize existing evidence on the effects of numerous NDFCs on adiposity and cardiovascular risk factors in adults with overweight or obesity with ≥2 weeks of follow-up.

    The following databases were searched MEDLINE, Embase, and CINAHL.

    Seventy-seven RCTs with 4535 participants were identified for meta-analysis from the 3 databases.

    The findings suggest that increased intake of NDFCs is significantly effective in reducing body mass index by 0.280 kg/m2, weight by 0.501 kg, hip circumference by 0.554 cm, waist circumference by 0.649 cm, systolic blood pressure by 1.725 mmHg, total cholesterol by 0.36 mmol/L, and low-density lipoprotein by 0.385 mmol/L, with evidence of moderate-to-high quality.

    Convincing evidence from meta-analyses of RCTs indicates that increased NDFC intake improves adiposity, blood lipid levels, and systolic blood pressure in people with overweight and obesity.

    Convincing evidence from meta-analyses of RCTs indicates that increased NDFC intake improves adiposity, blood lipid levels, and systolic blood pressure in people with overweight and obesity.In ribosomal translation, the accommodation of aminoacyl-tRNAs into the ribosome is mediated by elongation factor thermo unstable (EF-Tu). The structures of proteinogenic aminoacyl-tRNAs (pAA-tRNAs) are fine-tuned to have uniform binding affinities to EF-Tu in order that all proteinogenic amino acids can be incorporated into the nascent peptide chain with similar efficiencies. Although genetic code reprogramming has enabled the incorporation of non-proteinogenic amino acids (npAAs) into the nascent peptide chain, the incorporation of some npAAs, such as N-methyl-amino acids (MeAAs), is less efficient, especially when MeAAs frequently and/or consecutively appear in a peptide sequence. Such poor incorporation efficiencies can be attributed to inadequate affinities of MeAA-tRNAs to EF-Tu. Taking advantage of flexizymes, here we have experimentally verified that the affinities of MeAA-tRNAs to EF-Tu are indeed weaker than those of pAA-tRNAs. Since the T-stem of tRNA plays a major role in interacting with EF-Tu, we have engineered the T-stem sequence to tune the affinity of MeAA-tRNAs to EF-Tu. The uniform affinity-tuning of the individual pairs has successfully enhanced the incorporation of MeAAs, achieving the incorporation of nine distinct MeAAs into both linear and thioether-macrocyclic peptide scaffolds.There are >120 forms of non-syndromic deafness associated with identified genetic loci. In particular, mutation of the gap junction beta 2 gene (GJB2), which encodes connexin (CX)26 protein, is the most frequent cause of hereditary deafness worldwide. We previously described an induction method to develop functional CX26 gap junction-forming cells from mouse-induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and generated in vitro models for GJB2-related deafness. However, functional CX26 gap junction-forming cells derived from human iPSCs or embryonic stem cells (ESCs) have not yet been reported. In this study, we generated human iPSC-derived functional CX26 gap junction-forming cells (iCX26GJCs), which have the characteristics of cochlear supporting cells. These iCX26GJCs had gap junction plaque-like formations at cell-cell borders and co-expressed several markers that are expressed in cochlear supporting cells. Furthermore, we generated iCX26GJCs derived from iPSCs from two patients with the most common GJB2 mutation in Asia, and these cells reproduced the pathology of GJB2-related deafness. These in vitro models may be useful for establishing optimal therapies and drug screening for various mutations in GJB2-related deafness.Mantis shrimp swim via metachronal rowing, a pattern in which the pleopods (swimming limbs) stroke sequentially, starting with the last pair and followed by anterior neighbors. A similar swimming pattern is used at various sizes, Reynolds numbers, and advance ratios by diverse organisms including ciliates, ctenophores, copepods, krill, and lobsters. Understanding this type of locomotion is important because it is widespread and may inspire the design of underwater vehicles where efficiency, robustness, and maneuverability are desired. However, detailed measurements of the flow around free-swimming, metachronally rowing organisms are scarce, especially for organisms swimming in a high Reynolds number regime (Re ≥ 104). In this study, we present time-resolved, planar PIV measurements of a swimming peacock mantis shrimp (Odontodactylus scyllarus). Simultaneous kinematics measurements of the animal, which had body and pleopod lengths of 114 mm and 20 mm, respectively, reveal mean swimming speeds of 0.2-1.9 m s – this interaction with a novel parameter called the interpleopod vortex phase matching Strouhal number StIVPM which is equal to the phase lag between interacting pleopods. This new nondimensional parameter may be useful in predicting the conditions where a constructive interaction may occur in other species or in physical models. Finally, we relate the advance ratio to the Reynolds number ratio, the ratio between the body-based Reynolds number and the pleopod-based Reynolds number. The importance of these parameters in promoting the interpleopod vortex interactions identified here, in dynamically scaled experiments, and in wake signatures behind schooling metachronal swimmers is discussed.

    To assess primary care teams’ perceptions of a health information exchange (HIE) event notification intervention for geriatric patients in 2 Veterans Health Administration (VHA) medical centers.

    We conducted a qualitative evaluation of an event notification alerting primary care teams to non-VHA hospital admissions and emergency department visits. Data were collected through semistructured interviews (n = 23) of primary care team physicians, nurses and medical assistants. Study design and analysis were guided by the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR).

    Team members found the alerts necessary, helpful for filling information gaps, and effective in supporting timely follow-up care, although some expressed concern over scheduling capacity and distinguishing alerts from other VHA notices. Participants also suggested improvements including additional data on patients’ diagnosis and discharge instructions, timing alerts to patients’ discharge (including clear next steps), including additional team members to ensure alerts were acted upon, and implementing a single sign-on.

    Primary care team members perceived timely event notification of non-VHA emergency department visits and hospital admissions as potentially improving post-discharge follow-up and patient outcomes. see more However, they were sometimes unsure of next steps and suggested the alerts and platform could be streamlined for easier use.

    Event notifications may be a valuable tool in coordinating care for high-risk older patients. Future intervention research should explore the optimal amount and types of information and delivery method across sites and test the integration of alerts into broader care coordination efforts.

    Event notifications may be a valuable tool in coordinating care for high-risk older patients. Future intervention research should explore the optimal amount and types of information and delivery method across sites and test the integration of alerts into broader care coordination efforts.

    Persister formation of Escherichia coli under fluoroquinolone exposure causes treatment failure and promotes emergence of resistant strains. Semi-mechanistic pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modelling of data obtained from in vitro infection model experiments comprehensively characterizes exposure-effect relationships, providing mechanistic insights.

    To quantify persister formation of E. coli under levofloxacin exposure and to explain the observed growth-kill behaviour, leveraging electronic cell counting and pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modelling.

    Three fluoroquinolone-resistant clinical E. coli isolates were exposed to levofloxacin in static and dynamic in vitro infection model experiments. link2 Complementary to plate counting, bacterial concentrations over time were quantified by electronic cell counting and amalgamated in a semi-mechanistic pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model (1281 bacterial and 394 levofloxacin observations).

    Bacterial regrowth was observed under exposure to clinically relevant doa strain-specific extent.

    The developed pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic model adequately characterized growth-kill behaviour of three E. coli isolates and unveiled strain-specific levofloxacin potencies and persister formation. The mimicked dosing regimens did not eradicate the resistant isolates and enhanced persister formation to a strain-specific extent.A 24-year-old man presented with a dumbbell-shaped right posterior mediastinal mass. The patient was placed in the prone position following general anaesthesia and intubation. link3 After laminectomy and dissection of the dorsal part of the tumour using a posterior approach were performed, the tumour was completely resected using a robotic approach in the thoracic cavity without repositioning. This is the first report of robotic resection for posterior mediastinal tumour in the prone position as well as a novel combined posterior approach and robotic resection for dumbbell tumours.

    On average, patients with hemolyzed potassium samples spend about 1 h longer in the emergency department (ED), regardless of acuity level or disposition. We aimed to quantify the direct expenses associated with poor-quality preanalytic blood samples collected in the ED.

    We created a simple table with a range of direct expenses (i.e., costs) and rates of hemolyzed sample draws, allowing for identification of potential high-level cost-of-care impact analysis. We included a range of costs informed by review of literature on the topic. Those costs range from $600 to $3000 per bed-hour. This amount was inflation adjusted from 1996 to 2020 (1.68 × [direct cost per visit] × [100 000 visits per year/365 days/24 h]). We provided a range of hemolysis incidence based on previously reported data.

    We showed that for an ED with 100 000 annual visits, a 40% draw rate for routine chemistries (including potassium), and a 10% hemolysis incidence, the direct cost impact of hemolysis waste is approximately $4 million/year as a result of the 1 h of added length of stay on average for a patient with a hemolyzed blood sample. This amount represents an annualized estimated cost of caring for a patient in the ED with an avoidable extended length of stay.

    The financial burden of poor-quality blood samples can be estimated using cost per bed-hour and rate of sample failure. Similar methodology may identify additional QC issues with previously invisible financial implications.

    The financial burden of poor-quality blood samples can be estimated using cost per bed-hour and rate of sample failure. Similar methodology may identify additional QC issues with previously invisible financial implications.