Active 3 days, 19 hours ago-
Gustavsen Mohr posted an update 3 days, 19 hours ago
This study was aimed at assessing the spatial and temporal distribution of surface water quality variables of the Xin’anjiang River (Huangshan). For this purpose, 960 water samples were collected monthly along the Xin’anjiang River from 2008 to 2017. Twenty-four water quality indicators, according to the environmental quality standards for surface…[Read more]
Gustavsen Mohr posted an update 4 days, 22 hours ago
Results suggest that GPS-1 could inhibit lipid accumulation via the AMPK the signalling pathway. V.Pullulan is an important polysa1ccharide. Although its synthetic pathway in Aureobasidium melanogenum has been elucidated, the mechanism underlying its biosynthesis as regulated by signaling pathway and transcriptional regulator is still unknown. In…[Read more]
Gustavsen Mohr posted an update 6 days, 20 hours ago
ent model. The long-term benefits for any medical school to adopt the blended pedagogical framework have also been explicated by applying Bourdieu’s Theory of Practice. Additionally, through the design of an SMA interactome model, the framework’s applicability to the delivery of anatomy education and content during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic…[Read more]
Gustavsen Mohr posted an update 1 week, 4 days ago
This paper evaluated the unique challenges of Australians in relation to the global novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The 2019-2020 bushfires and COVID-19 outbreak have increased rates of anxiety and distress in Australia. On the contrary, unprecedented spending by the Australian Government on health care, employment, and housing has…[Read more]
Gustavsen Mohr posted an update 2 weeks ago
Objective To determine the frequency of fatty liver (non-alcoholic) disease, Framingham 10-year cardiovascular risk score in rheumatoid arthritis patients. Methods This study was conducted from September 1st to March 19, 2019, at Rheumatology OPD, Central Park Medical College Lahore. One hundred ninety two seropositive rheumatoid arthritis…[Read more]
Gustavsen Mohr became a registered member 2 weeks ago