Brask Merritt

  • 705 patients (32%) had undergone surgical treatments, 1028 patients (46%) had undergone radiotherapy for metastatic vertebrae, and 855 patients (38%) had received systemic treatments. The age, primary tumor type, number of involved vertebrae, Frankel grade, and spinal instability neoplastic score would affect the surgical decision-making.…[Read more]

  • Brask Merritt posted an update 1 week ago

    0 ACEs, 1.48-9.34). Mirroring these findings, above median PCEs were associated with lowered odds of these 6 health outcomes after adjusting for ACEs (OR for above vs. below median PCEs, 0.46-0.67), but not with odds of physical health outcomes and most of the health-risk behaviours. Stratified analyses by ACEs exposure level showed that the…[Read more]

  • Brask Merritt became a registered member 1 week ago