
  • Lindahl Hoff posted an update 1 week, 2 days ago

    Treating gastroesophageal reflux disease by acupuncture in China is dominated by

    point combination, supplemented by

    point combination;

    meridians are emphasized as much as

    meridians; using specific acupoints is advocated, especially the crossing points.

    Treating gastroesophageal reflux disease by acupuncture in China is dominated by shu-mu point combination, supplemented by mu-he point combination; yin meridians are emphasized as much as yang meridians; using specific acupoints is advocated, especially the crossing points.To sort out and summarize the evaluationmethods on the efficacy by acupuncture and moxibustion in ancient literature. The evaluation methods by ancient medical experts could be divided into two categories one is according to the change of patient’s conditions before and after treatment, including the subjective symptoms, the information getting from the four examination methods in TCM; the other is according to the characteristics of different interventions. For example, evaluating acupuncture by the “arrival of qi ” “getting qi “; evaluating pricking collaterals-bloodletting therapy by the colour of blood; evaluating moxibustion by the skin colour and the feeling on the suppurated sore. This paper analyzed and discussed the particularity of acupuncture and moxibustion and the historical and technical reasons embodied in these methods, and then further expounded the enlightenment significance of these methods for clinical evaluation research for the contemporary acupuncture and moxibustion.Based on the literature regarding auricular acupuncture in recent 60 years, the theoretical basis, acupuncturemethods and dominant diseases are analyzed and compared, and three major auricular acupuncture schools are proposed. The first school is the sinicized auricular acupuncture school derived from French Nogier auricular acupuncture school, which can be further divided into three branches Huang’s auricular acupuncture school, Guan’s auricular acupuncture school and Chen-Xu’s auricular acupuncture school. The second school is Xuanyuan auricular acupuncture school inherited and developed from classical Chinese auricular acupuncture. The third school is Yuchi ‘s auricular acupuncture school which is based on Chinese and western medical theories but different from the embryo inversion theory of Nogier auricular acupuncture school. Furthermore, the similarities and differences of the theoretical sources, the distribution characteristics of auricular points and the clinical application characteristics of different auricular acupuncture schools are analyzed, so as to provide useful reference for the clinical application, basic research and national standards of auricular acupuncture in the future.Based on the original text of Huangdi Neijing (Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic), the theories of biaoben, genjie and qijie are analyzed deeply and the practical significance is explored on the correlation with meridians and zangfu organs. Biaoben, genjie and qijie represent respectively the relevant rules between the body surface and internal organs in different patterns and they are the foundation of the multiple correlations of the upper and the lower, the internal and the external and the horizontal and the transverse between meridians and zangfu organs. The understanding above not only contributes to the recognition and the exploration of the relevant essence of meridians and zangfu organs, but also provides the theoretic guidance to the acupoint selection, diagnosis and treatment of zangfu disorders in clinical practice.The development process of acupuncture and moxibustion diagnosis and treatment institutions since the founding of the People’s Republic of China is summarized and analyzed. this website The main forms of acupuncture and moxibustion diagnosis and treatment institutions have shifted from the individual, joint clinic and outpatient department of acupuncture and moxibustion in the early years of the founding of the People’s Republic of China to the present acupuncture and moxibustion departments in Chinese medicine hospitals and general hospitals.The construction and development of public and private acupuncture and moxibustion hospital and key specialty of acupuncture and moxibustion fully expand the clinical application of acupuncture and moxibustion therapy. In the future, the development of acupuncture and moxibustion diagnosis and treatment institutions should highlight its own features to satisfy the requirements of different levels of society.Professor CAI Sheng-chao’s clinical experience is summarized in the treatment of Sjögren’s syndrome with moxibustion for promoting meridian circulation and warming yang and the typical case is introduced. Professor CAI believes that Sjögren’s syndrome refers to zao (dry) bi syndrome. It is the insufficiency of yin and body fluid for the primary and yang qi deficiency for the root. On the base of traditional long-snake moxibustion, the moxibustion therapy for promoting meridian circulation and warming yang is adopted to warm up and tonify zangfu organs. When the function of yang qi is restored, body fluid (yin) will be generated naturally. Hence, the diagnosis and treatment system is developed by the integration of the theory as “moxibustion applicable for yin deficiency” and the characteristic moxibustion therapy.Professor ZHANG Ren’s clinical experience of acupuncture for glaucoma is summarized. Professor ZHANG believes that key pathogenesis of glaucoma is stagnation of qi and blood in the eyes, obstruction of xuanfu in the eyes, and obstruction of meridians. The treatment should focus on the eye, with smoothing the liver and keeping functional state of six-fu as priority; he also emphasizes the acupoint selection based on the combination of disease differentiation and syndrome differentiation, and pays attention to the application of acupuncture method of promoting qi circulation and inducting qi movement. Professor ZHANG proposes that the patients should be treated according to different types, and stresses the importance of using comprehensive treatment and emotional adjustment method, as well as early intervention, long-term adherence and regular treatment.