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    In this paper we investigate the effects of diffusion on the dynamics of a single focal adhesion at the leading edge of a crawling cell by considering a simplified model of sliding friction. Using a mean-field approximation, we derive an effective single-particle system that can be interpreted as an overdamped Brownian particle with spatially dependent stochastic resetting. We then use renewal and path-integral methods from the theory of stochastic resetting to calculate the mean sliding velocity under the combined action of diffusion, active forces, viscous drag, and elastic forces generated by the adhesive bonds. Our analysis suggests that the inclusion of diffusion can sharpen the response to changes in the effective stiffness of the adhesion bonds. This is consistent with the hypothesis that force fluctuations could play a role in mechanosensing of the local microenvironment.We present two-dimensional temperature measurements of magnetized and unmagnetized plasma experiments performed at Z relevant to the preheat stage in magnetized liner inertial fusion. The deuterium gas fill was doped with a trace amount of argon for spectroscopy purposes, and time-integrated spatially resolved spectra and narrow-band images were collected in both experiments. The spectrum and image data were included in two separate multiobjective analysis methods to extract the electron temperature spatial distribution T_e(r,z). The results indicate that the magnetic field increases T_e, the axial extent of the laser heating, and the magnitude of the radial temperature gradients. Comparisons with simulations reveal that the simulations overpredict the extent of the laser heating and underpredict the temperature. Temperature gradient scale lengths extracted from the measurements also permit an assessment of the importance of nonlocal heat transport.The aim of this paper is to investigate the pore-scale mass transfer and desorption behaviors in deformable porous media using a coupling immersed boundary method (IBM)-lattice Boltzmann (LB) scheme. In this numerical model, a three-dimensional multiple-relaxation-time LB model is used to simulate fluid flow in porous media consisting of movable rigid adsorbent particles. To consider the effect of dynamic deformation of a porous structure, an improved immersed boundary method scheme is introduced to describe the fluid-structure interaction at the interface between the carrier gas and moving absorbent particles. Moreover, a LB model for the convection diffusion equation is adopted to consider the mass transfer of adsorbate into the macropores and micropores of the porous adsorbent. This coupled IBM-LB model is used to illustrate the mass transfer and desorption processes in shrinkage deformation of the porous structure caused by the movement of rigid adsorbent particles along different directions. At the initial time, these adsorbent particles have a saturation adsorption amount, and the adsorbate in the macropores has the uniform concentration distribution. The numerical results show that the time history curve of the adsorbate concentration in the macropores can be divided into an upturn period and a downturn period during the dynamic desorption process. In the concentration upturn period governed by Langmuir adsorption kinetics, the shrinkage deformation of the porous structure along different directions has no remarkable effect on the mass transfer and desorption behaviors. However, during the concentration downturn period governed by the mass transfer rate of the adsorbate, the shrinkage deformation of the porous structure obviously decreases the efficiency of the desorption process. In addition, the roles of the deformation direction and morphology of the porous media in the desorption process are illustrated in this work.We propose a characterization of quantum many-body chaos given a collection of simple operators, the set of all possible pair correlations between these operators can be organized into a matrix with a random-matrix-like spectrum. This approach is particularly useful for locally interacting systems, which do not generically show exponential Lyapunov growth of out-of-time-ordered correlators. We demonstrate the validity of this characterization by numerically studying the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model and a one-dimensional spin chain with random magnetic field (XXZ model).Discrete element methods require appropriate models for particle-particle collisions. Usually, researchers use soft-sphere types of models where the collision dynamics is solved numerically. This makes the simulation computationally expensive. In this paper, however, we show a hard-sphere model that uses ready analytic formulas that relate the pre- and postcollisional velocities of the particles in contact. This hard-sphere model is an extension of an existing model that uses three input parameters. selleck chemicals For this, we applied the linear-spring soft-sphere model, where analytic relations can be found. These relations were implemented into the standard hard-sphere model. As a result, we obtain a robust hard-sphere model that is more accurate than the standard one and is still computationally cheap.This paper presents a study on hotspot parameters in indirect-drive, inertially confined fusion implosions as they proceed through the self-heating regime. The implosions with increasing nuclear yield reach the burning-plasma regime, hotspot ignition, and finally propagating burn and ignition. These implosions span a wide range of alpha heating from a yield amplification of 1.7-2.5. We show that the hotspot parameters are explicitly dependent on both yield and velocity and that by fitting to both of these quantities the hotspot parameters can be fit with a single power law in velocity. The yield scaling also enables the hotspot parameters extrapolation to higher yields. This is important as various degradation mechanisms can occur on a given implosion at fixed implosion velocity which can have a large impact on both yield and the hotspot parameters. The yield scaling also enables the experimental dependence of the hotspot parameters on yield amplification to be determined. The implosions reported have resulted in the highest yield (1.73×10^16±2.6%), yield amplification, pressure, and implosion velocity yet reported at the National Ignition Facility.In some physical and biological swarms, agents effectively move and interact along curved surfaces. The associated constraints and symmetries can affect collective-motion patterns, but little is known about pattern stability in the presence of surface curvature. link2 To make progress, we construct a general model for self-propelled swarms moving on surfaces using Lagrangian mechanics. We find that the combination of self-propulsion, friction, mutual attraction, and surface curvature produce milling patterns where each agent in a swarm oscillates on a limit cycle with different agents splayed along the cycle such that the swarm’s center-of-mass remains stationary. In general, such patterns loose stability when mutual attraction is insufficient to overcome the constraint of curvature, and we uncover two broad classes of stationary milling-state bifurcations. In the first, a spatially periodic mode undergoes a Hopf bifurcation as curvature is increased, which results in unstable spatiotemporal oscillations. This generic bifurcation is analyzed for the sphere and demonstrated numerically for several surfaces. In the second, a saddle-node-of-periodic orbits occurs in which stable and unstable milling states collide and annihilate. link3 The latter is analyzed for milling states on cylindrical surfaces. Our results contribute to the general understanding of swarm pattern formation and stability in the presence of surface curvature and may aid in designing robotic swarms that can be controlled to move over complex surfaces and terrains.We extend a previous analysis of the buckling properties of a linear chain of hard spheres between hard walls under transverse harmonic confinement. Two regimes are distinguished-low compression, for which the entire chain buckles, and higher compression, for which there is localized buckling. With further increase of compression, second-neighbor contacts occur; beyond this compression the structure is no longer planar, and is not treated here. A continuous model is developed which is amenable to analytical solution in the low compression regime. This is helpful in understanding the scaling properties of both finite and infinite chains.Chromatin undergoes condensation-decondensation processes repeatedly during its cell lifetime. The spatial organization of chromatin in nucleus resembles the fractal globule, of which structure significantly differs from an equilibrium polymer globule. There have been efforts to develop a polymer globule model to describe the fractal globulelike structure of tightly packed chromatin in nucleus. However, the transition pathway of a polymer toward a globular state has been often ignored. Because biological systems are intrinsically in nonequilibrium states, the transition pathway that the chromatin would take before reaching the densely packaged globule should be of importance. In this study, by employing a simple polymer model and Langevin dynamics simulations, we investigate the conformational transition of a single polymer from a swollen coil to a compact globule. We aim to elucidate the effect of transition pathways on the final globular structure. We show that a fast collapse induces a nonequilibrium structure even without a specific intramolecular interaction and that its relaxation toward an equilibrium globule is extremely slow. Due to a strong confinement, the fractal globule never relaxes into an equilibrium state during our simulations such that the globular structure becomes dependent on the transition pathway.This paper describes a formalism for extracting spatially varying transport coefficients from simulations of a molecular fluid in a nanochannel. This approach is applied to self-diffusion of a Lennard-Jones fluid confined between two parallel surfaces. A numerical grid is laid over the domain confining the fluid, and fluid properties are projected onto the grid cells. The time correlation functions between properties in different grid cells are calculated and can be used as the basis for a fitting procedure for extracting spatially varying diffusion coefficients from the simulation. Results for the Lennard-Jones system show that transport behavior varies sharply near the liquid-solid boundary and that the changes depend on the details of the liquid-solid interaction. A quantitative difference between the reduced and detailed models is discussed. It is found that the difference could be associated with assumptions about the form of the transport equations at molecular scales in lieu of problems with the method itself. The study suggests that this approach to fitting molecular simulations to continuum equations may guide the development of appropriate coarse-grained equations to model transport phenomena at nanometer scales.We present an extensive Markov chain Monte Carlo study of the finite-size scaling behavior of the Fortuin-Kasteleyn Ising model on five-dimensional hypercubic lattices with periodic boundary conditions. We observe that physical quantities, which include the contribution of the largest cluster, exhibit complete graph asymptotics. However, for quantities where the contribution of the largest cluster is removed, we observe that the scaling behavior is mainly controlled by the Gaussian fixed point. Our results therefore suggest that both scaling predictions, i.e., the complete graph and the Gaussian fixed point asymptotics, are needed to provide a complete description for the five-dimensional finite-size scaling behavior on the torus.