Dickson Spencer

  • UK surgical training currently faces the challenge of expanding surgical skills in a context of reduced training opportunities. Video-review in theatre offers the potential to gain more from each learning opportunity and to enhance feedback.

    This was a designed-based study to test the feasibility of using synchronized video-review as a…[Read more]

  • 3D cell culture has the potential to provide alternative ways to study organ behavior via the use of organoids and is expected to eventually bridge the gap between 2D cell culture and animal models. The present review compares 2D cell culture to 3D cell culture, provides the details surrounding the different 3D culture techniques, as well as…[Read more]

  • Dickson Spencer posted an update 1 week ago

    Body-weight fluctuation is associated with an increased risk of all-cause mortality. Yet no studies investigate its association with risk of diabetes in adults agedā‰„60years. This study aimed to address this issue.

    A total of 1,565 participants free of diabetes at baseline in the CHARLS were followed for 4-year. Body-weight was collected a…[Read more]

  • Dickson Spencer became a registered member 1 week ago