Rodgers Simonsen

  • How to Find Local Mobility Scooters for Sale

    If you’re ready for a greater sense of your own life and stop relying on family members or ride services to get around, consider purchasing mobility scooters. Talk to your doctor and occupational therapist to determine if this kind of device is suitable for you.

    If you do, then shop local…[Read more]

  • How to Find the Cheapest Mobility Scooters for Sale

    You must always conduct your research prior to purchasing a mobility scooter. This includes checking the sellers and third-party sellers on e-commerce websites. Some of these third-party sellers are fraudulent and offer counterfeit goods.

    Lagtom’s sleek Vespa-like scooter does not…[Read more]

  • Rodgers Simonsen became a registered member 2 months, 3 weeks ago