Rasch Burke

  • Aim Inositol polyphosphate kinases are involved in regulation of many cellular processes in eukaryotic cells. In this study, we investigated the functions of the inositol polyphosphate kinase Vip1 in autophagy and pathogenicity of Candida albicans. Results Loss of Vip1 caused significantly increased sensitivity to nitrogen source starvation,…[Read more]

  • Previous research has suggested caution about opioid analgesic usage in the emergency department (ED) setting and raised concerns about variations in prescription opioid analgesic usage, both across institutions and for whom they are prescribed. We examined opioid analgesic usage in ED patients with suspected urolithiasis across fifteen…[Read more]

  • Rasch Burke posted an update 4 months ago

    Asymptomatic and symptomatic patients may transmit severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), but their clinical features and immune responses remain largely unclear. We aimed to characterise the clinical features and immune responses of asymptomatic and symptomatic patients infected with SARS-CoV-2.

    We collected…[Read more]

  • Rasch Burke posted an update 4 months ago

    E-cells, which are midgut stem cells, due to their proliferation and differentiation are responsible for the above-mentioned processes. Our study revealed that apoptosis is a common process in both larval stages of N. davidi in the intestine and proximal region of the hepatopancreas. In zoea III, autophagy as a survival factor is activated in…[Read more]

  • Rasch Burke posted an update 4 months ago

    The three most commonly reported trigger factors were cold weather (51.9%), chlorinated water (35.7%) and warm weather (30.2%).

    We identified factors associated with severe AD in childhood, the impact on daily life, as well as the most common self-reported triggers of AD. These findings may be valuable in clinical practice to inform about…[Read more]

  • Rasch Burke posted an update 4 months ago

    The substrates for failure were obvious in 5/6 patients and resulted from incomplete disconnection, implying surgical inadequacy. At the mean follow-up of 30± 13.17 months (range, 13-55 months), 35 of 40 patients (87.5%) remained seizure free (Engel class Ia), including 4/6 patients who underwent redo surgery. Revision did not benefit the…[Read more]

  • Rasch Burke posted an update 4 months ago

    This study evaluated the case of PM2.5 concentration distribution simulation by meteorological data, land cover data and a random forest model in 2014. Using the designed interface, this study conducted the simulation and explored the influence of different interpolation methods (inverse distance weighting (IDW) and kriging) for meteorological…[Read more]

  • 7%, p = 0.019). This effect was not observed in male patients (5.4% vs. 1.9%, p = ns). Age > 75years (OR 5.49, 95% CI 1.10-27.43), acute heart failure (OR 3.56, 95% CI 1.03-12.05) and ICU admission (OR 6.1, 95% CI 0.98-37.91) were predictors for in-hospital mortality for female patients, while any malignancy (OR 9.4, 95% CI 1.90-46.54) and ICU adm…[Read more]

  • Patients who smoke and remain on LTOT put themselves at greater risk of having a fire-related incident than do nonsmokers.Determining whether measures are equally valid for all individuals is a core component of psychometric analysis. Traditionally, the evaluation of measurement invariance (MI) involves comparing independent groups defined by a…[Read more]

  • We also benchmark the performance of baseline and state-of-the-art deep learning approaches on the dataset, demonstrating how it can be used to evaluate automatically generated summaries.Antiviral strategies to inhibit Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2) and the pathogenic consequences of COVID-19 are urgently required.…[Read more]

  • In 2 cases, a primary tumor could not be identified. Twenty-three samples (56%) were found to be p16 positive by immunohistochemistry. Twenty-two samples were found to be positive on cobas hrHPV testing from both cell pellet and cell-free supernatant fluid. Two cell-free supernatant fluid specimens yielded indeterminate cobas results. At the time…[Read more]

  • Quercus salicina (Blume) leaves are traditionally used as folk medicine in some Asian countries. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of ball milling for different periods (0, 6, 12, 18, and 24 h) on the physicochemical properties of superfine Quercus salicina (Blume) leaf (QSL) powders.

    The particle sizes, water-holding c…[Read more]

  • The challenge of small data has emerged in synthetic aperture radar automatic target recognition (SAR-ATR) problems. Most SAR-ATR methods are data-driven and require a lot of training data that are expensive to collect. To address this challenge, we propose a recognition model that incorporates meta-learning and amortized variational inference…[Read more]

  • Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lactucae, the cause of Fusarium wilt of lettuce, can survive on crop residue in soil. Persistence of the pathogen over time will be influenced by the rate at which residue decomposes. We evaluated the effect of drying and fragmenting crop residue on the rate of decomposition and survival of F. click here oxysporum f. sp.…[Read more]

  • Rasch Burke became a registered member 4 months, 2 weeks ago