Hardin Nunez

  • Previous research suggests that parents’ characteristics and race-related experiences shape the racial socialization messages they give their children. Parents’ beliefs about race may also relate to how they interpret and respond to race-related stressors. The current study drew on the Sociohistorical Integrative Model for the Study of Stress in…[Read more]

  • Various variants of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) began emerging worldwide from the end of 2020 to the beginning of 2021. The variants GRY/VOC202012/01 (B1.1.7), GH/N501Y.V2 (B1.351), and GR/N501Y.V3 (P1) are characterized by N to Y amino acid substitution at position 501 in the S protein. The variant…[Read more]

  • The most prevalent START criteria were those related to the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system, and those related to analgesic consumption. The mean value of inappropriate prescriptions by omission prevalence for the period studied were 39.54%.

    The results of our study confirm a high prevalence of potentially…[Read more]

  • The insertion of the electrode array is a critical step in cochlear implantation. Herein we comprehensively investigate the impact of the alignment angle and feed-forward speed on deep insertions in artificial scala tympani models with accurate macro-anatomy and controlled frictional properties.

    Motorized insertions (n=1033) were performed…[Read more]

  • The complexity of data collection in this group presents challenges to this endeavor. The high prevalence of poor nutrition, limited physical activity, diabetes, and blood pressure across studies indicates an urgent need to address low rates of health care access at a policy level and to design targeted workplace interventions.

    Rigorous and…[Read more]

  • A lipid nanoparticle (LNP) formulation is a state-of-the-art delivery system for genetic drugs such as DNA, mRNA, and siRNA, which is successfully applied to COVID-19 vaccines and gains tremendous interest in therapeutic applications. Despite its importance, a molecular-level understanding of the LNP structures and dynamics is still lacking, which…[Read more]

  • The factors that contributed mostly to the perception of wellbeing were in the area of “support”, “communication, and “socializing with colleagues”. It is appropriate to consider “gender differences”, “work experience” and “levels of competence” when implementing this type of reorganisation to respond to a pandemic or a health emergency.

    The…[Read more]

  • When comparing those with an increase in lifestyle score of ≥2 with those who improved less or declined in achievement the HR was 0.74 (0.54-1.00) and 1.02 (0.84-1.24) for men and women respectively. These findings support the inclusion of lifestyle recommendations in cancer prevention guidelines. They further suggest that interventions to c…[Read more]

  • Hardin Nunez became a registered member 4 months, 4 weeks ago