Holck Norup posted an update 4 months, 1 week ago
lTrials.gov (NCT03502629) on April 18, 2018.
Increasing the efficiency of the biogas production process is possible by modifying the technological installations of the biogas plant. In this study, specific solutions based on a mathematical model that lead to favorable results were proposed. Three configurations were considered classical anaerobic digestion (AD) and its two modifications, two-phase AD (TPAD) and autogenerative high-pressure digestion (AHPD). The model has been validated based on measurements from a biogas plant located in Poland. Afterward, the TPAD and AHPD concepts were numerically tested for the same volume and feeding conditions.
The TPAD system increased the overall biogas production from 9.06 to 9.59%, depending on the feedstock composition, while the content of methane was slightly lower in the whole production chain. On the other hand, the AHPD provided the best purity of the produced fuel, in which a methane content value of 82.13% was reached. At the same time, the overpressure leads to a decrease of around 7.5% in the voluthe AHPD concept if the composition of the biogas is the most important. In the case in which the performance is the most important factor, it is favorable to use the TPAD configuration.
The proposed mathematical model of the AD process proved to be a valuable tool for the description and design of biogas plant. The analysis shows that the overall impact of the presented process modifications is mutually opposite. The feedstock composition has a moderate and unsteady impact on the production profile, in the tested modifications. The dilution with pig manure, instead of water, leads to a slightly better efficiency in the classical configuration. For the TPAD process, the trend is very similar, but the AHPD biogas plant indicates a reverse tendency. Overall, the recommendation from this article is to use the AHPD concept if the composition of the biogas is the most important. In the case in which the performance is the most important factor, it is favorable to use the TPAD configuration.
The Atherogenic Index of Plasma is a predictive biomarker of atherosclerosis in adults but there is a lack of studies in paediatric population aimed at evaluating the longitudinal changes of the AIP and of the cardiometabolic blood profile related to nutritional interventions. The aim of this study was to compare the effect of individual- versus collective-based nutritional-lifestyle intervention on the Atherogenic Index of Plasma in schoolchildren with obesity.
One-hundred sixty-four children aged 6-12years with Body Mass Index z-score > 2 referred to the Paediatric Obesity Clinic, San Paolo Hospital, Milan, Italy, were consecutively enrolled and randomized to undergo to either an individual- (n = 82) or a collective- (n = 82) based intervention promoting a balanced normo-caloric diet and physical activity. In addition, the individual intervention included a tailored personalized nutritional advice and education based on the revised Coventry, Aberdeen, and London-Refined taxonomy. Both at baseline andcal Trials NCT03728621.
In children with obesity, an individual-based nutritional and lifestyle intervention, including techniques from the CALO-RE taxonomy, could have an additional beneficial effect over a collective-based intervention, although the actual size of the effect remains to be clarified. Trial Registration Clinical Trials NCT03728621.
Integrase (IN) is an essential protein for HIV replication that catalyzes insertion of the reverse-transcribed viral genome into the host chromosome during the early steps of viral infection. selleckchem Highly active anti-retroviral therapy is a HIV/AIDS treatment method that combines three or more antiviral drugs often formulated from compounds that inhibit the activities of viral reverse transcriptase and protease enzymes. Early IN inhibitors (INIs) mainly serve as integrase strand transfer inhibitors (INSTI) that disrupt strand transfer by binding the catalytic core domain of IN. However, mutations of IN can confer resistance to INSTI. Therefore, non-catalytic integrase inhibitors (NCINI) have been developed as next-generation INIs.
In this study, we evaluated and compared the activity of INSTI and NCINI according to the analysis method. Antiviral activity was compared using p24 ELISA with MT2 cell and TZM-bl luciferase system with TZM-bl cell. Each drug was serially diluted and treated to MT2 and TZM-b1 cells, icessary for accurate assessment of drug efficacy.
Accordingly, we recommend application of other assay procedures, such as p24 ELISA or reverse transcription activity, in lieu of the TZM-bl luciferase system for preliminary NCINI drug screening. Utilization of appropriate analytical methods based on underlying mechanisms is necessary for accurate assessment of drug efficacy.
POEMS (polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, myeloma protein, skin changes) syndrome is a rare blood disorder with multi-system involvement. The cause is unknown. It is marked by elevated plasma cells, platelets, & VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) levels. 52% of patients develop optic disc edema which may be vision threatening but the exact etiology of optic disc edema is uncertain. We report a rare finding of peripheral retinal leakage in POEMS syndrome.
A 60year-old female with POEMS syndrome presented with bilateral blurred vision. Fundi showed grade 3 disc edema OU. Lumbar puncture showed normal opening pressure. CSF analysis showed elevated proteins with no cells. MRI brain and MR Venogram head were unremarkable. Wide field fluorescein angiography demonstrated multifocal tiny vascular leakage and significant anterior temporal leakage.
The authors hypothesize the disc edema in POEMS syndrome may be caused by increased vascular permeability at the optic disc secondary to increased VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) levels. Though disc leakage is a well-documented finding in fundus fluorescein imaging, peripheral retinal leakage in POEMS syndrome is not reported.
The authors hypothesize the disc edema in POEMS syndrome may be caused by increased vascular permeability at the optic disc secondary to increased VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) levels. Though disc leakage is a well-documented finding in fundus fluorescein imaging, peripheral retinal leakage in POEMS syndrome is not reported.