Hejlesen Moesgaard posted an update 4 months, 4 weeks ago
Catalytic hydrolysis of sodium borohydride can potentially be considered as a convenient and safe method to generate hydrogen, an environmentally clean and sustainable fuel for the future. The present effort establishes the development of FeCuCo tri-metallic oxide catalyst by a simple, single-step solution combustion synthesis (SCS) method for hydrogen generation from NaBH4 hydrolysis. Amongst series of FeCuCo tri-metallic oxide catalyst synthesized, FeCuCo with 5037.512.5 wt% respective precursor loading displayed remarkable activity by generating hydrogen at the rate of 1380 mL min-1 g-1 (1242 mL in 18 min) with turnover frequency (TOF) of 62.02 mol g-1 min-1. The catalyst was characterized by using various techniques to understand their physiochemical and morphological properties. The results revealed that the catalyst synthesized by combustion method led to the formation of FeCuCo with appreciable surface area, porous foam-like morphology and high surface acidity. Major factors affecting the hydrolysis of NaBH4 such as catalyst loading, NaOH concentration and temperature variation were studied in detail. Additionally, the FeCuCo catalyst also displayed substantial recyclability performance up to eight cycles without considerable loss in its catalytic activity. Therefore, FeCuCo oxide can be demonstrated as one of the most efficient, cost effective tri-metallic catalyst so far for application in the hydrogen generation.This study is a pioneer in the use of hydrochar as a support for photocatalytic oxide and its application and evaluation as a catalyst in degradation reactions of ramipril. Novel composites were easily prepared by the support TiO2 or ZnO nanoparticles on the malt bagasse hydrochar. The preparation of the hydrochar requires low synthesis temperature (250 °C), generating the energy savings of the process. The production of the new composites was well supported by different analytical techniques XRD, FTIR, SSA, SEM, EDS, and reflectance diffuse. The effect of different proportions of TiO2 or ZnO on the composites was investigated on the degradation efficiency of the pharmaceutical ramipril, without pH adjustment. Composites with a 51 hydrochar/TiO2 or ZnO ratio (MH5T and MH5Z, respectively) showed degradations of 72 and 98% of ramipril at 120 min. This remarkable performance may be associated with the decrease in band gap energy and the electron-hole recombination rate. In addition, the composites were more efficient than metal oxides pristine, and this may be related to the fact that hydrochar have a high concentration of phenolic, hydroxyl, and carboxylic functional groups on their surface. Radical identification tests indicated that h+, O2•-, and •OH were the reactive species involved in the degradation. The proposed mechanism was studied via LC-MS/MS indicated that the ramipril molecule degrades into low m/z intermediates in the first 60 min of reaction using the MH5Z.The mechanisms of struvite production through biomineralisation were investigated for five microorganisms (Bacillus pumilus, Brevibacterium antiquum, Myxococcus xanthus, Halobacterium salinarum and Idiomarina loihiensis). After 72-96 h of incubation, the microbial strains tested increased the solution pH from 7.5 to 7.7 to 8.4-8.7, and removed ortho-phosphate (63-71%) and magnesium (94-99%) by biomineralisation. The minerals formed were identified as struvite (i.e. bio-struvite). Within the initial 24 h of incubation, microbial growth rates of 0.16-0.28 1/h were measured, and bio-struvite production was observed when the solution supersaturation index with respect to struvite achieved 0.6-0.8 units. The crystals produced by B. pumilus, H. salinarum and M. xanthus were thin trapezoidal-platy shaped and presented a gap size about 200 μm for intervals between cumulative volume undersize distribution at 50% and 90%. While B. antiquum and I. loihiensis produced crystals of coffin-lid/long-bar shape and a narrow size gap around 100 μm for intervals between cumulative volume percentage of 50% and 90%, indicating homogeneous crystal size distribution. Intracellular supersaturation of struvite phase was achieved within B. antiquum and I. loihiensis cells, corresponding to observation of intracellular vesicle-like structures occupied with electron-dense granules/materials. This study suggests that B. antiquum and I. selleck compound loihiensis produced bio-struvite through biologically controlled mineralisation. This mechanism is the preferred for recovering nutrients from streams such as wastewater because it allows a link between manipulation of microbial growth conditions and bio-struvite production, even in highly complex streams like wastewater.Although the consumption of seafood is a major route of human exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), data on their concentrations in marine shellfish and the exposure of the African population to PFAS through the consumption of shellfish is lacking. In this study, the concentrations of 15 PFAS were measured in four species of farmed marine shellfish by using a validated UHPLC-MS/MS method. These concentrations were used to determine the human daily intake of PFAS through the consumption of marine shellfish and the hazard quotient thereof. PFPeA, PFOS, PFHxA and PFTeDA were the most prevalent compounds with detection frequencies of 94, 88, 76 and 71%, respectively. The Σ11PFAS concentrations (in ng g-1 wet weight (ww)) ranged from 0.12 to 0.49, 4.83-6.43, 0.64-0.66 and 0.22 ng g-1 ww in abalone, mussel, oyster and lobster, respectively. The prevalence of PFCAs reflects the current contamination profile of PFAS in farmed shellfish. The estimated daily intake for Σ10 PFAS through the consumption of marine shellfish ranged from 0.05 to 1.58 ng kg-1 bw d-1. Overall, the hazard quotients for these compounds were low, indicating that these compounds do not pose a health risk to the South African population through shellfish consumption. This study provides background data for future studies on the occurrence of PFAS and other emerging contaminants in the African coastal environment.To attain elevated class MXene (Ti3C2Tx) through a homemade kitchen blender method, high shear mechanical exfoliation is highly required for the efficient delimitations of MXene nanosheets from bulk MAX (Ti3AlC2). We examine large-scale industrial productions of the MXene nanosheets, where combing the predicted 2D materials using a blender is a first-time novel approach with the delaminating solvent as a dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). And also manually created layered MXene systems (handmade) delaminating MXene sheets (MX-H) was furthermore employed for environmental dye-degradations applications. The materials characterizations was done for both the bulk MAX, MX-H and the MX-B. Additionally, the surface morphological studies like scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were investigated for both MX-H and MX-B as-prepared samples. SEM images indicated the high shear blander technique formations highly expanded/delaminated MXene (Ti3C2Tx) nanosheets compared to MX-H samples. FTIR technique is employed to identify -OH, C-H, C-O stretching vibrations for both materials. Raman spectroscopy analysis of MX-H and MX-B revealed 484.80 cm-1 Raman shift assigned to E1g phonon mode of (Ti, C, O). The ultraviolet UV visible absorption spectra explored pure and catalyst added Methylene Blue (MB) dye stock solution using annular type photoreactor with visible light source of 300 W. The comparatives of MAX, MX-H and MX-B samples was investigated as photocatalytic activity, The blender made (MX-B) sample revealed 98% of efficiency.Native plants in metal pollution sites have great potentials for mine rehabilitation. In the presented work, we investigated Vanadium (V) concentrations of soils and plants (Heteropogon contortus) in Majiatian V-Ti magnetite tailing reservoir in Panzhihua, Southwestern China. The objectives were to explore the V accumulation mode of H. contortus and its driving factors, as well as the phytoremediation potential of H. contortus. As the results, H. contortus accumulated 37.53 mg/kg and 8.69 mg/kg of V in root and aerial part, respectively. With the increase of rehabilitation age, root V concentrations decreased, while aerial part V concentrations remained constant. The significant negative correlations between root V and soil V, acid-soluble V (VHAc) (P less then 0.05) indicated that increasing soil V and VHAc concentrations drove the V accumulation mode of H. contortus. Soil properties had a little influence on the V accumulation mode of H. contortus. Therefore, H. contortus might be not the suitable plant extractant to remove V from mine tailing for its lower V accumulation capacity. link2 On the other hand, it can tolerate high V stress through elimination and detoxification/isolation V. Furthermore, the settlement of H. contortus increased the content of soil organic matter and might thus improve the soil quality. The cover of H. contortus is also beneficial to reduce the dispersion of the tailings and prevent contaminating surrounding soil. Therefor it showed a great potential to serve as a pioneer plant in the remediation of V-rich tailing reservoirs and other V-contaminated sites with similar poor soil condition.In this work, the primary focus is given on a mixture of 27 micropollutants (pharmaceuticals, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and others) and its removal from aqueous solution by phytoremediation. Phytoremediation belongs to technologies, which are contributing on removal of micropollutants from wastewater in constructed wetlands. Constructed wetlands can be used as an additional step for elimination of micropollutants from municipal medium-sized wastewater treatment plants. To our knowledge, such a broad variety of micropollutants was never targeted for removal by phytoremediation before. In this work, we carry out experiments with 3 emergent macrophytes Phragmites australis, Iris pseudacorus and Lythrum salicaria in hydroponic conditions. The selected plants are exposed to mixture of micropollutants in concentrations 1-14 mg/l for a time period of 30 days. The highest affinity for phytoremediation is detected at groups of fluorosurfactants (removal rate up to 30%), beta-blockers (removal rate up to 50%) and antibiotics (removal rate up to 90%). The leading capability for micropollutant uptake is detected at Lythrum salicaria, where 25 out of 27 compounds are removed with more than 20% efficiency. The results demonstrate well usefulness of this technology e.g. link3 in an additional treatment step, because the mentioned groups of micropollutants are removed with comparable or even higher effectivity, than it is in case of conventional wastewater treatment plants.Per-, Poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) accumulation in benthic environments is mainly determined by material mixing and represents a significant challenge to river remediation. However, less attention has been paid to the effects of sediment distribution on PFASs accumulation, and how PFASs influence microbial community coalescence and biogeochemical processes. In order to identify correlations between PFASs distribution and benthic microbial community functions, we conducted a field study and quantified the ecological constrains of material transportation on benthic microorganisms. Perfluorohexanoic acid (PFHxA) contributed most to the taxonomic heterogeneity of both archaeal (12.199%) and bacterial (13.675%) communities. Genera Methanoregula (R2 = 0.292) and Bacillus (R2 = 0.791) were identified as indicators that respond to PFASs. Phylogenetic null modeling indicated that deterministic processes (50.0-82.2%) dominated in spatial assembly of archaea, while stochasticity (94.4-97.8%) dominated in bacteria.