Lamb James

  • Two discriminant functions with the discriminant rate near 100 % were constructed. Additionally, neomangiferin, mangiferin, kaempferol-3-O-rutinoside, isoquercitrin and quercetin were found to be the key compounds in quality evaluation of MLs varieties. Pearson correlation coefficient analysis results confirmed that these key compounds directly…[Read more]

  • The maximal amplitude of N400 was revealed under self-attributing of emotionally positive adjectives. Our results supported the hypothesis that the emotional valence of assessments and the processing of information about one-self or others were related to the brain processes that differ from each other in a cortical localization or time…[Read more]

  • As human thermoregulatory responses to maintain core body temperature (T

    ) under multiple stressors such as cold, hypoxia, and dehydration (e.g., exposure to high-altitude) are varied, the combined effects of cold, hypoxia, and dehydration status on T

    in rats were investigated. The following environmental conditions were constructed (1)…[Read more]

  • Stiffness measurements were technically successful in 91.23% of lesions. To both readers, the median stiffness of the lesions categorized as benign was 4.5 ± 1.5kPa and in the malignant group 6.8 ± 1.7 and 7.5 ± 1.5kPa depending on the reader. Acetohydroxamic A cutoff of 5.8kPa distinguished malignant and benign lesions with 88% specificity an…[Read more]

  • Lamb James became a registered member 4 months, 4 weeks ago