Gammelgaard Whitaker

  • apoptosis was mediated by AKT signaling, and subsequently modulated via the mitochondria‑dependent signaling pathway. Therefore, the results suggested that suppression of AKT/mTOR activity triggered autophagy in the HT‑29/5FUR cell line. In summary, the results indicated that MJ‑33 inhibited HT‑29/5FUR cell viability, and induced apoptosis and aut…[Read more]

  • For parents, mental illness stigma was interconnected with stigma relating to perceived violations of social and cultural norms related to parenting. Children’s experience of stigma resulted in bullying, embarrassment, guilt and social isolation, and efforts to conceal their parent’s mental illness. One outcome was that stigma prevented children…[Read more]

  • Gammelgaard Whitaker became a registered member 3 weeks, 1 day ago