Rosen Kristiansen

  • Enhancers are critical genomic elements that can cooperate with promoters to regulate gene transcription in both normal and cancer cells. Recent studies reveal that enhancer regions are transcribed to produce a class of noncoding RNAs referred to as enhancer RNAs (eRNAs). Emerging evidence shows that eRNAs play important roles in enhancer…[Read more]

  • The wrinkle pattern exhibited upon stretching a rectangular sheet has attracted considerable interest in the “extreme mechanics” community. Nevertheless, key aspects of this notable phenomenon remain elusive. Specifically-what is the origin of the compressive stress underlying the instability of the planar state? what is the nature of the ensuing…[Read more]

  • LncRNA HULC silencing had opposite effects on the tubular formation, invasion, and EMT process as well as tumor growth of GBM cells.

    LncRNA HULC stimulates the EMT process and VM in human GBM, and may be a therapeutic target for intervention of GBM.

    LncRNA HULC stimulates the EMT process and VM in human GBM, and may be a therapeutic…[Read more]

  • Reporting of clinical prediction models using machine learning in oncology is poor and needs urgent improvement, so readers and stakeholders can appraise the study methods, understand study findings, and reduce research waste.

    Reporting of clinical prediction models using machine learning in oncology is poor and needs urgent improvement, so…[Read more]

  • Rosen Kristiansen became a registered member 4 months, 4 weeks ago