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    Event-related potential studies of emotional processing have focused on the late positive potential (LPP), a sustained positive deflection in the ERP that is increased for emotionally arousing stimuli. A prominent theory suggests that modulation of the LPP is a response to stimulus significance, defined in terms of the activation of appetitive and aversive motivational systems. The current review incorporates experimental studies showing that manipulations that alter the significance of stimuli alter LPP amplitude. Complementing these within-person studies, also included is individual differences research on depression wherein the LPP has been used to study reduced neural sensitivity to emotional stimuli. Finally, the current review builds an existing framework that the LPP observed in studies in emotional processing and the P300 observed in classic oddball studies may reflect a common response to stimulus significance. This integrative account has implications for the functional interpretation of these ERPs, their neurobiological mechanisms, and clinical applications. © 2020 Society for Psychophysiological Research.OBJECTIVE Both endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) and biologic therapies have shown effectiveness for medically-refractory chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) without severe asthma. The objective was to evaluate cost-effectiveness of dupilumab versus ESS for patients with CRSwNP. STUDY DESIGN Cohort-style Markov decision-tree economic model with a 36-year time horizon. METHODS A cohort of 197 CRSwNP patients who underwent ESS were compared with a matched cohort of 293 CRSwNP patients from the SINUS-24 and SINUS-52 Phase 3 studies who underwent treatment with dupilumab 300 mg every 2 weeks. Utility scores were calculated from the SNOT-22 instrument in both cohorts. Decision-tree analysis and a 10-state Markov model utilized published event probabilities and primary data to calculate long-term costs and utility. The primary outcome measure was incremental cost per quality-adjusted life year (QALY), which is expressed as an Incremental Cost Effectiveness Ratio. One-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were performed. RESULTS The ESS strategy cost $50,436.99 and produced 9.80 QALYs. The dupilumab treatment strategy cost $536,420.22 and produced 8.95 QALYs. Because dupilumab treatment was more costly and less effective than the ESS strategy, it is dominated by ESS in the base case. One-way sensitivity analyses showed ESS to be cost-effective versus dupilumab regardless of the frequency of revision surgery and at any yearly cost of dupilumab above $855. CONCLUSIONS The ESS treatment strategy is more cost effective than dupilumab for upfront treatment of CRSwNP. More studies are needed to isolate potential phenotypes or endotypes that will benefit most from dupilumab in a cost-effective manner. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE 2C Laryngoscope, 2020. © 2020 The American Laryngological, Rhinological and Otological Society, Inc.In the US, mortality in sickle cell disease (SCD) increases after age 18-20 years. Biomarkers of mortality risk can identify patients who need intensive follow-up and early or novel interventions. We prospectively enrolled 510 SCD patients aged 3-20 years into an observational study in 2006-2010 and followed 497 patients for a median of 88 months (range 1-105). We hypothesized that elevated pulmonary artery systolic pressure as reflected in tricuspid regurgitation velocity (TRV) would be associated with mortality. Estimated survival to 18 years was 99% and to 25 years, 94%. Causes of death were known in 7 of 10 patients stroke in 4 (hemorrhagic 2, infarctive 1, unspecified 1), multiorgan failure 1, parvovirus B19 infection 1, sudden death 1. Baseline TRV ≥2.7 m/sec (>2 SD above the mean in age- and gender-matched non-SCD controls) was observed in 20.0% of patients who died versus 4.6% of those who survived (p=0.012 by the log rank test for equality of survival). Additional biomarkers associated with mortality were ferritin ≥2000 μg/L (observed in 60% of patients who died versus 7.8% of survivors, p less then 0.001), forced expiratory volume in one minute to forced vital capacity ratio (FEV1/FVC) less then 0.80 (71.4% of patients who died versus 18.8% of survivors, p less then 0.001) and neutrophil count ≥10×109 /L (30.0% of patients who died versus 7.9% of survivors, p=0.018). In children, adolescents and young adults, steady-state elevations of TRV, ferritin and neutrophils and a low FEV1/FVC ratio may be biomarkers associated with increased risk of death in SCD patients who transition to adulthood. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.Monocytes are important cells of the innate system. They are a heterogeneous type of cells consisting of phenotypically and functionally distinct subpopulations, which play a specific role in the control, development and escalation of the immunological processes. Based on the expression of superficial CD14 and CD16 in flow cytometry, they can be divided into three subsets classical, intermediate and non-classical. Variation in the levels of human monocyte subsets in the blood can be observed in patients in numerous pathological states, such as infections, cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases, cancer and autoimmune diseases. The aim of this review is to summarize current knowledge of human monocyte subsets and their significance in homeostasis and in pathological conditions. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.This study aimed to investigate the effect of long non-coding RNA XLOC_003810 on the activation of CD4+ T cells and expression of PD-1/PD-L1 in patients with myasthenia gravis related thymoma (MG-T). Thymus specimens and thymic mononuclear cells were obtained from MG and MG-T patients or cardiac surgery patients undergoing thoracotomy who were selected as negative controls (NC). selleck XLOC_003810 expression was examined using quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). Frequency of CD4+ T cells and proportion of CD4+ PD-1+ T cells and CD14+ PD-L1+ monocytes were quantified by flow cytometry. The release of inflammatory cytokines was measured by qRT-PCR and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Compared with the NC group, expression of XLOC_003810, frequency of CD4+ T cells, and the production of inflammatory cytokines were increased in patients with MG and MG-T. XLOC_003810 overexpression significantly increased the frequency of CD4+ T cells, facilitated the production of inflammatory cytokines, and decreased the proportion of CD4+ PD-1+ T cells and CD14+ PD-L1+ monocytes in the thymic mononuclear cells.