
  • Hull Dohn posted an update 5 days, 3 hours ago

    To compare the safety and efficacy of LVIS stent-assisted coiling with those of laser-cut stent-assisted coiling for the treatment of acutely ruptured wide-necked intracranial aneurysms.

    Patients with acutely ruptured wide-necked intracranial aneurysms treated with LVIS stent-assisted coiling (LVIS stent group) and laser-cut stent-assisted coiling (laser-cut stent group) were retrospectively reviewed from January 2014 to December 2017. Propensity score matching was used to adjust for potential differences in age, sex, aneurysm location, aneurysm size, neck width, Hunt-Hess grade, and modified Fisher grade. Perioperative procedure-related complications and clinical and angiographic follow-up outcomes were compared. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to determine the associations between procedure-related complications and potential risk factors.

    A total of 142 patients who underwent LVIS stent-assisted coiling and 93 patients who underwent laser-cut stent-assisted coiling were enrolled aanalysis showed that laser-cut stent-assisted coiling was an independent predictor for overall procedure-related complications (OR = 2.727, P = 0.037); a history of diabetes (OR = 7.275, P = 0.027) and other cerebrovascular diseases (OR = 8.083, P = 0.022) were independent predictors for ischemic complications, whereas none of the factors were predictors for hemorrhagic complications.

    Compared with laser-cut stent-assisted coiling, LVIS stent-assisted coiling for the treatment of acutely ruptured wide-necked intracranial aneurysms could reduce the rates of overall procedure-related complications and intraprocedural rupture.

    Compared with laser-cut stent-assisted coiling, LVIS stent-assisted coiling for the treatment of acutely ruptured wide-necked intracranial aneurysms could reduce the rates of overall procedure-related complications and intraprocedural rupture.

    Increased knowledge of the evolution of molecular changes in neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is important for the understanding of disease pathophysiology and also crucial to be able to identify and validate disease biomarkers. While several biological changes that occur early in the disease development have already been recognized, the need for further characterization of the pathophysiological mechanisms behind AD still remains.

    In this study, we investigated cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels of 104 proteins in 307 asymptomatic 70-year-olds from the H70 Gothenburg Birth Cohort Studies using a multiplexed antibody- and bead-based technology.

    The protein levels were first correlated with the core AD CSF biomarker concentrations of total tau, phospho-tau and amyloid beta (Aβ42) in all individuals. Sixty-three proteins showed significant correlations to either total tau, phospho-tau or Aβ42. Thereafter, individuals were divided based on CSF Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio and Clinical Dementiaand tau pathology in AD. Further studies are needed to explore these proteins’ role in AD pathophysiology.

    We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials evaluating the role of vitamin C supplementation on lipid profiles among diabetic patients to summarize the available findings.

    A comprehensive search of PubMed, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar, and Cochrane Library databases was performed. Clinical trials conducted on adult type 2 diabetic patients evaluating the effect of vitamin C supplementation and reported lipid profiles (cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), low density lipoprotein (LDL), high density lipoprotein (HDL)) were included. Weighted mean difference (WMD) was calculated.

    Vitamin C supplementation had no significant effect on TC (WMD = - 4.36mg/dl (95% CI - 10.24, 1.52) p-value = 0.146), LDL level (WMD = 2.73mg/dl (95% CI - 1.72, 7.17) p-value = 0.229), and HDL level (WMD = 0.91mg/dl (CI - 0.45, 2.27) p-value = 0.191). However, it reduced TG and secondary outcomes (FBS and HgA1C) TG (WMD = - 11.15mg/dl (95% CI - 21.58, - 0.71) p-value = 0.036), FBS (WMD = - 16.94mg/dl CI - 21.84, - 12.04, p-value = 0.000), and HgA1C (WMD = - 1.01% CI - 1.18, - 0.83, p-value = 0.001. Subgroup analysis also depicted younger patients, longer duration of treatment and higher dose were important factors. In addition, meta-regression analysis indicated the significant role of patient age, duration of treatment, supplementation dose, BMI and other baseline variables.

    There is no adequate evidence to support vitamin C supplementation for dyslipidemias in diabetic patients. Specific group of patients might have benefited including younger diabetic patients. Future researches should give emphasis on the duration of treatment, the dose of vitamin C and baseline values.

    There is no adequate evidence to support vitamin C supplementation for dyslipidemias in diabetic patients. Specific group of patients might have benefited including younger diabetic patients. Future researches should give emphasis on the duration of treatment, the dose of vitamin C and baseline values.The corticostriatal circuit plays an important role in the regulation of reward- and aversion-types of behaviors. Specifically, the projection from the prelimbic cortex (PL) to the nucleus accumbens (NAc) has been shown to regulate sensory and affective aspects of pain in a number of rodent models. this website Previous studies have shown that enhancement of glutamate signaling through the NAc by AMPAkines, a class of agents that specifically potentiate the function of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptors, reduces acute and persistent pain. However, it is not known whether postsynaptic potentiation of the NAc with these agents can achieve the full anti-nociceptive effects of PL activation. Here we compared the impact of AMPAkine treatment in the NAc with optogenetic activation of the PL on pain behaviors in rats. We found that not only does AMPAkine treatment partially reconstitute the PL inhibition of sensory withdrawals, it fully occludes the effect of the PL on reducing the aversive component of pain. These results indicate that the NAc is likely one of the key targets for the PL, especially in the regulation of pain aversion. Furthermore, our results lend support for neuromodulation or pharmacological activation of the corticostriatal circuit as an important analgesic approach.

    Assessing functional ability is an important component of understanding healthy aging. Objective measures of functional ability include grip strength, gait speed, sit-to-stand time, and 6-min walk distance. link2 Using samples from a weight loss clinical trial in older adults with obesity, we examined the association between changes in physical function and DNA-methylation-based biological age at baseline and 12weeks in 16 individuals. Peripheral blood DNA methylation was measured (pre/post) with the Illumina HumanMethylationEPIC array and the Hannum, Horvath, and PhenoAge DNA methylation age clocks were used. Linear regression models adjusted for chronological age and sex tested the relationship between DNA methylation age and grip strength, gait speed, sit-to-stand, and 6-min walk.

    Participant mean weight loss was 4.6kg, and DNA methylation age decreased 0.8, 1.1, and 0.5years using the Hannum, Horvath, and PhenoAge DNA methylation clocks respectively. Mean grip strength increased 3.2kg. Decreased Hannum methylation age was significantly associated with increased grip strength (β = -0.30, p = 0.04), and increased gait speed (β = 0.02, p = 0.05), in adjusted models. Similarly, decreased methylation age using the PhenoAge clock was associated with significantly increased gait speed (β = 0.02, p = 0.04). A decrease in Horvath DNA methylation age and increase in physical functional ability did not demonstrate a significant association.

    The observed relationship between increased physical functional ability and decreased biological age using DNA methylation clocks demonstrate the potential utility of DNA methylation clocks to assess interventional approaches to improve health in older obese adults.

    National Institute on Aging (NIA), NCT03104192. Posted April 7, 2017, https//

    National Institute on Aging (NIA), NCT03104192. Posted April 7, 2017, https//

    In March 2017, Togo was declared the first country in sub-Saharan Africa to eliminate lymphatic filariasis as apublic health problem, but post-validation surveillance has been lacking. In some areas of the country, migrant groups from neighboring countries that are still endemic for LF pose a risk of reintroduction of LF to Togo. The objective of this study was to identify the risk posed by migrant groups by measuring their prevalence of LF infection and investigating any positive case using Togo’s case investigation algorithm to prevent resurgence of LF and sustain Togo’s elimination success.

    A cross-sectional study was conducted in 2018 in the northernmost region of the country. Three migrant populations were identified (i) nomadic Peuhls, (ii) Togolese members of local communities who migrate annually to neighboring countries for seasonal labor, and (iii) refugees from Ghana who came to Togo because of a communal conflict in Ghana. A questionnaire was designed to collect data on demographics and historptly detect any LF cluster that may arise.

    This study demonstrates that nomadic Peuhls, with a CFA prevalence of 11.9%, pose a potential risk for reintroduction of LF into Togo while Ghanaian refugees and seasonal economic migrants do not appear to pose a significant risk. Periodic monitoring of migrants, especially the nomadic Peuhl population, is a potential post-validation surveillance approach that could be used to promptly detect any LF cluster that may arise.

    Evidence suggests wide variability in the provision of mental healthcare across countries. link3 Countries experiencing fragility related risks suffer from a high burden of mental-ill health and additionally have limited capacity to scale up mental health services given financial and human resource shortages. Integration of mental health services into routine primary care is one potential strategy for enhancing service availability, however little is known about the experiences of currently active health care providers involved in mental health and psychosocial support service (MHPSS) provision at primary care level. This study aims to determine how healthcare providers offering MHPSS services at primary care levels in Lebanon perceive mental health and the health system’s ability to address the rising mental ill-health burden with a view to identify opportunities for strengthening MHPSS service implementation geared towards integrated person focused care model.

    A qualitative study design was adopted including for care seeking and (2) promote the implementation of integrated person focused care for addressing mental health.

    Mental ill health is a major public health problem with implications for individual health and wellbeing; in a fragile context such as Lebanon, the burden of mental ill health is expected to rise and this presents substantive challenges for the existing health system. Concrete multi-sectoral efforts and investments are required to (1) reduce stigma and improve public perceptions surrounding mental ill health and associated needs for care seeking and (2) promote the implementation of integrated person focused care for addressing mental health.