Active 14 hours, 58 minutes ago-
Vance McPherson posted an update 14 hours, 58 minutes ago
Current reports concerning cardiac involvement in the novel corona virus disease (COVID-19) mostly document acute myocardial injury at presentation. Here, we present a healthy young male, with presumed acute myocarditis, presenting 20 days after initial diagnosis of COVID-19 – and after a clinical, and apparent laboratory, resolution of the…[Read more]
Vance McPherson posted an update 1 day, 16 hours ago
Forest fragmentation and deforestation are major threats to primates at a global scale. The survival of primates in forest fragments largely depends on their behavioral and dietary flexibility, as well as their ability to use a modified matrix in anthropogenic landscapes, hence the importance of determining these ecological parameters in habitats…[Read more]
Vance McPherson posted an update 2 days, 16 hours ago
Abnormal FHR patterns (late deceleration or decreased baseline variability) were significantly associated with poor perinatal outcome. Combined late deceleration and decreased variability showed low positive predictive value (12.8%) and high negative predictive value (99.5%), and was significantly associated with long-term poor outcome in clinical…[Read more]
Vance McPherson became a registered member 2 days, 17 hours ago