
  • Herbert Andresen posted an update 4 months, 3 weeks ago

    ased on preoperative health supports reporting MID values separately by baseline value. Further research should explore whether age-based differences in MID values exist using larger samples.

    Laparoscopic liver resection is beneficial compared to open liver resection. This study aimed to evaluate whether laparoscopic liver resection could reduce postoperative infections.

    This study included 125 and 115 patients with liver tumors who underwent open and pure laparoscopic partial resections or left lateral sectionectomies, respectively. Propensity score matching and stabilized inverse probability of treatment weighting were carried out to compare the postoperative infectious complication rates between the two groups.

    Patients with tumors located in Couinaud segment 1, 7, or 8; with tumors adjacent to major vessels; or who underwent repeated resections were more likely to receive open resection. After propensity score matching, the superficial incisional surgical site infection rate tended to be lower in the laparoscopic liver resection group than in the open liver resection group. Moreover, overall infectious complication rate and superficial incisional surgical site infection rate were lower in the laparoscopic group (the cohort formed by the stabilized inverse probability of treatment weighting).

    Using the laparoscopic approach for partial resections and left lateral sectionectomies for liver tumors, the superficial incisional surgical site infection rate could be reduced.

    Using the laparoscopic approach for partial resections and left lateral sectionectomies for liver tumors, the superficial incisional surgical site infection rate could be reduced.

    In Western countries, debates between ESD vs piece-meal EMR as the best treatment for large colorectal adenomas persist regarding the difficulty of ESD the colon, and the safety and relatively good results of piece-meal endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR). Pocket-creation method (PCM) and double-clip countertraction (DCT) are two strategies recently published to facilitate ESD in this challenging situation.

    This is a randomized animal study to compare PCM and DCT strategies for colonic ESD on ex vivo models (bovine colon) performed by 3 operators novice in ESD. Hybridknife type T was used to inject normal saline tinted with a small amount of blue dye in all procedures. Randomization was stratified according to the use of gravity assist. Primary endpoint was the difference in resection speed between PCM and DCT strategies.

    Resection speed was significantly higher in the DCT group than in the PCM group (56.3 vs. 31.6 mm

    /min, p = 0.01). Technical success rate, defined as en bloc resection in under 60min, was significantly better in the DCT group than in the PCM group (100% vs. 84.4%, p = 0.024), perforation rate was lower (0% vs. 18.8%, p = 0.012), and difficulty score was better (2.4 vs. 6.2, p < 0.0001) as was procedure duration (24.2 vs. 40.2min, p < 0.0001).

    DCT was superior to PCM for ESD in our validated bovine colon model. This strategy is inexpensive, easy to use and adaptive. It might facilitate the widespread use of colonic ESD in Western countries and change Western ideas regarding the use of colonic ESD compared with piece-meal EMR for large benign lesions.

    DCT was superior to PCM for ESD in our validated bovine colon model. This strategy is inexpensive, easy to use and adaptive. It might facilitate the widespread use of colonic ESD in Western countries and change Western ideas regarding the use of colonic ESD compared with piece-meal EMR for large benign lesions.

    Percutaneous cholangioscopy (PC) is more complex and invasive than a transpapillary approach, with the need for a large percutaneous tract of 16 French (Fr) on average in order to advance standard percutaneous cholangioscopes. The aim of this study was to investigate whether percutaneous single-operator cholangioscopy (pSOC) using the SpyGlass

    DS system is feasible, safe, and effective in PC for diagnostic and therapeutic indications.

    The data of 28 patients who underwent pSOC in 4 tertiary referral centers were retrospectively analyzed. Technical and clinical success for therapeutic procedures was assessed as well as diagnostic accuracy of pSOC-guided biopsies and visualization. Adverse events and the required number and size of dilatations were reviewed.

    25/28 (89%) patients had a post-surgical altered anatomy. Selleck Ziprasidone The average number of percutaneous dilatations prior to pSOC was 1.25 with a mean dilatation size of 11 French. Histopathology showed a 100% accuracy. Visual impression showed an overall accuracy of 96.4%. Technical and clinical success was achieved in 27/28 (96%) of cases. Adverse events occurred in 3/28 (10.7%) cases.

    pSOC is a feasible, safe, and effective technique for diagnostic and therapeutic indications. It may be considered an alternative approach in clinical cases where gastrointestinal anatomy is altered. It has the potential to reduce peri-procedural adverse events and costs. Prospective randomized-controlled trials are necessary to confirm the previously collected data.

    pSOC is a feasible, safe, and effective technique for diagnostic and therapeutic indications. It may be considered an alternative approach in clinical cases where gastrointestinal anatomy is altered. It has the potential to reduce peri-procedural adverse events and costs. Prospective randomized-controlled trials are necessary to confirm the previously collected data.

    In the past decade, deep learning has revolutionized medical image processing. This technique may advance laparoscopic surgery. Study objective was to evaluate whether deep learning networks accurately analyze videos of laparoscopic procedures.

    Medline, Embase, IEEE Xplore, and the Web of science databases were searched from January 2012 to May 5, 2020. Selected studies tested a deep learning model, specifically convolutional neural networks, for video analysis of laparoscopic surgery. Study characteristics including the dataset source, type of operation, number of videos, and prediction application were compared. A random effects model was used for estimating pooled sensitivity and specificity of the computer algorithms. Summary receiver operating characteristic curves were calculated by the bivariate model of Reitsma.

    Thirty-two out of 508 studies identified met inclusion criteria. Applications included instrument recognition and detection (45%), phase recognition (20%), anatomy recognition and detection (15%), action recognition (13%), surgery time prediction (5%), and gauze recognition (3%).