
  • Davidson Mccarthy posted an update 1 week, 1 day ago

    Type I Chiari malformation (CM-I) consists of downward herniation of the cerebellar tonsils below the foramen magnum and often requires surgical decompression if symptomatic. Spontaneous resolution of CM-I is rare. We present a case of resolved CM-I without surgery in a 6-year-old boy with B-cell lymphoma who was diagnosed with CM-I during lymphoma staging. Cerebrospinal fluid cytology and brain MRI revealed negative CNS involvement but showed CM-I with tonsillar ectopia 19 mm below the foramen magnum. The patient underwent induction chemotherapy including 5 doses of intrathecal chemotherapy. Follow-up MRI demonstrated marked regression of CM-I to less than 6 mm in 3 months, and complete resolution of CM-I was observed in 2 years. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of resolved CM-I and syringomyelia following chemotherapy. In this case report, the authors summarize all of the clinical characteristics, the radiological appearance, and the potential causes of resolution based on a review of the literature and propose the mechanisms through which intrathecal chemotherapy contributed to the CM-I and syringomyelia resolution in the present case.

    The primary treatment for atlantoaxial rotatory fixation (AARF) remains controversial. The aim of this study was to investigate the primary treatment for AARF and create an algorithm for primary treatment.

    The authors analyzed the data of 125 pediatric patients at four medical institutions from April 1989 to December 2018. The patients were reported to have neck pain, torticollis, and restricted neck range of motion and were diagnosed according to the Fielding classification as type I or II. As a primary treatment, 88 patients received neck collar fixation, and 28 of these patients did not show symptom relief and required Glisson traction. Thirty-seven patients were primarily treated with Glisson traction. In total, 65 patients, including neck collar treatment failure patients, underwent Glisson traction in hospitals.

    The success rate of treatment was significantly higher in the Glisson traction group (97.3%) than in the neck collar fixation group (68.2%) (p = 0.0001, Wilcoxon test). In the neck collar n should be performed as the primary treatment.

    According to this formula, in patients with Fielding type I AARF, neck collar fixation should be allowed only if the duration from onset is ≤ 10 days. In patients with Fielding type II, because the score would be a negative value, Glisson traction should be performed as the primary treatment.Split notochord syndrome (SNS) is a rare congenital defect of the central nervous system and has been associated with several anomalies affecting multiple organ systems. One association has been communication with the gastrointestinal tract and the spine, previously identified as a neuroenteric fistula (NEF). Dansylcadaverine molecular weight Here, the authors describe the unique case of a female infant with SNS and NEF treated with a multistage surgical repair. The three-stage operative plan included a two-stage repair of the defect and temporary subgaleal shunting followed by delayed ventriculoperitoneal shunt placement. The infant recovered well postsurgery and over a 5-year follow-up. A case description, surgical techniques, and rationale are reported. Additionally, a systematic review of the literature utilizing the MEDLINE database was performed.Treatment of SNS with NEF using a multidisciplinary multistaged approach to repair the intestinal defect, close the neural elements, and divert cerebrospinal fluid to the peritoneum is shown to be a safe and viable option for future cases.

    The impact of global coronal malalignment (GCM; C7 plumb line-midsacral offset) on adult spinal deformity (ASD) treatment outcomes is unclear. Here, the authors’ primary objective was to assess surgical outcomes and complications in patients with severe GCM, with a secondary aim of investigating potential surgical target coronal thresholds for optimal outcomes.

    This is a retrospective analysis of a prospective multicenter database. Operative patients with severe GCM (≥ 1 SD above the mean) and a minimum 2-year follow-up were identified. Demographic, surgical, radiographic, health-related quality of life (HRQOL), and complications data were analyzed.

    Of 691 potentially eligible operative patients (mean GCM 4 ± 3 cm), 80 met the criteria for severe GCM ≥ 7 cm. Of these, 62 (78%; mean age 63.7 ± 10.7 years, 81% women) had a minimum 2-year follow-up (mean follow-up 3.3 ± 1.1 years). The mean ASD-Frailty Index was 3.9 ± 1.5 (frail), 50% had undergone prior fusion, and 81% had concurrent severe sagittal spinosults demonstrated that ASD surgery in patients with substantial GCM was associated with significant radiographic and HRQOL improvement despite high complication rates. MCID improvement was highest for SRS-22r Appearance/Self-Image. A residual GCM ≥ 3 cm was associated with a worse outcome, suggesting a potential coronal realignment target threshold to assist surgical planning.The authors examined whether purposeful walking with peers at least once a week contributes to better behavioral and health outcomes in older adults than primarily walking alone. The authors used a longitudinal cohort design and recruited participants aged 60 years and older (N = 136) at the start of a 16-week walking intervention. Participants who walked on average at least once a week in the final 8 weeks of the intervention were included in the analysis (N = 79; 66 females, Mage [SD] = 77.73 [6.91]). The authors found that autonomous motivation, walking self-efficacy, functional capacity, body fat, and physical activity improved more in the walking with peers group compared with the walking alone group, after controlling for whether participants lived alone/with others and their health status. The results extend current literature by providing longitudinal evidence for the added benefits of regular peer-accompanied walking in older adults and highlight the importance of investing in peer-supported interventions.

    A simple and 2 different exponentially weighted moving average methods were used to investigate the relationships between internal training load and elite weightlifting performance.

    Training impulse data (sessional ratings of perceived exertion × training duration) were collected from 21 elite weightlifters (age = 26.0 [3.2]y, height = 162.2 [11.3]cm, body mass = 72.2 [23.8]kg, previous 12-mo personal best total 96.3% [2.7%] of world record total) during the 8 weeks prior to the 2016 Olympic Games qualifying competition. The amount of training modified or cancelled due to injury/illness was also collected. The training stress balance (TSB) and acute to chronic workload ratio (ACWR) were calculated with the 3 moving average methods. Along with the amount of modified training, TSB and ACWR across the moving average methods were then examined for their relationship to competitive performance.

    There were no consistent associations between performance and training load on the day of competition. The volatility (SD) of the ACWR in the last 21 days preceding the competition was moderately correlated with performance across moving average methods (r = -.