Flindt Pierce posted an update 6 hours, 9 minutes ago
Helminth parasites secrete a wide variety of immunomodulatory proteins and lipids to dampen host immune responses. Many of these immunomodulatory compounds are modified with complex sugar structures (or glycans), which play an important role at the host-parasite interface. As an example, the human blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni produces highly fucosylated glycan structures on glycoproteins and glycolipids. Up to 20 different S. mansoni fucosyltransferase (SmFucT) genes can be found in genome databases, but thus far only one enzyme has been functionally characterized. To unravel the synthesis of highly fucosylated N-glycans by S. mansoni, we examined the ability of ten selected SmFucTs to modify N-glycans upon transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana plants. All enzymes were localized in the plant Golgi apparatus, which allowed us to identify the SmFucTs involved in core fucosylation and the synthesis of complex antennary glycan motifs. This knowledge provides a starting point for investigations into the role of specific fucosylated glycan motifs of schistosomes in parasite-host interactions. The functionally characterized SmFucTs can also be applied to synthesize complex N-glycan structures on recombinant proteins to study their contribution to immunomodulation. Furthermore, this plant expression system will fuel the development of helminth glycoproteins for pharmaceutical applications or novel anti-helminth vaccines.The inclusion of health-related traits, or functionally associated genetic markers, in pig breeding programs could contribute to produce more robust and disease resistant animals. The aim of the present work was to study the genetic determinism and genomic regions associated to global immunocompetence and health in a Duroc pig population. For this purpose, a set of 30 health-related traits covering immune (mainly innate), haematological, and stress parameters were measured in 432 healthy Duroc piglets aged 8 weeks. Moderate to high heritabilities were obtained for most traits and significant genetic correlations among them were observed. A genome wide association study pointed out 31 significantly associated SNPs at whole-genome level, located in six chromosomal regions on pig chromosomes SSC4, SSC6, SSC17 and SSCX, for IgG, γδ T-cells, C-reactive protein, lymphocytes phagocytic capacity, total number of lymphocytes, mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular haemoglobin. A total of 16 promising functionally-related candidate genes, including CRP, NFATC2, PRDX1, SLA, ST3GAL1, and VPS4A, have been proposed to explain the variation of immune and haematological traits. Our results enhance the knowledge of the genetic control of traits related with immunity and support the possibility of applying effective selection programs to improve immunocompetence in pigs.Job burnout, characterized by feelings of exhaustion, cynicism and reduced personal efficacy, has been defined as a risk state for the development of diseases, but its association with somatic diseases is underexplored. Study participants were 5671 respondents (mean age 44.1 years, range 18-70; 38.6% men) to an online survey of job burnout, using a mobile health web application. Respondents provided data on sociodemographic characteristics, symptoms of burnout, measured with the Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey, depressive symptoms, measured with the Profile of Mood States, and 11 categories of somatic diseases. Adjusting for age, sex, educational level, depressive symptoms, and all disease categories included, network analysis showed a significant association of high exhaustion with “high blood pressure” and a category of “other chronic somatic diseases”. Low personal efficacy showed a significant association with “chronic lung diseases”. In network analysis, clinically relevant depressive symptoms were also significantly associated with “high blood pressure”, “other chronic somatic diseases” and “skin diseases”. click here Logistic regression analysis confirmed these associations. Burnout dimensions were significantly associated with an increased risk for somatic diseases, independently of sociodemographic factors and clinically relevant depressive symptoms. This relationship seems particularly evident for the exhaustion dimension of job burnout.The capacity of pluripotent stem cells both for self-renewal and to differentiate into any cell type have made them a powerful tool for studying human disease. Protocols for efficient differentiation towards cardiomyocytes using defined, serum-free culture medium combined with small molecules have been developed, but thus far, limited to larger formats. We adapted protocols for differentiating human pluripotent stem cells to functional human cardiomyocytes in a 96-well microplate format. The resulting cardiomyocytes expressed cardiac specific markers at the transcriptional and protein levels and had the electrophysiological properties that confirmed the presence of functional cardiomyocytes. We suggest that this protocol provides an incremental improvement and one that reduces the impact of heterogeneity by increasing inter-experimental replicates. We believe that this technique will improve the applicability of these cells for use in developmental biology and mechanistic studies of disease.Nuclear distribution element-like 1 (NDEL1) enzyme activity is important for neuritogenesis, neuronal migration, and neurodevelopment. We reported previously lower NDEL1 enzyme activity in blood of treated first episode psychosis and chronic schizophrenia (SCZ) compared to healthy control subjects, with even lower activity in treatment resistant chronic SCZ patients, implicating NDEL1 activity in SCZ. Herein, higher NDEL1 activity was observed in the blood and several brain regions of a validated animal model for SCZ at baseline. In addition, long-term treatment with typical or atypical antipsychotics, under conditions in which SCZ-like phenotypes were reported to be reversed in this animal model for SCZ, showed a significant NDEL1 activity reduction in blood and brain regions which is in line with clinical data. Importantly, these results support measuring NDEL1 enzyme activity in the peripheral blood to predict changes in NDEL1 activity in the CNS. Also, acute administration of psychostimulants, at levels reported to induce SCZ-like phenotype in normal rat strains, increased NDEL1 enzyme activity in blood.