Frandsen Jochumsen posted an update 5 days, 21 hours ago
The FRAIL-NH was originally developed for frailty assessment of nursing home (NH) residents. We aimed to compare concurrent, predictive, and known-groups validity between FRAIL-NH and FRAIL, using the Frailty Index (FI) as gold standard reference. We also examined for ceiling effect of both measures in the detection of severe frailty.
A secondary analysis of a prospective cohort study.
Older adults (mean age 89.4years) hospitalized for an acute medical illness in a 1300-bed tertiary hospital.
Baseline data on demographics, comorbidities, severity of illness, functional status, and cognitive status were gathered. We also captured outcomes of mortality, length of stay (LOS), institutionalization, and functional decline. For concurrent validity, we compared areas under the operating characteristic curves (AUCs) for both measures against the FI. For predictive validity, univariate analyses and multiple logistic regression were used to compare both measures against the adverse outcomes of interest. For knoFRAIL-NH beyond NH to acute care settings. Contrasted to FRAIL, FRAIL-NH had better overall validity with less ceiling effect in discrimination of severe frailty.
This exploratory study highlights the potential for expanding the role of FRAIL-NH beyond NH to acute care settings. Contrasted to FRAIL, FRAIL-NH had better overall validity with less ceiling effect in discrimination of severe frailty.
To investigate the prevalence, outcomes, and factors associated with potential glycemic overtreatment and undertreatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in long-term care facilities (LTCFs).
Systematic review.
Residents with T2DM and aged ≥60years living in LTCFs.
Articles published between January 2000 and September 2020 were retrieved following a systematic search of MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, CINAHL plus, and gray literature. Inclusion criteria were the reporting of (1) potential overtreatment and undertreatment quantitatively defined (implicitly or explicitly) based on hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) and/or blood glucose; (2) prevalence, outcomes, and associated factors of potential glycemic overtreatment and undertreatment; and (3) the study involved residents of LTCFs.
Fifteen studies were included. Prevalence of potential overtreatment (5%-86%, n=15 studies) and undertreatment (1.4%-35%, n=8 studies) varied widely among facilities and geographical locations, and according to definitions useg on the definition(s) used in each study. Longitudinal studies examining associations between glycemic management and health outcomes, and the use of consensus definitions of overtreatment and undertreatment are required to establish findings about actual glycemic overtreatment and undertreatment in LTCFs.
The prevalence of potential glycemic overtreatment and undertreatment varied widely among residents with T2DM depending on the definition(s) used in each study. Longitudinal studies examining associations between glycemic management and health outcomes, and the use of consensus definitions of overtreatment and undertreatment are required to establish findings about actual glycemic overtreatment and undertreatment in LTCFs.Diseases such as asthma are exacerbated by inflammation, cigarette smoke and even nicotine delivery devices such as e-cigarettes. However, there is currently little information on how nicotine affects airways, particularly in humans, and changes in the context of inflammation or asthma. Here, a longstanding assumption is that airway smooth muscle (ASM) that is key to bronchoconstriction has muscarinic receptors while nicotinic receptors (nAChRs) are only on airway neurons. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that human ASM expresses α7nAChR and explored its profile in inflammation and asthma using ASM of non-asthmatics vs. TAK-981 mild-moderate asthmatics. mRNA and western analysis showed the α7 subunit is most expressed in ASM cells and further increased in asthmatics and smokers, or by exposure to nicotine, cigarette smoke or pro-inflammatory cytokines TNFα and IL-13. In these effects, signaling pathways relevant to asthma such as NFκB, AP-1 and CREB are involved. These novel data demonstrate the expression of α7nAChR in human ASM and suggest their potential role in asthma pathophysiology in the context of nicotine exposure.Branching networks are a very common feature of multicellular animals and underlie the formation and function of numerous organs including the nervous system, the respiratory system, the vasculature and many internal glands. These networks range from subcellular structures such as dendritic trees to large multicellular tissues such as the lungs. The production of branched structures by single cells, so called subcellular branching, which has been better described in neurons and in cells of the respiratory and vascular systems, involves complex cytoskeletal remodelling events. In Drosophila, tracheal system terminal cells (TCs) and nervous system dendritic arborisation (da) neurons are good model systems for these subcellular branching processes. During development, the generation of subcellular branches by single-cells is characterized by extensive remodelling of the microtubule (MT) network and actin cytoskeleton, followed by vesicular transport and membrane dynamics. In this review, we describe the current knowledge on cytoskeletal regulation of subcellular branching, based on the terminal cells of the Drosophila tracheal system, but drawing parallels with dendritic branching and vertebrate vascular subcellular branching.Epigenetic regulation of gene transcription by chromatin remodeling proteins has recently emerged as an important contributing factor in inner ear development. Pathogenic variants in CHD7, the gene encoding Chromodomain Helicase DNA binding protein 7, cause CHARGE syndrome, which presents with malformations in the developing ear. Chd7 is broadly expressed in the developing mouse otocyst and mature auditory epithelium, yet the pathogenic effects of Chd7 loss in the cochlea are not well understood. Here we characterized cochlear epithelial phenotypes in mice with deletion of Chd7 throughout the otocyst (using Foxg1Cre/+ and Pax2Cre), in the otic mesenchyme (using TCre), in hair cells (using Atoh1Cre), in developing neuroblasts (using NgnCre), or in spiral ganglion neurons (using ShhCre/+). Pan-otic deletion of Chd7 resulted in shortened cochleae with aberrant projections and axonal looping, disorganized, supernumerary hair cells at the apical turn and a narrowed epithelium with missing hair cells in the middle region.