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    her field studies are recommended to demonstrate the potential for this self-limiting P. xylostella to provide pest suppression and resistance management benefits, as was previously demonstrated in greenhouse studies. Copyright © 2020 Shelton, Long, Walker, Bolton, Collins, Revuelta, Johnson and Morrison.[This corrects the article DOI 10.3389/fbioe.2019.00325.]. selleck screening library Copyright © 2020 d’Angelo, Castelli, Benedetti, Antonosante, Catanesi, Dominguez-Benot, Pitari, Ippoliti and Cimini.Purpose Optical coherence elastography (OCE) is a promising technique for high-resolution strain imaging in ocular tissues. A major strain-inducing factor in the eye is intraocular pressure (IOP), with diurnal physiological fluctuations reaching up to 5 mmHg. We study herein low-amplitude IOP modulation to assess local corneal strain patterns. Methods Ex vivo porcine eye globes were adjusted to an initial IOP of 15 mmHg and subsequently 25 mmHg. Corneal strain was induced by two subsequent pressure cycles, in which IOP was first increased and then decreased, each by a total of 5 mmHg. Two-dimensional optical coherence tomography (2D-OCT) B-scans were recorded after each loading step. Axial strain maps were obtained from magnitude and phase changes and supra-pixel displacements from cross-correlation. The strain detection sensitivity was evaluated in an isotropic material. Results Deformations arising from a single 1-mmHg step could be resolved. The largest strain amplitudes (5.11·10-3) were observed in the posterior stroma at a low initial IOP. Strain amplitude was 1.34 times higher at 15 mmHg than at 25 mmHg (p = 0.003). Upon IOP increase, the anterior cornea was compressed, whereas the posterior cornea showed axial expansion. Both morphological images and strain maps were sensitive to postmortem time. Strains that are larger than 2.44·10-5 could be reliably measured. Conclusions Low-amplitude IOP modulation, similar to diurnal physiological changes, induced measurable deformations in corneal tissue. Axial strain maps permit a localized comparison of the corneal biomechanical response. Small-strain OCE can likely be extended to other domains. Copyright © 2020 Kling, Khodadadi and Goksel.Leukocytoclastic vasculitis (LCV) is a small-vessel vasculitis that most commonly affects the postcapillary venules in the skin. It classically presents with purpuric macules that progress to palpable purpura on the bilateral shins 7-10 days after an inciting medication or infection, or in the setting of connective tissue disease, malignancy, or inflammatory bowel disease. Up to 50% of cases have no identifiable cause. Lesions on the buttocks, abdomen, upper extremities, and face are uncommon, as are bullae and ulcers. We present a rare case of bullous LCV manifesting as grouped vesicles on the face and body mimicking varicella-zoster infection. Copyright © 2020 by S. Karger AG, Basel.Tumid lupus is a rare subtype of chronic cutaneous lupus that is characterized by urticaria-like photosensitive plaques. Unlike discoid lupus, it has minimal to no surface change and resolves without scarring. On pathological examination, it may be distinguished from other types of lupus by abundant interstitial mucin deposits. Herein, we describe a case of tumid lupus in a 23-year-old Kuwaiti male with hyper-IgM syndrome. To our best knowledge, this is the first report of tumid lupus in a patient with a primary immunodeficiency. Copyright © 2020 by S. Karger AG, Basel.Mycosis fungoides, the most common cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, is known to exhibit varied clinical presentations and mimic many other dermatoses. This morphological heterogeneity can often lead to initial misdiagnoses resulting in significant delays from symptom onset to diagnosis. We report a case of mycosis fungoides imitating clinical and histopathological features of erythema annulare centrifugum. Copyright © 2020 by S. Karger AG, Basel.Contact dermatitis and psoriasis are common skin disorders which represent two distinct pathologies. Skin disorders heavily rely on corresponding history for diagnosis; this case demonstrates the challenges of relying on history alone for final identification. A patient presented to clinic for evaluation of a new rash on his abdomen. Past medical history was notable for recent initiation of a smoking cessation program utilizing nicotine patches as well as a pharyngitis treated with antibiotics 1 week prior. Despite use of topical steroid and cessation of the patches, the well-demarcated rash became more generalized. Patch testing for the nicotine patch and chemical sensitizers was negative and an eventual biopsy was consistent with guttate psoriasis. Contact dermatitis relies heavily on clinical history for diagnosis. This case demonstrates that history can be misleading. In retrospect, it is likely that a preceding presumed streptococcal infection was the primary inducer of guttate psoriasis. Copyright © 2020 by S. Karger AG, Basel.The acidity of Al-SBA-15 materials functionalized by ball milling with several niobium loadings (0. 25-1 wt.%) as well as with several fluorine loadings (by wet impregnation using NH4F as a precursor) was characterized and materials investigated in the esterification of valeric acid to alkyl valerates. The parent Al-SBA-15 support as well as the modified materials loaded with Nb and/or F have been catalysts synthesized characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), N2 physisorption measurements, and diffuse reflection infrared spectroscopy (DRIFT) among others. A special interest was paid on the acidity of the materials that was investigated by temperature-programmed desorption of pyridine. Interestingly, the characterization results for the materials containing fluorine showed up an increase in the acidity strength despite of a reduction in the number of acid sites. The catalytic performance of the as-prepared catalysts was investigated in the microwave-assisted esterification reaction of valeric acid to valerate esters. Thus, while the materials modified with niobium exhibited a lower catalytic activity as compared with the catalytic support (Al-SBA-15), the materials loaded with fluorine either onto Al-SBA-15 or on Nb1%/Al-SBA-15 materials presented enhanced conversion values of valeric acid. Therefore, it can be said that the new acid sites with enhanced strength formed by the incorporation of fluorine boost the esterification of valeric acid with alcohols to form the respective valerate ester. Copyright © 2020 Blanco-Sánchez, Pfab, Lázaro, Balu, Luque and Pineda.