
  • Pappas Singleton posted an update 1 week, 1 day ago

    Polyorchidism is a rare congenital anomaly reported about 200 cases in the world text. A number of theories have been planned concerning the making of polyorchidism, but the real explanation is still not acknowledged. Here we are going to present a case study of polyorchidism. A 70 years old gentleman complained with left supernumerary testes in the left hemiscrotum. His left hemiscrotum was painless with mass. Polyorchidism without malignancy or any other concomitant features were revealed by both ultrasound and MRI examinations. In most cases the ultrasonograph alone is diagnostic. In complicated cases of polyorchidism MRI may provide additional information.This in-vitro study was done to compare the sealing ability of Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), Biodentine, a mixture of MTA and Glass ionomer cement (GIC) in 21 and 11 ratio and MTA CEM, as furcation repair material using a dye extraction leakage model in the department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics from January 2020 to December 2020. Eighty five extracted molars with divergent and well formed roots were selected for study and were randomly divided according to the material used for perforation repair. Group A MTA, Group B Biodentine, Group C MTA mixed with GIC in 21 ratio. Group D MTA mixed with GIC in 11 ratio. Group E MTA CEM and 2 control groups. All samples were subjected to orthograde and retrograde methylene blue dye challenge followed by dye extraction with 70 weight % nitric acid. Samples were then analyzed using Ultra violet (UV) Visible Spectrophotometer at 550nm wavelength. The data were subjected to statistical analysis One Way ANOVA (level of significance less then 0.05) and post-hoc tukey test. MTA, Biodentine, Mixture of MTA and GIC in 21 ratio and MTA CEM showed significant less dye absorbance than MTA and GIC in 11 ratio. Within the limitation of the study, the newer mixture of MTA and GIC in 21 ratio showed promising sealing ability and was comparable to MTA, Biodentine and MTA CEM.Carrying angle is one of the secondary sexual characteristics which is important for keeping the hand away from body to improve functionality. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in Western Indian population (rural and urban population in and around Jodhpur district) during July 2014-June 2016 with the purpose of evaluating the carrying angle in apparently healthy adult and determines the range of normality according to age, sex, height, waist circumference and special reference to handedness. selleck The carrying angle (elbow) was measured in 504 adults aged between 20-40 years (by simple random sampling) by a digital Goniometer. The subjects were in anatomical position (stand up straight, roll his/her shoulders back and the elbow was fully extended and the forearm fully supinated) while the carrying angle were taken. Carrying angle of the right side in male’s 11.54°±1.29° and in female’s 13.41°±1.26°, whereas these value in left side 10.21°±1.34° and 12.19°±1.44° respectively. All measurements in females are significantly higher in comparison to males (p less then 0.001). The significant difference was observed in carrying angle according to handedness; dominant hand had higher value of carrying angle in comparison to non-dominant hand in both gender (p less then 0.001). The height of individuals is positively correlated with the angle whereas there was no correlation was found in between age, waist circumference. The present study showed that the females have greater carrying angle than males.For individual identification, the principal biological element is sex determination from disfigured and amputated limbs or body fragments in forensic investigation. Diverse dimensions and proportions affect the anthropometric assessment of sex in different populations. A cross-sectional study was conducted during July 2014 to June 2016 on five hundred and four healthy individuals of age-group 22-40 years of Western India to see the degree of sexual dimorphism in limb measurements. The forearm length, whole upper limb length, tibial length and whole lower limb length of both sides were measured by the universal anthropometric criteria. Demarking points, sexual dimorphism indices and discriminant functions were developed for each measurement. The sexual dimorphism was observed in all variables and males have a higher value than females (p less then 0.001). The tibial length showed the highest accuracy in sex determination and the highest sexual dimorphism, followed by whole lower limb length. The range of Cross-validated sex classification precision was between 58-90% for the individual variables, 91.7% for the stepwise method and 95.4% for all measurements taken together. The established prototypes delivered effective and consistent sex estimates with high precision rates and low prediction errors.The objective of the study was to assess the outcome of carbohydrate loading dietary strategy on resistance exercise and muscle mass. In this prospective study, conducted at Dr DY Patil Gym and Fitness Center, Navi Mumbai (India), young healthy male resistance-trained individuals (18-25 years) were recruited randomly. The duration for entire study was three months in the year 2019. Participants were divided into two groups (n=30 each) carbohydrate loading group and control group. Participants in the carbohydrate loading group consumed carbohydrate loading diet protocol and designed exercise program for seven days. The control group consumed a regular diet with an exercise program. Resistance exercise (strength) and body circumference (muscle mass) measurements were recorded after seven days of respective assigned diet and exercise program. In the carbohydrate loading group, performance in resistance exercise was not significant from baseline to day seven (63.5±6.45 vs. 64.0±6.75 kg; p>0.05). Changes in the arm girth (p=0.3256), thigh girth (p=0.3256) and calf girth (p=0.1608) were also not significant in the carbohydrate loading group when compared from baseline to seven days. Therefore, the result indicates that the carbohydrate loading regimen had no enhanced effect on resistance exercise as well as muscle girth. This study results suggest that carbohydrate loading has no additional advantage in improving resistance exercise and muscle mass in resistance-trained individuals.