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    The first comprised the design of an individualized microfluidics experiment in parallel with the lectures students were guided to apply each module to their personalized application and discuss it in groups. The second was a group experimental activity, in which students jointly set up, performed, analyzed, and presented a microfluidics-based experiment. Given the multidisciplinary teaching context, the course was able to foster common conceptual ground and promote discussion among students. This application-oriented approach built upon experimental activities and in-class discussion is well suited to promote learning in a technology-related subject such as microfluidics.Sphenoid sinus fungal ball (FB) is a noninvasive fungal infection affecting predominantly immunocompetent middle-aged female patients. Common clinical manifestations include headaches, postnasal drip, and nasal discharge. In this case report, we present a 56-year-old female with a 10-year history of occasional dizziness, vertigo, nystagmus, feeling disoriented and feeling her eyes moving rapidly. Complaints of restlessness, insomnia, anxiety, stress and anger were also present. Due to the nonspecific nature of her symptoms, a diagnosis of sphenoid sinus FB was overlooked. Definitive diagnosis was established after performing a nasal endoscopy and subsequent histopathological examination of the collected sinus tissues. The histopathology report disclosed Aspergillosis FB with chronic sinusitis. Due to the decade long delay in diagnosis and proper treatment, septal wall collapse occurred, with the patient developing diabetes insipidus with hyponatremia that led to a massive seizure and fall, resulting in multiple disc herniations. Surgical removal of the FA elicited a complete resolution of her symptoms and a full recovery. Although fungal rhinosinusitis is a well recognized spectrum of diseases by ENT specialists, through this case report we hope to draw attention to this particular pathological entity within fungal infections, while simultaneously underlining the broad spectrum of symptoms with which it may manifest and the importance of including FA infections when considering the differential diagnosis in patients with long-standing chronic sinusitis.Extramedullary plasmacytoma (EMP) of the gastrointestinal tract is an extreme rarity. Clinical manifestations of EMPs are varied, depending on the position and progress of tumor. Here we report a case of an EMP involving rectum in an 80-year-old, male patient with a change of bowel habit. Computed tomography scanning confirmed a circumscribed, iso-attenuating mass with the obvious heterogeneous enhancement. Patient received the surgical resection by laparoscope and the plasmacytoma was finally confirmed by the pathology. Furthermore, we made a literature review about the EMP of gastrointestinal tract to get the further study. Finally, we found out there is no specificity in imaging examination. Selleckchem Ovalbumins Diagnosis of EMP still depends on the histopathology.We demonstrate a quick sliding of the descending aorta toward the unaffected side of the diaphragm as a new sonographic finding during breathing in pediatric patients with diaphragmatic paralysis. We present three pediatric patients with diaphragmatic paralysis after cardiovascular surgery with this new sonographic finding. This finding consisted of paradoxical movement of the diaphragm as shown by fluorography. This sonographic sign was only obtained by a B-mode scan in the subxiphoid plane, was easily demonstrated at the patient’s bedside, and may be useful for diagnosing severe diaphragmatic paralysis.Annular pancreas is a rare congenital intestinal obstruction to be found in infants. It is characterized by nonbilious vomiting, abdominal distention, and feeding intolerance that share similar symptoms with other intestinal obstructions. We reported a case of 11-month-old female infant with a history of nonbilious vomiting after coughing as much as 6 times per day 1 day before admission. The patient had an incorrect provisional diagnosis of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis based on ultrasound. Later on, an upper gastrointestinal series showed dilatation of the second part of the duodenum which was successfully treated by a duodenostomy during laparotomy procedure. It is suggested that treating an intestinal obstruction needs a further investigation when the symptoms were continuously repeated.We present a case of a 27-year-old man who referred to the Emergency Department complaining scrotal pain. He mentioned a sharp penetrating scrotal trauma occurred at work. Clinical examination showed mild scrotal tenderness. The patient underwent scrotal ultrasound that showed only a suspicious foreign body in the tunica vaginalis. A scrotal surgical exploration was performed and a nail was confirmed at the level of the tunica vaginalis.This clinical case reports prerupture diagnosis of a rudimentary horn pregnancy in a 27-year-old formerly healthy woman presented with moderate to severe suprapubic abdominal pain at the gestational age of 12 + 0 weeks. The suspected diagnosis of this pregnant rudimentary horn via transvaginal ultrasound was acknowledged during an emergency exploratory laparotomy. The simple transvaginal ultrasound criteria suggested by the present study would help clinicians avoid time-consuming inefficient investigative procedure and rule out this rare life-threatening condition by taking into account the rudimentary horn pregnancy as a differential diagnosis in patients presenting with abdominal pain.Diphallia or duplication of penis is extremely rare condition with a reported incidence of 1 in 5-6 million live births. Approximately around 100 cases of diphallia have been described in literature, each case have a unique presentation from associated anomalies. Clinically these patients can be classified into complete (true diphallia) or partial duplication. In true diphallia, each penis has 2 corpora cavernosa and 1 corpus spongiosum. If the duplicate penis is smaller or rudimentary with complete structure, it is described as true partial diphallia. The term bifid phallus is used if there is only one corpus cavernosum in each penis. Due to low incidence and varied presentation, not much is known about the underlying pathophysiology, management options, and outcomes. Here, we report a case of partial diphallia with associated penoscrotal transposition of 2 hemi-scrotums.