
  • Rhodes Josephsen posted an update 1 week ago

    This is the first study to clone duck CCCH-type zinc finger antiviral protein (duZAP) from Jingjiang duck (Anas platyrhynchos). Full-length duZAP cDNA was 2154 bp and encoded a 717-amino acid polypeptide containing four highly conserved CCCH-type finger motifs, a WWE domain and a poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) domain. duZAP was expressed in multiple duck tissues, with the highest mRNA expression in the spleen. Overexpression of duZAP in duck embryo fibroblast cells (DEFs) led to activation of the transcription factors IRF1 and NF-κB, and induction of IFN-β. Analysis of deletion mutants revealed that both the WWE and PARP domains of duZAP were essential for activating the IFN-β promoter. Knockdown of duZAP in DEFs significantly reduced poly (IC)- and duck Tembusu virus (DTMUV)-induced IFN-β activation. Our findings further the understanding of the role of duZAP in the duck innate immune response.Mast cells (MCs) are present in various organs including the skin, peritoneal cavity, lung, and intestine and involved in the development of allergic diseases and host defense against infection. However, the regulatory mechanism of mast cell activation remains incompletely understood. We found in a database that Clec12b encoding a C-type lectin receptor Clec12b is preferentially expressed in skin MCs in mice. However, neither MCs in other tissues such as trachea, tongue, esophagus, or peritoneal cavity nor most lymphocytes and myeloid cells express Clec12b. To analyze the protein expression of Clec12b, we newly generated a monoclonal antibody (named TX109), which recognizes both mouse and human Clec12b. Consistent with the gene expression profile, flow cytometry analysis demonstrated that Clec12b is expressed only on MCs in the skin, but not on any other immune cell types in various tissues, in mice. Similarly, Clec12b is also expressed on skin MCs, but not on circulating lymphocytes and myeloid cells, in humans. Our results suggest that Clec12b plays an important role in the regulation of MCs activation in the skin.Ligand-gated ion channels are integral membrane proteins that activate through a change in conformation upon transmitter binding and were identified as key players of brain function. GABAA receptors are major inhibitory ligand-gated ion channels of this protein family. They are the target of many therapeutic compounds widely used in the clinic and continue to attract the attention of academic and pharmaceutical laboratories. Advances in the knowledge of the structure of GABAA receptors at the molecular level with unprecedented resolution enabled the determination of the binding sites of many allosteric modulators revealing the nature of their interactions with the receptors. Herein, we review the latest findings on allosteric modulation of GABAA receptors and their relevance to drug discovery.Bipolar spectrum disorders (BSDs) and substance use disorders (SUDs) are associated with neural reward dysfunction. However, it is unclear what pattern of neural reward function underlies pre-existing vulnerability to BSDs and SUDs, or whether neural reward function explains their high co-occurrence. The current paper provides an overview of the separate literatures on neural reward sensitivity in BSDs and SUDs. We provide a systematic review of 35 studies relevant to identifying neural reward function vulnerability to BSDs and SUDs. These studies include those examining neural reward processing on a monetary reward task with prospective designs predicting initial onset of SUDs, familial risk studies that examine unaffected offspring or first-degree relatives of family members with BSDs or SUDs, and studies that examine individuals with BSDs or SUDs who are not currently in an episode of the disorder. Findings from the review highlight that aberrant responding and connectivity across neural regions associated with reward and cognitive control confers risk for the development of BSDs and SUDs. Discussion focuses on limitations of the extant literature. We conclude with an integration and theoretical model for understanding how aberrant neural reward responding may constitute a vulnerability to the development of both BSDs and SUDs.

    Music-based interventions can provide non-pharmacological, low-cost treatment for symptoms. Selleck AS2863619 This meta-analysis’s purpose is to examine music-based interventions’ effectiveness on psychological distress symptoms (anxiety, stress, and depressive symptoms), aspects of positive psychology (benefit-finding and resilience), and quality of life (QoL).

    This meta-analysis was conducted according to PRISMA guidelines and meta-analytic methods suggested by Hedges and Olkin (1985). A systematic literature search between 2000 and 2020 was conducted using CINAHL, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, PubMed, and Web of Science databases. Studies and intervention characteristics were independently coded. The Quality Assessment Tool for Quantitative Studies, Cochrane Collaboration’s Tool for Assessing Risk of Bias, Begg and Mazumdar’s rank correlation, and Egger’s regression test evaluated publication bias.

    Twenty-nine of thirty-five eligible studies were included in the statistical analysis. The overall (g=0.34, SE=2.27, p<0.05) and ignificance and generalizability.

    Culturally appropriate music-based interventions conducted in the clinical setting that used passive listening with headphones, occurring ≥ 3-times a week over ≥ 2 months, positively impacted gynecology survivors undergoing chemotherapy and surgical treatments. Specifically, interventions that were ≥ 35-minutes, listening to folk or mixed-music positively impacted psychological distress symptoms, whereas new-age music negatively impacted psychological distress symptoms, positive psychology, and QoL outcomes. Future research should examine positive psychology characteristics (perceived levels of positive adjustment, change, and coping) and include larger cohorts with various cancer populations across all cancer survivorship continuum. Culturally appropriate interventions could lead to greater adherence, compliance, and clinical effectiveness and increase the findings’ significance and generalizability.