Dahlgaard Singleton posted an update 1 day, 13 hours ago
The fluorescence intensity of the protein-like component was suppressed, and the humic-like component was enhanced with the addition of Zn. The effective quenching constants (log K) of the protein-like component in PDOM were clearly higher than those in the EDOM, ODOM and TDOM, indicating higher metal binding potential in PDOM than in other kinds of DOM in Lake Dongping. The %Fmax (the amounts of each component measured as % of the total fluorescence maxima for the three components) of the humic-like components exhibited a gradual increase in all kinds of DOM with the addition of Zn, suggesting that the addition of Zn increased the humification of DOM. Electron-donating moieties (EDM) have recently been used to characterize the redox properties and treatability of dissolved organic matter during water and wastewater treatment. In this study, size exclusion chromatography followed by a derivatization-spectrometric method was developed to determine the molecular weight (MW) distribution of EDM in dissolved organic matter. The relationships between EDM concentration and chromophore content (indicated by UVA254), fluorophore content (indicated by fluorescence), and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration were analyzed for different MW fractions. In general, natural organic matter (NOM) showed higher total EDM concentration and higher EDM average MW than effluent organic matter (EfOM). For NOM, fractions with MW between 1.8 k and 6.9 k Da accounted for most of the EDM (45.4%-48.6%), followed by the fractions with MW 1.8 k Da) and lower MW ( less then 1 k Da) preferentially resulted in benzoquinone formation and ring-cleavage, respectively. Various additives are used in plastic products to improve the properties and the durability of the plastics. Their possible elution from the plastics when plastics are fragmented into micro- and nano-size in the environment is suspected to one of the major contributors to environmental and human toxicity of microplastics. In this context, to better understand the hazardous effect of microplastics, the toxicity of chemical additives was investigated. Fifty most common chemicals presented in plastics were selected as target additives. Their toxicity was systematically identified using apical and molecular toxicity databases, such as ChemIDplus and ToxCast™. Among the vast ToxCast assays, those having intended gene targets were selected for identification of the mechanism of toxicity of plastic additives. Deep learning artificial neural network models were further developed based on the ToxCast assays for the chemicals not tested in the ToxCast program. Using both the ToxCast database and deep learning models, active chemicals on each ToxCast assays were identified. Through correlation analysis between molecular targets from ToxCast and mammalian toxicity results from ChemIDplus, we identified the fifteen most relevant mechanisms of toxicity for the understanding mechanism of toxicity of plastic additives. They are neurotoxicity, inflammation, lipid metabolism, and cancer pathways. Gliocidin Dehydrogenase inhibitor Based on these, along with, previously conducted systemic review on the mechanism of toxicity of microplastics, here we have proposed potential adverse outcome pathways (AOPs) relevant to microplastics pollution. This study also suggests in vivo and in vitro toxicity database and deep learning model combined approach is appropriate to provide insight into the toxicity mechanism of the broad range of environmental chemicals, such as plastic additives. Halogenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are carcinogenic and ubiquitous environmental organic pollutants. The abundance and sources of these compounds have not been studied in remote environments. We collected and analyzed air, soil, lichen, and moss samples from the Tibetan Plateau. Concentrations of chlorinated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were 0.78-4.16 pg/m3 in air, 3.11-297 pg/g in soil, 260-741 pg/g in lichens, and 338-934 pg/g in mosses. Concentrations of brominated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were 0.15-0.59 pg/m3 in air, 0.61-72.3 pg/g in soil, 33.5-64.9 pg/g in lichens, and 20.5-72.5 pg/g in mosses. The dominant congeners were 9- and 2-chlorophenanthrene, 1-chloropyrene, 3-chlorofluoranthene, and 1-bromopyrene. We found correlations between congener concentrations in lichens and in air, and lichens effectively predicted near-ground atmospheric concentrations of the pollutants. The enrichment of photochemically stable compounds in high-altitude environments is influenced by their physicochemical properties. Principal component analysis with multivariate linear regression of chlorinated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons measured in lichens provided an assessment of the relative source contributions, and suggested that in Medog County of Tibetan Plateau, 48% was likely from long-range combustion sources, 26% was from local burning sources, and 26% was from photochemical formation. BACKGROUND Informal electronic waste (e-waste) recycling is a rapidly growing industry. Informal e-waste recycling creates a mixture of chemicals that can be harmful to humans, especially vulnerable populations like pregnant women and young children. OBJECTIVES We aimed to analyze the associations between birth outcomes and living in a community with a history of informal e-waste recycling. METHODS The e-waste Recycling Exposure and Community Health (e-REACH) Study enrolled pregnant women in Guiyu, an informal e-waste recycling site (n = 314), and an unexposed control site (Haojiang) (n = 320) at delivery. We analyzed maternal whole blood samples for lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), and manganese (Mn). We captured data in newborns on birth weight, birth length, head circumference, body mass index (BMI), and Ponderal Index (PI). We compared the birth outcomes between sites after adjustment for covariates, and examined the associations with individual and the mixture of metals. RESULTS The neonates from Guiyu had smaller head circumference (adj β -1.96 cm, 95% CI -2.39, -1.52), BMI (adj β -0.77 kg/m2, 95% CI -1.03, -0.51), and PI (adj β -2.01 kg/m3, 95% CI -2.54, -1.47). Birth weights were lower in Guiyu compared to Haojiang, but the difference was not significant (β -51, 95% CI -132, 29). Cumulative exposure to metals was related to lower head circumference, BMI, and PI, but not related to birth weight. DISCUSSION We observed slight and statistically significant differences in the head size, BMI, and PI of neonates, but not birth weight, from Guiyu when compared to neonates from Haojiang. Cumulative metal exposure may partially account for the findings.