
  • Ho Mahoney posted an update 13 hours, 58 minutes ago

    to other treatment settings. Although most patients continued using opioids on treatment, there was a reduced frequency of injection drug use, a significant driver of OUD-related risk. These data support the use of low-threshold buprenorphine access alongside HCV treatment to reduce morbidity and mortality in people with OUD.North America’s opioid crisis highlights the profound need for low-barrier access to opioid agonist therapy (OAT) for the treatment of opioid use disorder (OUD). This case describes a 33-year-old female with a history of opioid and stimulant use disorder admitted to hospital after a left middle cerebral artery ischemic stroke with resulting aphasia. RSL3 purchase After medical stabilization, she consented to buprenorphine/naloxone through limited verbal and written communication. After 14 days of titration, she was stabilized on 14 to 3.5 milligrams of buprenorphine/naloxone daily. Buprenorphine/naloxone initiation and titration is patient-based and symptom guided, typically requiring active communication between the patient and care provider. This case illustrates successful buprenorphine/naloxone initiation in a patient with limited receptive and expressive language abilities, emphasizing the feasibility of offering this medication to individuals with limited communication to ensure timely access to evidence-based OUD treatment.

    Patient knowledge deficits related to opioid risks, including lack of knowledge regarding addiction, are well documented. Our objective was to characterize patients’ perceptions of signs of addiction.

    This study utilized data obtained as part of a larger interventional trial. Consecutively discharged English-speaking patients, age >17 years, at an urban academic emergency department, with a new opioid prescription were enrolled from July 2015 to August 2017. During a follow-up phone interview 7 to 14 days after discharge, participants were asked a single question, “What are the signs of addiction to pain medicine?” Verbatim transcribed answers were analyzed using a directed content analysis approach and double coding. These codes were then grouped into themes.

    There were 325 respondents, 57% female, mean age 43.8 years, 70.1% privately insured. Ten de novo codes were added to the 11 DSM-V criteria codes. Six themes were identified (1) effort spent acquiring opioids, (2) emotional and physical changes related to opioid use, (3) opioid use that is “not needed, (4) increasing opioid use, (5) an emotional relationship with opioids, and (6) the inability to stop opioid use.

    Signs of addiction identified by opioid naive patients were similar to concepts identified in medical definitions. However, participants’ understanding also included misconceptions, omissions, and conflated misuse behaviors with signs of addiction. Identifying these differences will help inform patient-provider risk communication, providing an opportunity for counseling and prevention.

    Signs of addiction identified by opioid naive patients were similar to concepts identified in medical definitions. However, participants’ understanding also included misconceptions, omissions, and conflated misuse behaviors with signs of addiction. Identifying these differences will help inform patient-provider risk communication, providing an opportunity for counseling and prevention.

    Patients and families each present unique microcultures, mixing and blending numerous broadly conceptualized cultural identity groups. Within individuals and families, cultural identities are experienced and enacted as complex matrices of intersecting identities that, to varying degrees, complement, assimilate, accommodate, or clash. In these patterns, individuals’ relationships to cultures are not necessarily categorically distinct (“multicultural”). Instead, they are often “polycultural,” defined as partial and plural; rather than interpreting different cultural traditions as separate and independent, they are, within the lives of individuals and families, better understood as systems that interact with and influence one another.Cultural identity groups extend beyond those traditionally considered by transcultural psychiatry-that is, beyond ethnic, racial, and language groups. They encompass (in alphabetical order) educational, ethnic, extended family, gender-oriented, generational, geographic, language a inquiries pertinent to patients’ and family’s health beliefs, psychiatric difficulties, and health practices. Supplementary material from the DSM-5 section on cultural formulation is adapted and discussed, along with the implications of polycultural psychiatry for education and training in psychiatry.

    Recent epidemiological evidence indicates that diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is associated with increased risk for diseases of the basal ganglia and cerebellum, including Parkinson’s disease (PD). The evidence reviewed here indicates that deficits in striatal dopamine are a shared component of the causal chains that produce these disorders. Neuropsychological studies of adult ADHD, prodromal PD, and early-stage PD reveal similar deficits in executive functions, memory, attention, and inhibition that are mediated by similar neural substrates. These and other findings are consistent with the possibility that ADHD may be part of the PD prodrome. The mechanisms that may mediate the association between PD and ADHD include neurotoxic effects of stimulants, other environmental exposures, and Lewy pathology. Understanding the nature of the association between PD and ADHD may provide insight into the etiology and pathogenesis of both disorders. The possible contribution of stimulants tand pathogenesis of both disorders. The possible contribution of stimulants to this association may have important clinical and public health implications.

    Bile duct injuries are not infrequently seen during hepatobiliary surgery, particularly after liver transplantation and cholecystectomy. The current study aims to figure out the frequency of postcholecystectomy biliary injuries (PCBI) and the role of early versus late endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in their management.

    Totally 960 cases operated by both laparoscopic and open cholecystectomy were evaluated in the current study. In total, 942 cases were operated in our institutes, by both laparoscopic (n = 925) and open (n = 17) cholecystectomy, and the frequency of PCBI among patients operated in our institutes was (9/942) 0.95%. Additional 18 cases of PCBI referred to our centers were included in the study. One patient was treated by repair during the surgery, in the remaining 26 patients, ERCP management was attempted. The full details of the 26 patients regarding ERCP management were discussed.

    The overall success rate of ERCP management was 88.46% (23/26), whereas 11.54% of cases were treated surgically by choledochal-jejunal anastomosis due to complete common bile duct ligation.