Stage Kaas posted an update 1 day ago
While the effects of androgens on muscle are well described in hypogonadal men, literature is still scarce on muscular strength or size variations in transmen; in this population there are no data regarding the relative effect of testosterone (T) and its metabolite dihydrotestosterone on muscle.
Our primary objective was to compare the effects on muscle strength of 54-week administration of testosterone undecanoate (TU) combined with the 5α-reductase inhibitor dutasteride (DT) or placebo (PL). Secondary outcomes included evaluation of body composition, bone, cutaneous androgenic effects, and metabolic variations.
In this randomized, double-blind PL-controlled pilot trial, 16 ovariectomized transmen were randomized to receive TU 1,000mg IM at week 0, 6, 18, 30, 42 plus a PL pill orally daily (TU+PL, n=7) or plus DT 5mg/d (TU+DT, n=7).
At week 0 and 54 the following parameters were evaluated isokinetic knee extension and flexion peak torque and handgrip strength, body composition, and bone mineral densi, supporting the hypothesis that the conversion in dihydrotestosterone is not essential for this role. Gava G, Armillotta F, Pillastrini P, etal. A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Pilot Trial on the Effects of Testosterone Undecanoate Plus Dutasteride or Placebo on Muscle Strength, Body Composition, and Metabolic Profile in Transmen. J Sex Med 2021;18646-655.
For the first time we demonstrated that the addition of DT does not impair the anabolic effects of T on muscles in transmen previously exposed to T, supporting the hypothesis that the conversion in dihydrotestosterone is not essential for this role. Gava G, Armillotta F, Pillastrini P, et al. A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Pilot Trial on the Effects of Testosterone Undecanoate Plus Dutasteride or Placebo on Muscle Strength, Body Composition, and Metabolic Profile in Transmen. J Sex Med 2021;18646-655.
Hyperkalemia is common in medicine and requires rapid management. Besides the easily evoked causes such as renal failure, adrenal insufficiency, cell lysis or iatrogenic causes, false or pseudo-hyperkalemia should not be forgotten.
Three patients (1man, 2women, aged 78, 84, 88) were managed for thrombocytosis (between 1306and 2404G/L) and non-symptomatic hyperkalemia (between 6.1and 7.7mmol/L) are reported. Kalemia on blood collected in heparin tube was normal (4.4-4.6mmol/L). Therefore, no specific treatment for this pseudohyperkalemia was required.
The combination of thrombocytosis and non-symptomatic hyperkalemia should suggest the diagnosis of pseudohyperkalemia and should prompt for a control of kalemia on blood collected in heparin tube. The recognition of this diagnosis is important in order to avoid unnecessary and potentially deleterious treatment of hyperkalemia.
The combination of thrombocytosis and non-symptomatic hyperkalemia should suggest the diagnosis of pseudohyperkalemia and should prompt for a control of kalemia on blood collected in heparin tube. The recognition of this diagnosis is important in order to avoid unnecessary and potentially deleterious treatment of hyperkalemia.
This study aimed to gain knowledge of the nurses’ involvement in the spontaneous report of suspected adverse drug reactions (ADR) in the Spanish Pharmacovigilance System for Medicinal Products for Human Use (SEFV-H), describing the principal characteristics of the reported cases, identifying points of improvement.
A descriptive observational retrospective study was based on the data from FEDRA, the database created by the SEFV-H. The sample taken was the spontaneous adverse drug reactions reported to SEFV-H by nurses during the first 6 months of the 2018.
Complete data was provided by 6,370 suspicions of ADR reported to SEFV-H by all healthcare professionals. Only 4,8% of the samples were taken by nurses, 62,7% came from medical centers. The majority of the ADR were not considered a serious disease (78%). The most frequently adverse drug reactions reported by nurses were local reactions. The patients most involved were children and vaccines were the most reported drugs (58,3%), followed by the intravenoactice, so that they can begin to do so.
This study measured the acceleration magnitude using a dummy model filled with various air-material ratios to elucidate the mechanism of resonance effect on ocular vestibular-evoked myogenic potential (oVEMP).
With the percentages of air volume altered by filling various materials (water, glycerol, or ethanol) in an acrylic-made hollow spherical model, a minishaker was utilized to deliver vibration stimuli to the model. Then, acceleration magnitude of each model was measured.
Since the air was most occupied at the upper part of the model (z-axis), acceleration magnitude along the z-axis was selected for comparison. An increasing trend of the z-axis acceleration magnitude ranging 0.110-0.759g was identified in air-water model with air volume percentage ranged 40-100%. On the other hand, a significant increasing trend of acceleration magnitude along the z-axis (0.157-0.759g) was noted in air-glycerol model with 80-100% of air volume. While in air-ethanol model, a significant increasing trend in acceleration magnitude along the z-axis ranged 0.121-0.759g correlating with 40-100% of air volume.
The mechanism for eliciting oVEMP is via the first-order bone vibration coupled with the second-order resonance effect. Upadacitinib inhibitor Both percentage of air volume (i.e. frontal sinus) and density of filling media (i.e. skull property) may contribute to the resonance effect, which then increases the acceleration magnitude so as to enhance the elicitation of oVEMP.
The mechanism for eliciting oVEMP is via the first-order bone vibration coupled with the second-order resonance effect. Both percentage of air volume (i.e. frontal sinus) and density of filling media (i.e. skull property) may contribute to the resonance effect, which then increases the acceleration magnitude so as to enhance the elicitation of oVEMP.
French Guyana is 83,500 km
wide (equivalent to 1/6 of France). Communes are distant. Public urology is set in Kourou only. These particularities led to develop ambulatory urological surgery including for patients living far away from the reference centre. We report our experience with patient ureteroscopy (URS).
The study is retrospective (2018-2019), and includes 125 patients. Among these patients, 19.2% live in Kourou, 71.1% live 40 to 100km from the hospital and 9.7% beyond 100km. Every patient had an outpatient procedure for rigid and/or flexible URS to treat stone disease, including in lower calyx [LC] (38.4%). Ambulatory surgery was also proposed to the patients living away with the usual restrictions. Complications, results and switch to conventional hospitalisation (CH) were studied.
Mean stone size was 10,5mm (4-30), stone density was 1030 UH (470-1700). The postoperative complication rate was 4%. There were 90.4% ‘stone free’ patients (85.4% for LC). One patient was rehospitalised within 48hours for acute flank pain and 9 patients had a switch of ambulatory to CH 6 for discharge too late and 3 for complication (fever and/or pain).