
  • Edwards Krogh posted an update 13 hours, 26 minutes ago

    We demonstrated that the transduction of Wnt11 into mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) (MSC

    ) promotes these cells differentiation into cardiac phenotypes. In the present study, we investigated the paracrine effects of MSC

    on cardiac function and angiogenesis.

    Conditioned medium was collected from MSC


    ) and their control cells (CdM

    ). CdM

    , especially obtained from MSC

    exposed to hypoxia, significantly promoted human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) migration and increased capillary-like tube (CLT) formation, which was blocked by Wnt11 neutralizing antibody. Wnt11 protein was significantly higher in CdM

    compared to that in CdM

    . Directly treating HUVECs with recombinant Wnt11 protein significantly increased CLT formation, which was abrogated by treating cells with the JNK inhibitor SP600125, as well as the PKC inhibitor Calphostin-C. Moreover, the transfection of Wnt11 to HUVECs (H

    ) significantly increased CLT formation and HUVEC migration, as well as upregulated p-pan-PKC and p-JNK expression. Injection of CdM

    into the peri-infarct region in a rat acute myocardial infarction (AMI) model significantly improved cardiac function, reduced infarct size, and increased myocardial blood flow and blood vessel density in the ischemic area.

    Wnt11 released from MSC

    increased angiogenesis and improved cardiac function via non-canonical Wnt-PKC-JNK dependent pathways.

    Wnt11 released from MSCWnt11 increased angiogenesis and improved cardiac function via non-canonical Wnt-PKC-JNK dependent pathways.The evolution of obesity and its resulting comorbidities differs depending upon the age of the subject. The dramatic rise in childhood obesity has resulted in specific needs in defining obesity-associated entities with this disease. Indeed, even the definition of obesity differs for pediatric patients from that employed in adults. Regardless of age, one of the earliest metabolic complications observed in obesity involves perturbations in glucose metabolism that can eventually lead to type 2 diabetes. In children, the incidence of type 2 diabetes is infrequent compared to that observed in adults, even with the same degree of obesity. In contrast, insulin resistance is reported to be frequently observed in children and adolescents with obesity. As this condition can be prerequisite to further metabolic complications, identification of biological markers as predictive risk factors would be of tremendous clinical utility. Analysis of obesity-induced modifications of the adipokine profile has been one classic approach in the identification of biomarkers. Recent studies emphasize the utility of metabolomics in the analysis of metabolic characteristics in children with obesity with or without insulin resistance. These studies have been performed with targeted or untargeted approaches, employing different methodologies. This review summarizes some of the advances in this field while emphasizing the importance of the different techniques employed.Cystic echinococcosis (CE) is a World Health Organization (WHO)-listed neglected tropical farm economy jeopardizing and public health concern disease. This study was aimed at furnishing sero-epidemiological baseline data of CE in sheep in Pakistan, where data are non-existent. For this purpose, two sheep-rich provinces of Pakistan were selected, and 728 sheep sera were collected using probability proportional to size (PPS) statistical technique. Epidemiological information was recorded on a questionnaire for the estimation of potential risk factors. The serum samples were analyzed for IgG antibodies against Echinococcus granulosus using an in-house-developed EgAgB-based ELISA kit. The overall seroprevalence recorded was 21.98% (160/728) in the tested sheep, suggesting higher seropositivity in sheep from Punjab (23.73%) as compared to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) (19.04%). The overall apparent prevalence observed by this ELISA method was almost similar to the calculated true prevalence (21.77%). Prevalence was significantly different (p 5 years and having pasture access were the factors significantly associated with seropositivity (p less then 0.05). This study provides serological evidence of E. granulosus infection in sheep and can be used as a model for ante-mortem screening of the sheep globally.Cadmium (Cd) contamination in soils poses great risks to both agricultural production and human health. Calcium (Ca) is an essential element playing a significant role in protecting plants against Cd toxicity. However, how Ca affects Cd uptake and translocation in rice is still not fully elucidated. In this study, the regulatory role of Ca in Cd uptake and upward translocation was investigated in rice at different growth stages. Our results showed that the supplement of 5 mM Ca significantly reduced Cd uptake by rice roots, because of their competition for Ca-permeable channels as an absorption site and Ca-induced downregulation of OsNRAMP1 and OsNRAMP5. However, Ca application facilitated the upward translocation of Cd by both upregulating OsHMA2 to induce xylem loading of Cd and downregulating OsHMA3 to reduce vacuolar sequestration of Cd. Such contrary results suggested a double-edged role of Ca in regulating root Cd uptake and root-to-shoot Cd translocation in rice. Although it increased Cd content in the aboveground vegetative tissues during the whole growth period, the addition of 5 mM Ca eventually decreased Cd content in rice grains at the ripening stage. All these results suggest that Ca-based amendments possess great potential for the production of low-Cd rice grains.Physical activity participation during pregnancy confers many maternal and foetal health benefits to the woman and her infant and is recommended by various health bodies and institutions. Tabersonine price However, in South Africa, scant information exists about the physical activity status and its determinants among pregnant women. The aim of this study was to assess the physical activity level and associated factors among pregnant women. This cross-sectional study enrolled 1082 pregnant women attending public health facilities in Buffalo City Municipality, Eastern Cape, South Africa. Information on socio-demographic and maternal characteristics were obtained, and the Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire was used to assess physical activity during pregnancy. Multiple logistic regression analyses were used to assess associations between physical activity and the predictor variables during pregnancy. Adjusted odds ratios with 95% confidence interval were applied to estimate factors associated with physical activity levels.