Locklear Karstensen posted an update 5 hours, 55 minutes ago
Exposure to lead (Pb) can have serious toxic effects on the physiological and biochemical processes of plants. The chemical form of the metal determines the degree of its toxicity. In our research, we examined the effect of lead in the form of lead nitrate [Pb(NO3)2] and lead chloride (PbCl2) in concentrations of 12.5 mM and 25 mM on pine (Pinus sylvestris) seed germination. Nitrogen salt causes more severe changes than chloride salt. Increasing levels of electrolyte leakage, malondialdehyde, and hydrogen peroxide were detected during germination processes. The high levels of ROS lead to redox changes in the cell. We observed a reduction in the level of the reduced form of glutathione (GSH), and at the same time observed increased levels of the oxidised form of glutathione (GSSG) depending on the concentration and also the time of exposure to lead compounds. At the beginning of germination processes, the effective non-enzymatic activity of the antioxidant cycle was dominant, and at the late stage the enzymatic activity was noticed in the presence of Pb compounds. CAT activity significantly increased after Pb compound exposition.Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is a border or precursor state of dementia. To optimize implemented interventions for MCI, it is essential to clarify the underlying neural mechanisms. However, knowledge regarding the brain regions responsible for MCI is still limited. Here, we implemented the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) test, a screening tool for MCI, in 20 healthy elderly participants (mean age, 67.5 years), and then recorded magnetoencephalograms (MEG) while they performed a visual sequential memory task. In the task, each participant memorized the four possible directions of seven sequentially presented arrow images. Recall accuracy for beginning items of the memory sequence was significantly positively related with MoCA score. Meanwhile, MEG revealed stronger alpha-band (8-13 Hz) rhythm desynchronization bilaterally in the precuneus (PCu) for higher MoCA (normal) participants. Most importantly, this PCu desynchronization response weakened in correspondence with lower MoCA score during the beginning of sequential memory encoding, a time period that should rely on working memory and be affected by declined cognitive function. Our results suggest that deactivation of the PCu is associated with early MCI, and corroborate pathophysiological findings based on post-mortem tissue which have implicated hypoperfusion of the PCu in early stages of Alzheimer disease. Our results indicate the possibility that cognitive decline can be detected early and non-invasively by monitoring PCu activity with electrophysiological methods.Nuclear factor erythroid-2 related factor 2 (NRF2) encoded by the NFE2L2 gene is a transcription factor critical for protecting cells from chemically-induced oxidative stress. We developed computational procedures to identify chemical modulators of NRF2 in a large database of human microarray data. A gene expression biomarker was built from statistically-filtered gene lists derived from microarray experiments in primary human hepatocytes and cancer cell lines exposed to NRF2-activating chemicals (oltipraz, sulforaphane, CDDO-Im) or in which the NRF2 suppressor Keap1 was knocked down by siRNA. Directionally consistent biomarker genes were further filtered for those dependent on NRF2 using a microarray dataset from cells after NFE2L2 siRNA knockdown. The resulting 143-gene biomarker was evaluated as a predictive tool using the correlation-based Running Fisher algorithm. Using 59 gene expression comparisons from chemically-treated cells with known NRF2 activating potential, the biomarker gave a balanced accuracy of 93%. The biomarker was comprised of many well-known NRF2 target genes (AKR1B10, AKR1C1, NQO1, TXNRD1, SRXN1, GCLC, GCLM), 69% of which were found to be bound directly by NRF2 using ChIP-Seq. NRF2 activity was assessed across ~9840 microarray comparisons from ~1460 studies examining the effects of ~2260 chemicals in human cell lines. A total of 260 and 43 chemicals were found to activate or suppress NRF2, respectively, most of which have not been previously reported to modulate NRF2 activity. Using a NRF2-responsive reporter gene in HepG2 cells, we confirmed the activity of a set of chemicals predicted using the biomarker. The biomarker will be useful for future gene expression screening studies of environmentally-relevant chemicals.The harvest of bushmeat is widespread in the tropics and sub-tropics. Often in these communities, there is a dependence on bushmeat for both food security and basic income. Despite the importance of bushmeat for households worldwide, the practice raises concern for transmission of zoonotic pathogens through hunting, food preparation, and consumption. In Uganda, harvest of wildlife is illegal, but bushmeat hunting, is commonplace. We interviewed 292 women who cook for their households and 180 self-identified hunters from 21 villages bordering Murchison Falls National Park in Uganda to gain insights into bushmeat preferences, opportunity for zoonotic pathogen transmission, and awareness of common wildlife-associated zoonoses. Both hunters and women who cook considered primates to be the most likely wildlife species to carry diseases humans can catch. Among common zoonotic pathogens, the greatest proportions of women who cook and hunters believed that pathogens causing stomach ache or diarrhea and monkeypox can be transmitted by wildlife. this website Neither women who cook nor hunters report being frequently injury during cooking, butchering, or hunting, and few report taking precautions while handling bushmeat. The majority of women who cook believe that hunters and dealers never or rarely disguise primate meat as another kind of meat in market, while the majority of hunters report that they usually disguise primate meat as another kind of meat. These data play a crucial role in our understanding of potential for exposure to and infection with zoonotic pathogens in the bushmeat trade. Expanding our knowledge of awareness, perceptions and risks enables us to identify opportunities to mitigate infections and injury risk and promote safe handling practices.