Brooks Haaning posted an update 1 week, 3 days ago
Time series were compiled of terrestrial nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon, iron, and silica fluxes to the Southern California Bight (SCB), a U.S. West Coast embayment (Sutula et al., 2021). GNE-495 order Monitoring data and model output were used to construct a baseline of inputs from direct point source (PS) discharges of wastewater treatment (WWT) effluent (via ocean outfalls) and PS, non-point and natural sources from coastal rivers. The baseline covers 1971-2017 for large WWT plants discharging >50 million gallons per day (MGD) and 1997-2017 for small WWT plants and rivers. PS are the dominant nitrogen source, with contributions of 70% of the total annual freshwater discharge and 95% of nitrogen loads. WWT upgrades have reduced organic nitrogen loads by 73% since 1971. Inorganic nitrogen loads have generally held constant (35-40 Gg y-1) for the large WWT plants. This baseline represents a period prior to extensive wastewater and stormwater recycling that is increasing in the region.To protect and improve water quality in the Great Barrier Reef, the Queensland Government’s Reef 2050 Water Quality Improvement Plan targets that 90% of sugarcane, horticulture, cropping and grazing lands in priority areas be managed using best management practices for sediment, nutrient and pesticides by 2025. Progress towards this target is insufficient and variable across catchments and industries. The motivation to adopt improvements in management practices is heavily influenced by social, economic, cultural and institutional dimensions. In this paper we synthesise the literature on how these human dimensions influence decision making for land management practice and highlight where future investment could be focussed. We highlight that focussing on -1) investigating systems to support landholder decision making under climate uncertainty (risk); 2) generating a better understanding of the extent and drivers of landholder transaction cost; 3) understanding if there are competing ‘right’ ways to farm; and 4) improving understanding of the social processes, trust and power dynamics within GBR industries and what these means for practice change- could improve practice change uptake in the future.To investigate the diversity and distribution of rhizobia associated with Sophora davidii in habitats with different light and soil conditions at the Loess Plateau, we isolated rhizobia from root nodules of this plant grown at 14 sites at forest edge or understory in Shaanxi Province. Based on PCR-RFLP and phylogenies of 16S rRNA gene, housekeeping genes (atpD, dnaK, recA), and symbiosis genes (nodC and nifH), a total of 271 isolates were identified as 16 Mesorhizobium genospecies, belonging to four nodC lineages, and three nifH lineages. The dominance of M. waimense in the forest edge and of M. amorphae/Mesorhizobium sp. X in the understory habitat evidenced the illumination as a possible factor to affect the diversity and biogeographic patterns of rhizobia. However, the results of Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) among the environmental factors and distribution of rhizobial genospecies illustrated that soil pH and contents of total phosphorus, total potassium and total organic carbon were the main determinants for the community structure of S. davidii rhizobia, while the illumination conditions and available P presented similar and minor effects. In addition, high similarity of nodC and nifH genes between Mesorhizobium robiniae and some S. davidii rhizobia under the forest of Robinia pseudoacacia might be evidence for symbiotic gene lateral transfer. These findings firstly brought an insight into the diversity and distribution of rhizobia associated with S. davidii, and revealed illumination conditions a possible factor with impacts less than the soil traits to drive the symbiosis association between rhizobia and their host legumes.Some scientific propositions are so well established that they are no longer debated by the relevant scientific community, such as the fact that greenhouse gas emissions are altering the Earth’s climate. In many cases, such scientifically settled issues are nonetheless rejected by segments of the public. U.S. surveys have repeatedly shown that the rejection of scientific evidence across a broad range of domains is preferentially associated with rightwing or libertarian worldviews, with little evidence for rejection of scientific evidence by people on the political left. We report two preregistered representative surveys (each N > 1000) that (1) sought to explain this apparent political asymmetry and (2) continued the search for the rejection of scientific evidence on the political left. To address the first question, we focused on Merton’s classic analysis of the norms of science, such as communism and universalism, which continue to be internalized by the scientific community but which are not readily reconciled with conservative values. Both studies show that people’s political worldviews are associated with their attitudes towards those scientific norms, and that those attitudes predict people’s acceptance of vaccinations and climate science. The norms of science may thus be in latent conflict with the worldviews of a substantial segment of the public. To address the second question, we examined people’s views on the role of inheritance in determining people’s intelligence, given that the belief in the power of learning and environmental factors to shape human development is a guiding principle of leftwing thought. We find no association between core measures of political worldviews and people’s view of heritability of intelligence, although two subordinate constructs, nationalism and social dominance orientation, were associated with belief in heritability.Auditory temporal resolution, measured through gap detection, is critical for the perception of speech. A time-efficient multi-deviant paradigm has previously been developed for gap detection. The purpose of the present study was to determine if this multi-deviant paradigm could be used for gap detection during NREM sleep. ERPs were recorded in 10 young adults while awake and during the first two hours of NREM sleep. A multi-deviant paradigm was employed with six different deviants varying in gap duration, ranging from 2 to 40 ms. During waking, a DRN was observed for the 10, 20, 30 and 40 ms gaps. The DRN was absent during sleep. A P2 was present in NREM for the 20, 30 and 40 ms gaps followed by a P3a to the 30 and 40 ms gaps. An N350 was observed following the 10, 20, 30 and 40 ms gaps. Previous studies have reported significant ERPs to gaps having shorter durations than the present study. The multi-deviant paradigm may not be suitable for the determination of gap threshold during sleep. Nevertheless, it provides an exquisite means to determine perceptibility and the extent of processing of longer duration, supra-threshold gaps during sleep.