
  • Lynn Welch posted an update 1 week, 5 days ago

    The validity of the trigonometric formula used to appraise facial flatness indices might be questionable. The zygomaxillary index could be more clinically considered compared to the frontal and simotic indices.

    The validity of the trigonometric formula used to appraise facial flatness indices might be questionable. The zygomaxillary index could be more clinically considered compared to the frontal and simotic indices.Staging/restaging of prostate cancer utilizing Gallium-68 (68Ga) prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) in combination with an intravenous urogram allows improved discrimination between radiotracer activity in the renal tract and small pelvic nodes or local recurrences. see more Within this pictorial essay, we describe the imaging protocol utilized at our institution and present cases which demonstrate the utility of this combined imaging approach.A wide variety of cardiothoracic support devices are used in intensive care units and few of these devices are increasingly being utilized in outpatient settings as well. A meticulous assessment of these lines and tubes by the interpreting radiologist is cardinal since malpositioned lines and tubes can significantly impact the functioning of these devices and may result in potential complications affecting the clinical outcomes. The purpose of this article is to illustrate the normal positioning and malpositioning of the routinely used support lines and tubes identified on chest radiographs.Condylar resorption of temporomandibular joint findings in the panoramic radiographs is an indication of bone resorption suggesting possible degenerative joint disease that warrants early screen and subsequent referral to a dedicated specialist. This case series reports three patients that underwent the active orthodontic treatment for the duration of approximately 24-36 months. The patients were asymptomatic at the initial examination. The clinical examination was negative for clicking; the range of motion on opening, lateral excursion, and protrusion was normal. Neither of these patients had a history of rheumatic disease or bruxism. During the later stages of orthodontic treatment, two of the three patients reported mild pain and clicking during mastication, which was also confirmed chairside on clinical evaluation. Patients were referred to the orofacial pain specialist, were they were prescribed specific medication for the symptoms, along with cognitive behavioral therapy, and were further evaluated for splint therapy. Panoramic radiographs taken before the start of the treatment, during the treatment and at the completion of the orthodontic treatments indicate the progression in the resorption of mandibular condyle in all three patients suggesting possible degeneration that warrants further investigation and therapy.A 45-year-old female with a history of hypertension presented with complaints of intermittent vision loss and blurred vision. Clinical examination revealed diffuse retinal whitening in the peripapillary area with multiple visible emboli in the first- and second-order arteries. The patient’s retinal findings were keeping within features of lipemia retinalis, and serum lipids were ordered which returned a triglyceride level of 1504 mg/dL. The patient was referred to primary care for vascular risk factor management and potential genetic testing. Ocular signs of hypertriglyceridemia manifest as lipemia retinalis, characterized by white vascular lesions and retinal lipid infiltration. The high comorbidity of hypertriglyceridemia and hypertension may warrant close monitoring hypertensive complications such as hypertensive retinopathy.

    This study aimed to define variations in radiological C1 and C2 measurements among Vietnamese subjects and to determine the feasibility of implementing C1-2 fixation techniques.

    From October 2017 to April 2018, 120 patients underwent thin slide computed tomography (CT) scans of the cervical spine, in our hospital. Various dimensions of the C1 and C2 were analyzed, using axial and sagittal reconstructions of CT images. Differences in characteristics between the two sides and between sexes were investigated, using Student’s t-test, with significance at

    < 0.05.

    The mean anteroposterior dimension and the transverse width of the C1 lateral mass were 19.7 ± 2.1 mm and 12.2 ± 1.7 mm, respectively. The mean angles of the screw, directed to the maximal medial, lateral, cranial, and caudal directions, were 36.6 ± 2.8°, 28.2 ± 3.0°, 49.6 ± 4.1°, and 26.4 ± 5.5°, respectively. The average isthmus height, internal height, and pedicle width of the C2 were 5.8 ± 1.0 mm, 4.8 ± 1.3 mm, and 5.0 ± 1.3 mm, respectively. No significant differences were observed for any parameters, between the left and right side of the C1 or C2 or between the two sexes.

    This study revealed that the morphology of the C1 and C2 did not differ between genders in the studied subjects, but morphologic variations exist between Vietnamese subjects and other populations. Pre-operative anatomy evaluations based on CT data are essential be performed for screw placement and trajectory planning to avoid neurovascular complications and to enhance the treatment outcome.

    This study revealed that the morphology of the C1 and C2 did not differ between genders in the studied subjects, but morphologic variations exist between Vietnamese subjects and other populations. Pre-operative anatomy evaluations based on CT data are essential be performed for screw placement and trajectory planning to avoid neurovascular complications and to enhance the treatment outcome.Non-atherosclerotic vasculopathies (NAVs) may present with various neurological symptoms ranging from headache, stroke, visual symptoms, and various types of intracranial hemorrhage. NAVs result from different etiologies which include collagenopathies, immunological, hematological, and infection mechanisms, and other rarer unidentifiable or idiopathic causes. NAV etiologies account for about 10-15% and 20-25% of adult and pediatric stroke cases, respectively, and therefore, diagnosing the underlying cause of NAV becomes clinically very important. Clinical diagnosis of NAV is challenging because the clinical presentation is very non-specific and overlapping with various other central nervous system disorders. Before the advent of non-invasive techniques, making a diagnosis of non-atherosclerotic vasculopathy as a cause of the stroke was very challenging. Today with newer techniques such as high-resolution magnetic resonance (MR), MR and computed tomography perfusion, and angiogram, there are number of pointers which can give us a lead about the non-atherosclerotic causes.