Ramsey Justice posted an update 1 week, 2 days ago
Three co-twins had pulmonary stenosis, of whom 1 required balloon valvuloplasty. The literature review revealed 10 cases of CoA, all in the smaller twin. Six cases detected in the first weeks after birth were treated with prostaglandins alone, by repeated transcatheter angioplasty or by surgical repair, with good outcome in 2 out of 6.
CoA specifically affects the smaller twin of growth discordant monochorionic twin pairs. Stent implantation is a feasible bridging therapy to surgery in these low birth weight neonates.
CoA specifically affects the smaller twin of growth discordant monochorionic twin pairs. Stent implantation is a feasible bridging therapy to surgery in these low birth weight neonates.
The prevalence of tobacco smoking among individuals receiving treatment for substance use disorder (SUD) remains high. Respiratory disease and other harms are of prime concern to health policy-makers, given the contributory role played by tobacco smoking in the excess rates of premature mortality seen in individuals with SUD. Selleckchem MF-438 The aim was to use SUD treatment data to investigate tobacco smoking prevalence among subgroups of adults over the course of treatment.
We used the English National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS) to examine number of days tobacco had been smoked in the previous month in adults receiving SUD treatment (N = 106,472, median length of treatment 157 days).
At baseline (treatment start), 48.7% reported smoking tobacco; the highest rate was observed in opiate users (61%). Overall, the level of smoking at the latest assessment was 48.5%. Reductions (of between 5 and 7%) were observed among those who finished treatment but only within the final stages of treatment. A 5% increase in smoking was observed in those still in treatment within the study timeframe.
This study identifies the potential for a greater emphasis on reducing tobacco consumption within SUD treatment, for example, by offering all smokers within SUD treatment smoking cessation support as part of their SUD treatment programme.
This study identifies the potential for a greater emphasis on reducing tobacco consumption within SUD treatment, for example, by offering all smokers within SUD treatment smoking cessation support as part of their SUD treatment programme.
Puerarin (PR) as one of the main ingredients of the root of the traditional herb Kudzu has been suggested to improve chronic alcohol-induced liver injury. We explore the specific mechanisms of PR on hepatocellular changes after administration of alcohol.
Sprague-Dawley rats were treated with 55% alcohol for 12 weeks to induce a chronic alcoholic liver damage model. Then the rats in each group were administered by oral gavage with zileuton, celecoxib, and PR for 2 weeks, respectively.
In the PR group, the weight loss was markedly improved and the abnormal serum alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase were significantly lowered after PR treatment when compared to the alcoholic liver injured model group. Pathological examination indicated that alcohol-induced hepatocellular injury was improved by the PR treatment. The 5-lipoxygenase (5-Lox) and cyclooxygenase-2 (Cox-2) at the protein level and the mRNA level were obviously downregulated accompanied with the PR treatment. Meanwhile, the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPAR-γ) at the protein and mRNA level was notably elevated and the tumor necrosis factor α at the protein and mRNA level was markedly decreased following the PR treatment.
The possible cytoprotective mechanisms of PR may be involved inhibition of the Cox-2 pathway and the 5-Lox pathway to suppress inflammatory response and regulate the protective factor PPAR-γ expression.
The possible cytoprotective mechanisms of PR may be involved inhibition of the Cox-2 pathway and the 5-Lox pathway to suppress inflammatory response and regulate the protective factor PPAR-γ expression.
The quality of the bowel preparation is a critical parameter for the outcome of colonoscopies. It is well established that the bowel preparation modality (e.g. split or larger volume preparation) significantly improves the quality of the bowel preparation. Patient compliance is another important factor impacting on the quality of bowel preparations that receives relatively little research attention. We aimed to explore if intensified education or a lottery ticket as reward for good bowel preparation could improve outcomes.
After informed consent, all patients received a standardized printed information booklet. In a randomized fashion patients were offered A) a lottery scratchy ticket with an opportunity to win $25,000 as ‘reward’ for good bowel preparation, B) an education session delivered over the phone by a trained nurse or C) no additional measure.
Overall, the quality of the bowel preparation was rated good or very good in 69.1% (95% CI 61.7-75.7%) of patients. Reward intervention did not influence the quality of bowel preparation (OR 0.42, 95% CI 0.09-1.91, p=0.260), however bowel preparation quality decreased in patients randomized to receive the additional education (OR 0.28, 95% CI 0.08-0.96, p=0.042). Neither intervention significantly impacted on polyp detection rates.
Contrasting general beliefs, additional interventions (e.g. incentives or phone consultation) did not improve the quality of the bowel preparation. The unexpected result shows that utilizing extra resources must be balanced against real-world outcomes and may not always provide the expected result. .
Contrasting general beliefs, additional interventions (e.g. incentives or phone consultation) did not improve the quality of the bowel preparation. The unexpected result shows that utilizing extra resources must be balanced against real-world outcomes and may not always provide the expected result. .The word epilepsy is derived from the Greek word epilambanein, meaning “to seize.” This term came to embody the disease as early descriptions characterized seizures as events in which the faculties of the mind and body were “seized” from the individual. This notion of seizing the mind and body’s faculties has in essence remained a constant throughout the evolution of epilepsy. The theories elucidating the significance of the event, however, have surely shifted with the times, reflecting an elegant battle among magic, science, and theology. Subsequent advents in clinical observation, diagnostic evaluation, and therapeutics unfurled many mysteries of the brain and revolutionized prevailing theories, landing epilepsy as it is known today far beyond the primitive and highly supernatural notions that predominated in antiquity.