
  • Boyette Rosa posted an update 1 week, 3 days ago

    Full-text articles were obtained for review if necessary, to allow further assessment of inclusion and exclusion criteria. Additionally, all references from the included studies were reviewed and reconciled to verify that no relevant articles were missing from the systematic review.

    Short nails were associated with statistically significantly less estimated blood loss and operative time compared to long nails. There were no significant differences in transfusion rates, implant failures or overall re-operation rates between implant lengths. Similarly, there was no significant difference in peri-implant fracture between implant lengths.

    Overall, the available clinical evidence supports the use of short cephalomedullary nails for the majority of intertrochanteric femur fractures.

    Meta-analysis; Level III, therapeutic.

    Meta-analysis; Level III, therapeutic.

    The treatment of extremely severe and rigid spinal deformities was a great surgical challenge. Pulmonary impairment often occurred, which increased the challenges to already daunting surgical approaches. The present study was performed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of posterior-only surgical correction with heavy halo-femoral traction (HFT) for the treatment of extremely severe and rigid adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) of more than 130°.

    From 2010 to 2017, 11 patients suffered from extremely severe and rigid AIS of more than 130° underwent posterior-only surgical correction with HFT. The preoperative mean coronal Cobb angle of major curve was 139.01° ± 5.83°, and the mean flexibility was 17.21% ± 3.33%; the mean angle of thoracic kyphosis (TK) and lumbar lordosis (LL) were 65.02° ± 7.21° and 39.05° ± 4.08°, respectively; the mean trunk shift (TS) and sagittal vertical axis (SVA) were 3.3 ± 0.97cm and 3.97 ± 1.16cm, respectively; moreover, the percent forced vital capacity (FVC%) and percent fomprovement of 14.36cm and 8kg, respectively. The spinal cord function was stable, and there were no new neurological symptoms after correction.

    Posterior-only surgical correction with heavy HFT could be safe and effective for the treatment of extremely severe and rigid AIS of more than 130° in reducing the incidence of complications and greatly improving curve correction.

    Posterior-only surgical correction with heavy HFT could be safe and effective for the treatment of extremely severe and rigid AIS of more than 130° in reducing the incidence of complications and greatly improving curve correction.

    Preventing nerve injury is critical in elbow surgery. Distal extension of medial approaches, required for coronoid fracture fixation and graft-replacement, may endanger the median nerve. This study aims to describe an easily identifiable and reproducible anatomical landmark to localize the median nerve distal to the joint line and to delineate how its relative position changes with elbow flexion and forearm rotation.

    The median nerve and the ulnar insertion of the brachialis muscle were identified in eleven fresh-frozen cadaveric specimens after dissection over an extended medial approach. The elbow was brought first in full extension and then in 90° flexion, and the shortest distance between the two structures was measured while rotating the forearm in full pronation, neutral position and full supination.

    The distance between the median nerve and the brachialis insertion was highest with the elbow flexed and the forearm in neutral position. All distances measured in flexion were larger than those in extension, and all distances measured from the most proximal point of the brachialis insertion were larger than those from the most distal point. Distances in pronation and in supination were smaller than to those in neutral forearm position.

    The ulnar insertion of the brachialis is a reliable landmark to localize and protect the median nerve at the level of the coronoid base. Elbow flexion and neutral forearm position increase significantly the safety margins between the two structures; this information suggests some modifications to the previously described medial elbow approaches.

    Basic Science Study.

    Basic Science Study.

    Rotator cuff tears are common in the older population. selleckchem Atrophy and fat infiltration develop un-evenly in torn supraspinatus (SSP) muscles leading to pre- and post-surgical complications. The purpose of the current study was twofoldfirst, to implement a volumetric and quantitative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) approach to quantify the degree of muscle atrophy and fat infiltration within the SSP muscle and its four sub-regions (AS, PS, AD, and PD);second to compare 3-D MRI outcomes to the standard 2-D assessment and investigate their relationship with tear size.

    Fifteen cadaveric shoulders were obtained and MRI performed. Quantitative 3-D outcomes included SSP muscle volume, fossa volume, fat-free muscle volume, and fat fraction for the whole SSP muscle and its four sub-regions. 2-D and qualitative measurements included tear size, 2-D fat infiltration using the Goutallier classification, tangent sign, and occupation ratio.

    Linear regression outcomes with tear size were not significant for both cross-sessment of muscle degeneration resulted in better outcomes compared to the standard 2-D evaluation. The superficial supraspinatus muscle sub-regions primarily presented muscle atrophy, while the deep sub-regions were mainly affected by fat infiltration. 3-D assessments could be used pre-surgically to determine the best course of treatment and to estimate the muscles’ regenerative capacity and function.

    The current treatment for acromioclavicular (AC) dislocation lacks a gold standard and previous literature concludes that coracoclavicular (CC) fixation with additional AC cerclage fixation adds stability and is a useful adjunct to augment these repairs.

    The purpose of this study was to investigate the clinical and radiological value of an additional AC cerclage. It was hypothesised that an additional AC cerclage would show better clinical results. We further expected the additional AC cerclage to result in lower radiological loss of reduction compared to the technique relying on CC-fixation only.

    A total of 30 male patients with acute (less than 3weeks) AC-dislocations Rockwood grade IV and V from 2013 to 2014 underwent arthroscopic bi-cortical CC-ligament reconstruction. Patients were assigned to a surgeon depending on the day of clinical presentation. One surgeon used only bi-cortical CC-ligament reconstruction (no-PDS group); the other surgeons used an additional PDS cerclage with an 8-loop configuration over the AC joint (PDS group).