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    are and follow-up for premature neonates and those face prolonged labor need to be improved in Ethiopia.BACKGROUND Chronic, non-communicable diseases are a significant public health priority, requiring action at individual, community and population levels, and public and political will for such action. Exposure to media, including news, entertainment, and advertising media, is likely to influence both individual behaviours, and attitudes towards preventive actions at the population level. In recent years there has been a proliferation of research exploring how chronic diseases and their risk factors are portrayed across various forms of media. This scoping review aims to map the literature in this area to identify key themes, gaps, and opportunities for future research in this area. METHODS We searched three databases (Medline, PsycINFO and Global Health) in July 2016 and identified 499 original research articles meeting inclusion criteria original research article, published in English, focusing on media representations of chronic disease (including how issues are framed in media, impact or effect of media rep in-depth syntheses of studies within the identified themes will allow us to draw out the key patterns and learnings across the literature.BACKGROUND Clinical trials are essential to improve knowledge of anesthesia and perioperative medicine. Unfortunately, many studies face participant-recruitment issues and fail to include the planned number of participants. There is limited published data about how information delivered about the study or how the experiences and attitudes of prospective participants influence willingness to participate. The purpose of this study was to identify such factors in the domain of anesthesia care. METHODS We performed a cross-sectional study at the Geneva University Hospitals (Switzerland) using a newly developed paper-based questionnaire on a sample of outpatients with a recent hospital stay and that were aged over 18 years, confident speaking French and free of any disease that could hinder participation. We explored patient personal factors, such as current health, past exposure to clinical research and anesthesia, as well as study-related factors. Six different scenarios for clinical studies were assessed. Lineareal studies still remains hypothetical and our results should be interpreted as such. Nevertheless, the study contributes to improve understanding of factors that may act as incentives or barriers to participation in clinical trials. It highlights the importance of providing appropriate information and reassurance to patients.BACKGROUND Motoric cognitive risk syndrome (MCR) is a newly proposed predementia syndrome incorporating subjective cognitive complaints and slow gait. Previous studies have reported that subjective cognitive complaints and slow gait are associated with frailty in cognitively unimpaired older adults, but little is known about the link between MCR and frailty in older adults. 666-15 inhibitor Therefore, the aim of the study was to explore the associations of MCR and its components with frailty in older Chinese adults. METHODS In an observational cross-sectional study, a total of 429 older adults aged 60 years and older were admitted to the geriatric department. According to MCR criteria, all participants were classified into 4 groups 1) the MCR group; 2) the subjective cognitive complaints only group; 3) the slow gait only group; and 4) the healthy control group. Physical frailty was assessed by the Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS). Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to examine the association between MCR and frailty in older adults. RESULTS The prevalence rates of subjective cognitive complaints, slow gait and MCR were 15.9, 10.0 and 4.0%, respectively. After adjusting for confounding variables, the logistic regression analysis showed that slow gait (odds ratio [OR] 3.40, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.40-8.23, P = 0.007) and MCR (OR 5.53, 95% CI 1.46-20.89, P = 0.012) were independently associated with frailty, but subjective cognitive complaints were not. CONCLUSIONS MCR and slow gait were significantly associated with frailty in older Chinese adults. Further studies should prospectively determine the causal relationship between MCR and frailty.BACKGROUND With the growth in use of biotherapic drugs in various medical fields, the occurrence of anti-drug antibodies represents nowadays a serious issue. This immune response against a drug can be due either to pre-existing antibodies or to the novel production of antibodies from B-cell clones by a fraction of the exposed subjects. Identifying genetic markers associated with the immunogenicity of biotherapeutic drugs may provide new opportunities for risk stratification before the introduction of the drug. However, real-world investigations should take into account that the population under study is a mixture of pre-immune, immune-reactive and immune-tolerant subjects. METHOD In this work, we propose a novel test for assessing the effect of genetic markers on drug immunogenicity taking into account that the population under study is a mixed one. This test statistic is derived from a novel two-part semiparametric improper survival model which relies on immunological mechanistic considerations. RESULTS Simulation results show the good behavior of the proposed statistic as compared to a two-part logrank test. In a study on drug immunogenicity, our results highlighted findings that would have been discarded when considering classical tests. CONCLUSION We propose a novel test that can be used for analyzing drug immunogenicity and is easy to implement with standard softwares. This test is also applicable for situations where one wants to test the equality of improper survival distributions of semi-continuous outcomes between two or more independent groups.BACKGROUND Evidence is unclear on whether inequalities in average levels of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) reflect differences in participation, differences in the amount of time spent active, or both. Using self-reported data from 24,882 adults (Health Survey for England 2008, 2012, 2016), we examined gender-specific inequalities in these separate aspects for total and domain-specific MVPA. METHODS Hurdle models accommodate continuous data with excess zeros and positive skewness. Such models were used to assess differences between income groups in three aspects (1) the probability of doing any MVPA, (2) the average hours/week spent in MVPA, and (3) the average hours/week spent in MVPA conditional on participation (MVPA-active). Inequalities were summarised on the absolute scale using average marginal effects (AMEs) after confounder adjustment. RESULTS Inequalities were robust to adjustment in each aspect for total MVPA and for sports/exercise. Differences between adults in high-income versus low-income households in sports/exercise MVPA were 2.