Frandsen Jochumsen posted an update 1 week, 3 days ago
In this study, the authors provide a better understanding of enrollment trends associated with dental plans embedded in private-sector, employer-sponsored insurance health plans for the years 2005, 2010, 2015, and2018.
Data used were from the insurance component of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey. The authors present the number of employees enrolled in employer-sponsored insurance health plans and the percentage of these employees enrolled in health plans that include dental benefits. The authors present yearly estimates for 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2018, according to employer characteristics and state.
While the number of embedded dental benefit plans has decreased from approximately 14.1 million plans to slightly more than 9.3 million plans in 2018 since 2005, the percentage of enrollees in employer-sponsored insurance health plans with dental coverage has decreased from approximately 23.2% of enrollees to slightly more than 15.0%.
Although the percentage of embedded dental plans is decreasing, they are still an important component of the dental insurance market and are especially important to those employees who are enrolled.
Information will provide a better understanding of the source and extent of embedded dental plans provided via private-sector employers. These plans are often less generous than stand-alone plans.
Information will provide a better understanding of the source and extent of embedded dental plans provided via private-sector employers. These plans are often less generous than stand-alone plans.
A novel coronavirus named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2) was identified at the end of 2019. The disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 wasnamed COVID-19. The main purpose of this review was to provide an overview of SARS-CoV-2.
The authors searched the MEDLINE database for clinical studies related to virus characteristics, pathogenesis, diagnosis, transmission mechanisms, and treatment options.
As of January 27, 2021, the number of infected people and deaths associated with COVID-19 worldwide were approximately 100 million and 2 million, respectively. The manifestations of COVID-19 are variable, and the severity is affected by age and preexisting medical conditions. Children and adolescents are usually asymptomatic or have mild symptoms. Older adults, in comparison, may experience severe illness and have disproportionally elevated mortality. Among those who survive, some may experience enduring deficits. The viral load is particularly elevated in saliva and oropharynx, which constitutve results can occur.
The elevated viral load in the oral cavity and pharynx suggests that oral health care professionals could get infected through occupational exposure. Providers should understand the variables that influence the yield of diagnostic studies because false-negative results can occur.Artificial reproduction in dairy cattle is challenged by summer temperatures in tropical environments. We describe a treatment based on mild temperature increases to induce thermotolerance and improve the embryo’s performance under heat stress conditions. A protocol was established to induce upregulation of heat shock protein A (HSPA, formerly known as HSP70) but not impair embryonic development. Thermal treatment (TT) had no effect on morula/blastocyst rate or blastocyst quality (cell number and apoptosis). Heat shock given one day after TT revealed higher (P=0.00) survival rates in TT blastocysts compared with Control. Treated embryos were transferred to recipients and no detrimental effects were observed regarding pregnancy rates, length, fetal growth or calf weight. Our results demonstrated that the established TT protocol could induce a thermal response by the embryo and is safe for further development.Background Sexual communication between partners is associated with safer sex behaviours, including condom use among adolescents. Several studies have found a relationship between negative psychological constructs (e.g. depression, anxiety) and poor sexual communication; however, scant research exists regarding positive psychological constructs and their potential to promote effective sexual communication among adolescents. This study examined the association between a positive construct, social self-efficacy – a person’s belief in their ability to successfully manage social relationships – and three components of sexual communication sexual assertiveness, self-efficacy for communication, and frequency of sexual communication with dating partners.
Data were collected in a cross-sectional survey from 222 high school girls in a rural school district in the south-eastern United States (Mage = 15.2; 38% White, 29% Latina, 24% Black; 50% were in a dating relationship in the past 3 months). Variables were measured with Likert-type scales. Bivariate correlation and regression analyses were conducted.
Social self-efficacy was significantly positively associated with sexual assertiveness and sexual communication self-efficacy for all girls, and there was a positive trend in the relationship between social self-efficacy and communication frequency among the subsample of girls who had a dating partner. The significant relationship with sexual assertiveness (β = 0.22, s.e. = 0.07, P = 0.001) and sexual communication self-efficacy (β = 0.17, s.e. = 0.04, P = 0.013) remained when controlling for sexual activity status.
Strengthening social self-efficacy may enhance girls’ sexual communication and assertiveness skills. Future studies are needed to confirm the causal and temporal nature of these associations.
Strengthening social self-efficacy may enhance girls’ sexual communication and assertiveness skills. Future studies are needed to confirm the causal and temporal nature of these associations.After the translating of the worldwide pandemic COVID-19 disease from South East Asia to Europe, north African countries accelerate their steps to follow WHO guidelines to prepare the outbreak response.In March 2020, Tunisian ministry of health switched Abderrahmen Mami Hospital as a COVID-19 center. U0126 inhibitor Main objectives were management of patients but also setting-up new rules to permit enough safety for the staff members and harmony between medical, non medical and administrative departments within the facility. Organization and communication during the accelerating rate preparation process were crucial to get enough qualified human resources, material resources and clear procedural texts just in time before cases arrival in huge numbers. A group of medical and administrative experts within a central crisis unit brought this challenge into reality.