
  • Alston Nguyen posted an update 2 days, 11 hours ago

    These simulated spectra work not only as a map to the BNHCX conformation, but also, combined with electronic structure calculations, provide a clear understanding of recent experimental XANES findings on BNHCX/Au.Herein, by performing a templated electrodeposition process with an oscillating electrical signal stimulation, a vessel-like structured chitosan hydrogel (diameter about 0.4 mm) was successfully prepared in the absence of salt conditions. Experimental results demonstrated that the hydrogel growth (e.g. the thickness) is linearly correlated with the imposed charge transfer and can be well quantified by using a theoretical moving front model. Morphological observations indicated that the heterogeneous multilayer structure was spatially and temporally controlled by an externally employed electrical signal sequence while the channel structure could be determined by the shaped electrode. Moreover, the oscillating ON-OFF cycles were proved to strongly affect the film structure, leading to a more compact hydrogel coating with a lower water content, higher crystallinity, complex layer architecture and relatively strong mechanical properties that could be easily peeled off as a free-standing hollow tube. Importantly, all the experiments were conducted under mild conditions that allowed additional enhancing materials to be added in to further improve the mechanical and/or biological properties. Thus, this work advances a very promising self-assembly technology for the construction of a multi-functional hydrogel coating and artificial blood vessel regeneration.We report the synthesis, characterisation and magnetic properties of six novel neutral lanthanide cryptate coordination complexes. Reaction of 2,6-diformyl-4-methylphenol, tris(2-aminoethyl)amine and Ln(OTf)3·9H2O in the ratio 3  2  1, respectively, and in the presence of base affords the isolation of the six complexes LnL·4H2O (Ln = Tb (1), Dy (2), Ho (3), Er (4), Tm (5) and Yb (6)), with H3L being the cryptand N[(CH2)2N[double bond, length as m-dash]CH-R-CH[double bond, length as m-dash]N-(CH2)2]3N (R = m-C6H2OH-2-Me-5). Powder X-ray diffraction confirms that the six complexes are isostructural. The crystal structure of 6 reveals that the Ln(iii) centre is heptacoordinated, in a geometry close to a monocapped distorted octahedron and lies on a pseudo (non-crystallographically imposed) C3 axis. This coordination sphere is similar to the one found in the previously studied Ln(trensal) complexes (H3trensal = 2,2′,2”-tris(salicylideneimino)triethylamine). The static and dynamic magnetic properties of these complexes were investigated by SQUID magnetometry. Crystal field parameters were determined for all complexes by modelling of the direct current magnetic susceptibility and variable-temperature-variable-field magnetisation data. As for Ln(trensal), only complexes containing the Kramers ions Dy, Er and Yb displayed out-of-phase susceptibility signals in SQUID measurements in an applied magnetic field. see more Investigation of the dynamic susceptibility of the Yb complex revealed that the magnetic relaxation is governed by a direct process at low temperatures and a Raman process at higher temperatures, similar to Yb(trensal).Whey, a byproduct of cheese production, is often treated as an industrial dairy waste. A large volume of this product is disposed of annually due to inadequate bioconversion approaches. With its high pollutant load, disposal without pretreatment has raised a lot of environmental concerns alerting the need to seek optimal methods for adequately extracting and utilizing its organic content. In recent years, several techniques for whey valorization have emerged which may serve as interventionary measures against its environmental effects after disposal. In this review, we discuss five major approaches, by which whey can be converted into eco-friendly products, to significantly cut whey wastage. The approaches to whey valorization are therefore examined under the following perspectives whey as a raw material for the production of bioethanol and prebiotic oligosaccharides via β-galactosidase and microbe catalyzed reactions, for the production of refined lactose as an excipient for pharmaceutical purposes, and the clinical significance of whey hydrolysates and their antifungal activity in food processing.Two-dimensional Bi2Te3 nanosheets (NSs) have recently been validated as a new type of photothermal agent to provide an alternative option for tumor ablation via light-induced hyperthermia. However, the surface of Bi2Te3 NSs lacks active radicals for the conjugation of functional molecules, which undoubtedly impedes their versatile utilization in medical areas. Here, the surface activation of Bi2Te3 NSs was accomplished via the in situ growth of an SiO2 nanoshell assisted by tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS). Upon the co-condensation of (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane (ATPES), terminal amino groups (-NH2) were generated on the surface of the Bi2Te3@SiO2 NSs, which were further covalently coupled with the photosensitizer chlorin e6 (Ce6) through a standard amide reaction. The resultant Bi2Te3@SiO2/Ce6 (BSC) NSs displayed admirable photothermal properties, a high Ce6 loading capacity, and good biocompatibility. Upon dual-wavelength laser irradiation, an excellent tumor suppression effect arising from thermal ablation and reactive oxygen species (ROS)-induced apoptosis was verified both in cell experiments and in animal studies. In addition, synchronous fluorescence/photoacoustic/infrared (FL/PA/IR) tri-modal imaging could provide useful information for both tumor diagnosis and prognosis. Overall, this facile strategy for the activation of Bi2Te3 is regarded to be universal for the development of more versatile Bi2Te3-based nanoplatforms, which should favor the rapid diagnosis and effective treatment of fatal diseases.In this study, the electronic structure and adsorption properties of O and OH for a series of Pt-Co alloys with different Pt/Co ratios (5  1, 2  1, 1  1, 1  2, and 1  5) were systematically studied using density functional theory calculations. Our computational results demonstrated that the introduced Co atoms have multiple effects on the surface electronic structure in different atomic layers of the alloy, leading to the discrepancies in the electronic structure between Pt-skin structures and non-Pt-skin structures. Moreover, the influence of the surface electronic structure on the adsorption of O and OH slightly differs. Indeed, the adsorption of O is more remarkably affected by the Pt/Co ratio than the OH adsorption and better follows the d-band center theory. Due to the difference of the alloy structure and the effect of different layer Co atoms, the adsorption of O and OH on the alloy configurations with the same Pt/Co ratio has different outcomes. Our results suggested that the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) activity is related not only to the Pt/Co ratio of alloy surfaces but also to the specific surface structure.